30 research outputs found

    Preliminary Results of Heat Transfer from a Stationary and Rotating Ellipsoidal Spinner

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    Convective heat-transfer coefficients in dry air were obtained for an ellipsoidal spinner of 30-inch maximum diameter for both stationary and rotating operation over a range of conditions including airspeeds up to 275 miles per hour, rotational speeds up to 1200 rpm, and angles of attack of zero and 40 The results are presented in terms of Nusselt numbers, Reynolds numbers, and convective heat-transfer coefficients. The studies included both uniform heating densities over the spinner and uniform surface temperatures.. In general, the results showed that rotation will increase the convective heat transfer from a spinner, especially in the turbulent-flow regions. Rotation of the spinner at 1200 rpm and at a free-stream velocity of 275 miles per hour increased the Nusselt number parameter in the turbulent-flow region by 32 percent over that obtained with a stationary spinner; whereas in the nose region, where the flow was laminar, an increase of only 18 percent was observed. Transition from laminar to turbulent flow occurred over a large range of Reynolds numbers primarily because of surface roughness of the spinner. Operation at an angle of attack of 40 had only small effects on the local convective heat transfer for the model studied

    New interpretations of shock-associated noise with and without screech

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    Anomalous trends in present convergent nozzle (Mach 1) shock associated noise analyses and predictions, with particular emphasis on the roles of screech and jet temperature, are discussed. Experimentally measured values of shock associated noise are used to reassess data trends, including both frequency and sound pressure level. The data used includes model-scale nozzles, varying in nominal diameter from 5 cm to 13 cm, and full scale engine nozzles up to 48 cm. All data were obtained at static conditions. From this reassessment of the measured data, new empirical methods for the prediction of shock associated noise are developed. Separate procedures are presented for screech free and screech contaminated shock associated noise. In the present approach, shock associated noise spectra are developed from considerations that include the peak sound pressure level and its frequency, the low frequency sound pressure level slope, and the high frequency sound pressure level slope or roll-off; the latter is shown to vary with directivity angle

    Influence of multitube mixer nozzle geometry on CTOL-OTW jet noise shielding

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    Acoustic shielding benefits for CTOL over-the-wing (OTW) applications were obtained experimentally with various multitube nozzles using a simple board to represent a wing. Eight nozzles consisting of three to thirteen 2.36-cm diameter tubes were tested. The nozzles included single and double rings of tubes. Shielding surface lengths of 15.0 to 54.4 cm were used with each nozzle. Far-field noise data were obtained at 90 deg from the jet axis and with a nominal jet exhaust velocity of 200 m/sec. The jet noise shielding benefits for the nozzles with double rows of tubes, in terms of sound pressure level spectra, are correlated successfully as a function of an earlier developed parameter for nozzles with a single ring of tubes that includes consideration of the number of tubes and the local peak velocity in the flow field at the trailing edge of the shielding surface

    Rectangular nozzle plume velocity modeling for use in jet noise prediction

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    A modeling technique for predicting the axial and transverse velocity characteristics of rectangular nozzle plumes is developed. In this technique, modeling of the plume cross section is initiated at the nozzle exit plane. The technique is demonstrated for the plume issuing from a rectangular nozzle having an aspect ratio of 6.0 and discharging into quiescent air. Application of the present procedures to a nozzle discharging into a moving airstream (flight effect) are then demonstrated. The effects of plume shear layer structure modification on the velocity flowfield are discussed and modeling procedures are illustrated by example

    Preliminary analysis of tone-excited two-stream jet velocity decay

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    Acoustic research related to jet flows has established that sound, by amplifying the naturally occuring large-scale structures in turbulent shear layers, can cause a more rapidly decay of the jet plume velocity and temperature and an increase in jet spreading rate. One possible application of this sound-flow interaction phenomenon is to future STOL aircraft that may require modified jet plume characteristics in order to reduce the loads and temperatures on the deflected flaps during take-off and landing operations. The tone-excitation effect on the velocity decay of model-scale, two-stream jet plumes is analyzed. Measured data are correlated in terms of parameters that include excitation sound level and outer-to-inner stream velocity ratio. The effect of plume tone-excitation on far-field jet noise is examined and its implication for large-scale two-stream jets is discussed

    Wing aerodynamic loading caused by jet-induced lift associated with STOL-OTW configurations

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    Surface pressure distributions were obtained with model-scale STOL-OTW configurations using various nozzles designed to promote flow attachment to the wing/flap surface. The nozzle configurations included slot-types and both circular and slot nozzles with external flow deflectors. The wing aerodynamic loading caused by the jet-induced lift is presented in conventional terms of delta p/q as a function of chordwise surface distance in the nozzle centerline plane as well as outboard of the nozzle centerline. Nozzle roof/deflector angle, chordwise location of the nozzle, wing size, and flap deflection angle are included in the geometric variables affecting the wing loading

    OTW noise correlation for several nozzle/wing geometries using a 5:1 slot nozzle with external deflectors

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    Acoustic spectral data obtained from a model-scale study of several over the wing (OTW) configurations with a 5:1 slot nozzle using various external deflectors are correlated in terms of deflector geometry and flow parameters. Variations in the deflector geometry include deflector size and deflector angle. In addition, geometry variations in flap setting and nozzle chordwise location are included. Three dominant noise sources are correlated: fluctuating lift noise, flap trailing edge noise, and jet mixing noise. Aerodynamic characteristics including lift and thrust measurements, obtained for the various configurations are summarized

    Correlation of combustor acoustic power levels inferred from internal fluctuating pressure measurements

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    Combustion chamber acoustic power levels inferred from internal fluctuating pressure measurements are correlated with operating conditions and chamber geometries over a wide range. The variables include considerations of chamber design (can, annular, and reverse-flow annular) and size, number of fuel nozzles, burner staging and fuel split, airflow and heat release rates, and chamber inlet pressure and temperature levels. The correlated data include those obtained with combustion component development rigs as well as engines

    Assessment at full scale of exhaust nozzle to wing size on STOL-OTW acoustic characteristics

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    On the basis of static aero/acoustic data obtained at model scale, the effect of exhaust nozzle size on flyover noise is evaluated at full scale for different STOL-OTW nozzle configurations. Three types of nozzles are evaluated: a circular/deflector nozzle mounted above the wing; a slot/deflector nozzle mounted on the wing; and a slot nozzle mounted on the wing. The nozzle exhaust plane location, measured from the wing leading edge, was varied from 10 to 46 percent of the wing chord (flaps retracted). Flap angles of 20 deg (takeoff) and 60 deg (approach) are included in the study. Initially, perceived noise levels (PNL) are calculated as a function flyover distance at 152m altitude. From these plots, static EPNL values (defined as flyover relative noise levels), are obtained as functions of nozzle size for equal aerodynamic performance (lift and thrust). The acoustic benefits attributable to nozzle size relative to a given wing chord size are assessed

    Nozzle and wing geometry effects on OTW aerodynamic characteristics

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    The effects of nozzle geometry and wing size on the aerodynamic performance of several 5:1 aspect ratio slot nozzles are presented for over-the-wing (OTW) configurations. Nozzle geometry variables include roof angle, sidewall cutback, and nozzle chordwise location. Wing variables include chord size, and flap deflection. Several external deflectors also were included for comparison. The data indicate that good flow turning may not necessarily provide the best aerodynamic performance. The results suggest that a variable exhaust nozzle geometry offers the best solution for a viable OTW configuration