5,185 research outputs found

    Socio-technical paths and crossings in business development

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    In this paper an evolutionary model of business development is proposed, which links cooperationbetween organizations and their exchanges to path dependence and crossings.While the concept of path dependence restricts action to the exploitation of the existing path, theconcept of crossings emphasizes that within existing structures there are opportunities to take an otherpath. In a case study, over a period of twelve years the business development of a firm and itsevolving network relations are described. To find out if a firm can change is taken path, the conceptsof path dependence and crossings are explored along the cycle of development

    Plasma theory of the many-electron atom

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    A new approach to the many-electron atom, based on the formal equivalence between the Hartree-Fock equations and a quantum-mechanical generalization of the collisionless Boltzmann (Vlasov) equation, is presented. This equivalence casts the problem into the framework of conventional plasma theory, the Vlasov equation being merely replaced by its quantum-mechanical analog. The quantum Vlasov equation permits a straightforward expansion of the quantum-mechanical phase space distribution function in powers of h. The first step of this expansion, corresponding physically to a classical correlationless plasma obeying Fermi statistics, leads to the Thomas-Fermi model. Successive steps generate quantum and exchange corrections. The method is applied to the case of the "statistical" correlationless atom (or ion), generalized for the first time to arbitrary temperature and nonzero total orbital angular momentum, with quantum and exchange effects being included to order h^2

    Collision-induced spin flip of hydrogen atoms

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    The cross section of a radiationless electronic spin-state transition (triplet-singlet transition) of two colliding, unexcited, hydrogen atoms has been calculated for low relative velocities. The low-velocity limit of this cross section exhibits a logarithmic divergence and decreases rapidly to a value of the order of πr0^2 (r0=classical electron-radius e^2/4πmc^2) with increasing energy of relative motion

    Supersymmetric approach to exactly solvable systems with position-dependent effective masses

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    We discuss the relationship between exact solvability of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a position-dependent mass and the ordering ambiguity in the Hamiltonian operator within the frame of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. The one-dimensional Schr\"{o}dinger equation, derived from the general form of the effective mass Hamiltonian, is solved exactly for a system with exponentially changing mass in the presence of a potential with similar behaviour, and the corresponding supersymmetric partner Hamiltonians are related to the effective-mass Hamiltonians proposed in the literature.Comment: 12 pages article in LaTEX (uses standard article.sty). Please check http://www1.gantep.edu.tr/~ozer for other studies of Nuclear Physics Group at University of Gaziantep. [arXiv admin note: excessive overlap with quant-ph/0306065 and "Supersymmetric approach to quantum systems with position-dependent effective mass" by A. R. Plastino, A. Rigo, M. Casas, F. Garcias, and A. Plastino - Phys. Rev. A 60, 4318 - 4325 (1999)

    Schroedinger equations with indefinite effective mass

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    The consistency of the concept of quantum (quasi)particles possessing effective mass which is both position- and excitation-dependent is analyzed via simplified models. It is shown that the system may be stable even when the effective mass m=m(x,E) itself acquires negative values in a limited range of coordinates x and energies E.Comment: 17 pp., 3 fig

    The distribution of quantum fidelities

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    When applied to different input states, an imperfect quantum operation yields output states with varying fidelities, defined as the absolute square of their overlap with the desired states. We present an expression for the distribution of fidelities for a class of operations applied to a general qubit state, and we present general expressions for the variance and input-space averaged fidelities of arbitrary linear maps on finite dimensional Hilbert spaces.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Bohr Hamiltonian with deformation-dependent mass term

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    The Bohr Hamiltonian describing the collective motion of atomic nuclei is modified by allowing the mass to depend on the nuclear deformation. Exact analytical expressions are derived for spectra and wave functions in the case of a gamma-unstable Davidson potential, using techniques of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. Numerical results in the Xe-Ba region are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 3 eps figure

    Upplevelser av aktivitetsmönster, aktivitetsbalans samt arbetsterapeutiska interventioner bland kvinnor med stressrelaterade besvÀr

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    Introduktion: Stress rÀknas som en av de vanligaste sjukskrivningsorsakerna bland kvinnor, i Sverige, enligt 2009-Ärs statistik frÄn FörsÀkringskassan. Kvinnor upplever stora krav inom bÄde arbete och hemliv samt i relationer. Syfte: Att undersöka hur nÄgra kvinnor med stressrelaterade besvÀr upplever samt beskriver sitt aktivitetsmönster, aktivitetsbalans och genomgÄngen arbetsterapeutisk intervention utifrÄn ett processperspektiv. Metod: Studien hade en mixad metod design. Ett mÄlinriktat urval av 6 kvinnor valdes. Den kvalitativa metoden bestod av intervjuer om upplevelser av aktivitetsbalans, aktivitetsmönster och den arbetsterapeutiska interventionen de genomgÄtt. Den kvantitativa datainsamlingsmetoden genomfördes i form av en aktivitetsdagbok, för att vidare illustrera informanternas tidsfördelning av dagliga aktiviteter. InnehÄllsanalys genomfördes pÄ de transkriberade intervjuerna vilket utmynnade i kategorier och subkategorier. Deskriptiv statistik anvÀndes för att analysera aktivitetsdagböckerna. Resultat: Följande huvudkategorier framkom, Kravfyllda och obalanserade dagar- informanterna upplevde sina dagar fyllda av förpliktelser och Ätaganden samt reducerad möjlighet för lekaktiviteter och sömn. Nya tankar och strategier individuellt eller i grupp- de kom till insikt med hjÀlp av arbetsterapeuten om vad som var betydelsefullt i deras dagliga liv och fick olika handlingsstrategier, vilket kunde vara att bryta ner aktiviteten i delmoment. FörÀndringar och nya förutsÀttningar i det dagliga livet- de hade efter intervention lÀrt sig att sÀga nej och implementerat nya vanor och rutiner, exempelvis mer aktiviteter pÄ egen hand samt ÄterhÀmtning. Nytolkning av kroppssignaler -de hade lÀrt sig att tolka och uppmÀrksamma olika kroppssignaler, exempelvis yrsel och trötthet vid upplevda stressituationer, för att sedan kunna hantera dessa. Konklusion: I denna studie har det visat sig att arbetsterapi Àr en viktig faktor i rehabiliteringsprocessen för kvinnor med stressrelaterade besvÀr och borde anvÀndas samt uppmÀrksammas i större utstrÀckning

    A study of the bound states for square potential wells with position-dependent mass

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    A square potential well with position-dependent mass is studied for bound states. Applying appropriate matching conditions, a transcendental equation is derived for the energy eigenvalues. Numerical results are presented graphically and the variation of the energy of the bound states are calculated as a function of the well-width and mass.Comment: To appear in Phys. Lett. A (Present e-mail of A.G: [email protected]

    How do relationships begin?

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    In this paper we address the issue ‘How do relationships begin?’ Based on a review of work within theIMP Approach on stage and state models of relationship evolution, we conclude that very littleattention has been paid to beginnings of relationships. We discuss why this might be so, and why theissue deserves more consideration. Based on a case study, we make a first start at discussing how wemay conceptualise and discuss relationship beginnings. Furthermore, we depict a firm’s ‘relationshipinitiation profile’ and suggest that a firm may benefit from examining its profile and the costs andbenefits associated with it. Lastly, we propose issues which may be pursued in further research.Keywords: relationship evolution, stage model, state model, beginning, relationship initiation profile
