66 research outputs found

    Niche differentiation and plasticity in soil phosphorus acquisition among co-occurring plants

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    How species coexist despite competing for the same resources that are in limited supply is central to our understanding of the controls on biodiversity. Resource partitioning may facilitate coexistence, as co-occurring species use different sources of the same limiting resource. In plant communities, however, direct evidence for partitioning of the commonly limiting nutrient, phosphorus (P), has remained scarce due to the challenges of quantifying P acquisition from its different chemical forms present in soil. To address this, we used 33P to directly trace P uptake from DNA, orthophosphate and calcium phosphate into monocultures and mixed communities of plants growing in grassland soil. We show that co-occurring plants acquire P from these important organic and mineral sources in different proportions, and that differences in P source use are consistent with the species’ root adaptations for P acquisition. Furthermore, the net benefit arising from niche plasticity (the gain in P uptake for a species in a mixed community compared to monoculture) correlates with species abundance in the wild, suggesting that niche plasticity for P is a driver of community structure. This evidence for P resource partitioning and niche plasticity may explain the high levels of biodiversity frequently found in P-limited ecosystems worldwide

    Studying organic matter molecular assemblage within a whole organic soil by nuclear magnetic resonance

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    This work shows the applicability of two-dimensional (2D) 1H-13C heteronudear correlation (HETCOR) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to the characterization of whole soils. A combination of different mixing times and cross polarization (CP) methods, namely Lee-Goldberg (LG)-CP and Ramp-CP are shown to afford, for the first time, intra- and intermolecular connectivities, allowing for molecular assemblage information to be obtained on a whole soil. Our results show that, for the brackish marsh histosol under study, two isolated domains could be detected. The first domain consists of O-alkyl and aromatic moieties (lignocellulose material), while the second domain is comprised of alkyl type moieties (cuticular material). The role of these domains is discussed in terms of hydrophobic organic compound sorption within soil organic matter (SOM), including the possible effects of wetting and drying cycles. Copyright © 2008 by the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America. All rights reserved
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