796 research outputs found

    How does intellectual capital align with cyber security?

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    Purpose – To position the preservation and protection of intellectual capital as a cyber security concern. We outline the security requirements of intellectual capital to help Boards of Directors and executive management teams to understand their responsibilities and accountabilities in this respect.Design/Methodology/Approach – The research methodology is desk research. In other words, we gathered facts and existing research publications that helped us to define key terms, to formulate arguments to convince BoDs of the need to secure their intellectual capital, and to outline actions to be taken by BoDs to do so.Findings – Intellectual capital, as a valuable business resource, is related to information, knowledge and cyber security. Hence, preservation thereof is also related to cyber security governance, and merits attention from boards of directors.Implications – This paper clarifies boards of directors’ intellectual capital governance responsibilities, which encompass information, knowledge and cyber security governance.Social Implications – If boards of directors know how to embrace their intellectual capital governance responsibilities, this will help to ensure that such intellectual capital is preserved and secured.Practical Implications – We hope that boards of directors will benefit from our clarifications, and especially from the positioning of intellectual capital in cyber space.Originality/Value – This paper extends a previous paper published by Von Solms and Von Solms (2018), which clarified the key terms of information and cyber security, and the governance thereof. The originality and value is the focus on the securing of intellectual capital, a topic that has not yet received a great deal of attention from cyber security researchers

    Business school creativity amongst MBA students at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

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    Innovation allows for competitive advantage. Competitive advantage and innovation lead to economic growth. For innovation to occur, creativity is necessary. All individuals are creative, but continuous practice is necessary to be creative. The process from creativity to innovation and competitive advantage and economic growth involves three stages. The first stage involves educating primary and secondary school children to be creative across different domains. Current school systems focus on mathematical and linguistic skills. Examples of domains are linguistic, performance, mechanicalscientific and artistic. These creative domains can be taught through encouraging children to use their imagination and different methods. In primary and secondary education little-c creativity and mini-c creativity are developed. Little-c creativity involves developing problem solving skills. Mini-c creativity involves the ability to recognise personal creative events, not necessarily recognised by others. Tertiary education involves students gaining knowledge in a specific domain. While studying to gain knowledge and conduct research on a specific domain, practicing creativity is still important. Upon completion of tertiary education the second stage in creating economic growth through creativity and innovation commences. This second stage involves organisations hiring creative employees that have knowledge within a domain similar to the organisation‟s industry. Creative employees develop creative ideas. The creative ideas allow for innovative products to be developed. Innovative products satisfy customer needs and lead to competitive advantage. Managers should encourage employees to be innovative. Employees that are motivated and encouraged to take risks develop a talent within the domain that they are employed in. The ability to be creative and innovative leads to pro-creativity and big-c creativity. Pro-c creativity refers to a talent being developed over approximately ten years. Big-c creativity involves creating products that benefits society positively. Upon creating products that benefit society, competitive advantage is created that allows for the third stage of creating economic growth to commence. This third stage involves economic growth that stems from innovation and creative individuals. Countries currently focus on stage two where they aim to encourage innovation amongst organisations. There is a realisation that to be innovative,creativity is necessarily and that creativity must be taught by means of education. This research study will use a questionnaire by Kaufman (2009, 2012, 2013) to determine how creative students perceive they are and whether they are capable of recognising different levels of creativity. A similar study was conducted in Germany and Mexico. Professor Alexander Brem was asked for the questionnaire. The questionnaire was translated from German to English. The objective is to determine whether students perceive themselves to be creative, thus being innovative within their organisations and indirectly allowing for competitive advantage and economic growth. Kaufmans‟ questionnaire was distributed to Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Masters in Business Administration students. Ethics clearance was granted and answering the questionnaire was optional.To draw conclusions an Exploratory Factor Analysis was done on creative domains and the levels of creativity students are able to recognise. The first Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed performance creativity as the first factor, mechanicalscientific creativity as the second factor, scholarly creativity as the third factor and artistic creativity as the fourth factor. The second Exploratory Factor Analysis grouped pro-c creativity, big-c creativity and little-c creativity as the first factor, not being able to recognise creativity as the second factor and mini-c creativity as the third factor. The individual results from each factor were discussed. Each factor was further analysed by comparing gender, age, year‟s work experience and type of students to the type and level of creativity. The results show three trends. Firstly, results indicated that respondents perceived themselves to be predominantly scholarly and mathematical-scientific creative. This result is synonymous with secondary research that states that educational institutions focus on enhancing linguistic and mathematical skills amongst students and that developing skills in other domains are seen as less important. Secondly, the ability of students to recognise different levels of creativity decreases from big-creativity to pro-c creativity; pro-c creativity to little-c creativity and little-c creativity to mini-c creativity. Students are therefore better able to recognise large inventions than smaller inventions. Thirdly, results indicated that creativity levels do not differ when gender, age, year‟s work experience and type of students are compared. In this research study the above statements will be discussed in detail

    Recommendations for mitigating information disclosure from point of sale devices in South Africa

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    Abstract: Please refer to full text to view abstrac

    The 5 Waves of Information Security – From Kristian Beckman to the Present

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    Reflective learning in engineering education : a case study of Shell Eco- Marathon

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    Abstract: Globally, universities are reinventing STEM education where traditional classroom methods are substituted or supplemented with practical learning methods such as problem-based learning and project-based learning. Another method, not often employed in STEM, is learning through reflection. This paper presents a case study where a group of engineering students participated in an international competition, the Shell Eco-Marathon, and partook in reflective learning before and after the event. The results indicate that students who learn through reflection value the inclusion of project-based learning in their curricula, which emphasizes the importance of this study for the future of engineering education

    Information security drivers for e-Learning Management Systems (e-LMS)

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    E-Learning Management Systems (e-LMSs) do provide some form of technical counter measures like password based identification and authentication to protect the valuable system's information assets. Having only technical information security counter measures in place don't necessarily ensure the security of e-LMS environment is maintained at all times. Therefore, information should be taken as multi-dimensional discipline. This article identifies and discusses the most important information security dimensions for creating a secure e-LMS environment

    The Community-oriented Computer Security, Advisory and Warning Team

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    Critical information infrastructure protection is vital for any nation. Many of a country’s critical systems are interconnected via an information infrastructure, such as the Internet. Should the information infrastructure be targeted by remote attacks, it would have a devastating effect on functioning of a country. Developing nations are no exception. As broadband penetration rates increase, and as Internet access speeds increase, developing nations have to implement safeguards to ensure that their information infrastructure is not target or abused by cyber attackers. Many nations implement CSIRT structures to aid in the protection of their information infrastructure. However these structures are expensive to set up and maintain. In this paper we introduce a Community-oriented Advisory, Security and Warning (C-SAW) Team, which aims to be a cost effective alternative to a CSIRT. C-SAW Teams aims to combine cost-effectiveness with the ability to mutate into a full-scale CSIRT structure over time

    ATE : anti-malware technique evaluator

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    Current commercial anti-malware products fail to guarantee a 100% detection and prevention of malware. This paper proposes an evaluation framework called ATE (Anti-malware Technique Evaluator) that can be used to evaluate commercial anti-malware products. ATE identifies the vulnerabilities in anti-malware products by providing a set of requirements that must be fulfilled by the anti-malware product being evaluated. The ATE requirements used for evaluating anti-malware products go beyond the usual false positives, false negative, performance etc requirements employed by current anti-malware product evaluations

    A reverse order life cycle approach to enhance systems engineering education at undergraduate level

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    Abstract: The advances of Industry 4.0 lead the transition into the era of complex systems, requiring systems solutions for complex problems, increasing the interest in the development of systems engineers. However, traditional systems thinking may lose its effectiveness in this new context, which leads to a challenge in systems engineering education. This research aims to better prepare systems engineers of the future by addressing the disconnect which exist between systems engineering education at undergraduate level, and the real-life complex systems seen in society today though the implementation of a reverse order life cycle approach. By following the reverse order life cycle approach with a familiar electrical appliance, such as the electric kettle, in the classroom, undergraduate systems engineering students were able to gain the necessary insight and understanding regarding the dynamics of complex systems the underlying systems engineering concepts
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