380 research outputs found

    Trends in Adult and Continuing Education in Germany

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    This contribution summarizes the most important trends in adult education in Germany as they were elaborated in a secondary analytic research project of the DIE (Deutsches Institut fĂŒr Erwachsenenbildung - German Institute for Adult Education) in 2007. According to the study, participation in continuing education in Germany is increasing after long years of decrease, even though, overall, financing of adult education has been further reduced. Cooperation as well as competition between continuing education institutions has increased. Course offers have become shorter, counselling and information have more significant roles than in the past, and those employed in adult education, especially teaching staff, have a higher level of qualifications than before. Adult education policy in Germany has varying aims as a result of the federal structure of the country. Incentives for vocational and workplace training predominate however

    Mitigation of Nitrous Oxide Emissions during Nitrification and Denitrification Processes in Agricultural Soils Using Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers

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    Through the increasing use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers due to an increasing food demand, the agricultural sector is the main contributor of anthropogenic nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, mainly through microbial processes called nitrification and denitrification. One option to mitigate N2O, a major greenhouse gas, is to use enhanced efficiency fertilizers (EEFs). There are different types of EEFs like nitrification inhibitors or controlled-release fertilizers that aim to match the N release from fertilizers with N demands from plants. Parts of the chapter are also dedicated to organic amendments and their effects on N2O emissions. Overall, EEFs can improve the N-use efficiency of plants, which has two positive effects. First, farmers can increase their yields, and second, environmental pollution through excessive fertilizer N can be minimized. However, the effectiveness of EEFs strongly depends on numerous factors like land use type, application method, and climate. More studies are needed to establish individual fertilizer plans that are optimized for the prevalent conditions. In conclusion, N2O mitigation using EEFs is only advisable when “initial” N2O emissions from conventional fertilizers are critically contributing to annual N2O emissions. Thus, careful assessment is needed before EEFs are introduced to the system especially when economic and ecologic results are considered

    General principles of viral vector systems and their application in veterinary medicine

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    Under lĂ„ng tid betraktades virus enbart som ett hot mot djur och mĂ€nniskor med stor risk att Ă„samka skada. FramgĂ„ngar i molekylĂ€r virologi kom att bredda den uppfattningen och visa att den virala infektionsvĂ€gen var anvĂ€ndbar för terapeutiska syften. IdĂ©n gick ut pĂ„ att avlĂ€gsna virala replikations- och sjukdomsalstrande gener frĂ„n virusets genom och infoga terapeutiska gener i deras plats varpĂ„ viruset fungerade som en vektor i patienten. Denna litteraturstudie har för avsikt att redogöra för allmĂ€nna principer bakom denna mekanism och tillĂ€mpningen av virala vektorer inom veterinĂ€rmedicin. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningen löd: ”PĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt kan virus programmeras om till vektorer för genetiskt material och vilka funktioner fyller de i genterapi, cancerterapi och immunoterapi för profylaktisk och terapeutisk behandling av djur?”. Litteratur erhölls frĂ„n internationella referensdatabaser och inkluderade vetenskapliga artiklar frĂ„n bĂ„de human- och veterinĂ€rmedicin. De virusvektorer som för nĂ€rvarande angavs ha störst betydelse för veterinĂ€rmedicin var adenovirusvektorer, retrovirusvektorer, lentivirusvektorer och adeno-associerade virala vektorer, men att respektive virus hade för- och nackdelar och att samtliga krĂ€vde nĂ„gon form av modifiering för att lĂ€mpa sig som vektorer. FramstĂ€llningsprocessen bestod i stora drag av att co-infektera en sĂ€rskilt framtagen cellinje med vektor-DNA innehĂ„llande cis-sekvenser och terapeutiska gener, och hjĂ€lpar-DNA i form av ett virus eller en plasmid innehĂ„llande kompletterande trans-sekvenser. Tillsammans Ă„stadkom de produktion av rekombinanta vektorer och bĂ„de smĂ„- och storskaliga metoder hade tagits fram. Transduktionsmekanismen gick ut pĂ„ den rekombinanta vektorns infektion av mĂ„lcellen och uttryck av dess genetiska information. Utav genterapeutiska behandlingar var cancerterapi ett omrĂ„de dĂ€r intresset för virala vektorer var utmĂ€rkande och lovande resultat hade demonstrerats frĂ„n kliniska studier. DĂ€remot hĂ€vdades att ytterligare forskning behövdes innan sĂ„dana behandlingar kunde tillĂ€mpas pĂ„ klinik och i fĂ€lt. DĂ€r tillĂ€mpningen av virala vektorer kommit lĂ€ngst var inom vaccinteknologi, dĂ€r behandlingar redan fanns tillgĂ€ngliga pĂ„ marknaden. Behovet av ytterligare forskning motiverades dels med anledning av patientsĂ€kerhet. Risken för insertionell mutagenes för integrerande vektorer betraktades som en av de största farorna samtidigt som dessa vektorer var bĂ€ttre lĂ€mpade Ă€n icke integrerande vektorer i andra viktiga avseenden. Mer forskning krĂ€vdes ocksĂ„ för framstĂ€llning av effektiva metoder för storskalig produktion av vektorer vilket Ă€r en förutsĂ€ttning för att de ska kunna tillĂ€mpas i behandlingar. För nĂ„gra virala vektorer ansĂ„gs det redan finnas tillgĂ€ngligt men lĂ„ngt ifrĂ„n för alla. Slutsatsen flera författare drog Ă€r att virala vektorer kommer att fĂ„ stor betydelse för sjukdomar dĂ€r effektiva konventionella behandlingsmetoder saknas eller att de kan komma att anvĂ€ndas som komplementbehandling mot dessa.Until recently, the general perception of viruses was limited to their strong potential of causing harm to animals and humans. However, advances in molecular biology helped to expand this view by demonstrating that the viral infectious pathway could be utilized for therapeutic purposes. The idea was based on the general principle of replacing viral genes coding for replication and pathogenicity, with DNA coding for therapeutic genes and to subsequently use these recombinant vectors to infect patients. The aim of this literature study is to examine this mechanism and the application of viral vectors in veterinary medicine, specifically their role in gene therapy, cancer therapy and immunotherapy for prophylactic and therapeutic treatments. Literature was obtained from international reference databases and included articles from both the human medicine and veterinary field. Viral vectors of adenoviruses, retroviruses, lentiviruses and adeno-associated viruses were described as having the greatest importance for veterinary medicine at this time, however all of them had pros and cons and each required modification to serve as vectors. The manufacturing process involved, in short, the co-infection of a specific cell line with vector-DNA, containing cis-acting sequences and therapeutic genes, as well as helper-DNA (virus or plasmid), containing complementary trans-acting sequences. Both large-scale and small-scale production methods had been developed to this end. The transduction mechanism was mediated through infection of the target cell with the recombinant vector and expression of the viral encoding genes in the host. In the vast range of gene therapy treatments, those targeted against various cancer forms showed a specific interest in viral vector strategies. Promising results had been demonstrated by clinical studies, yet it was argued more research was required before these therapies could be clinically applied. In contrast, viral vector-based vaccines had already been made available for commercial use. The need for further research was mainly argued as a concern for patient safety. Insertional mutagenesis caused by integrating vectors was considered one of the greatest threats, however in other important aspects, they were better suited than non-integrating vectors. Another reason was lack of efficient methods for large-scale vector production for some of the different vector types. Sufficient manufacturing methods was a precondition for application in clinical settings and therefore most significant. In conclusion, several authors argued that viral vectors will be of great importance for diseases lacking efficient conventional methods for treatment, or that they can be presented as a complementary treatment to these

    Keine lange Weile: Texte zur Erwachsenenbildung aus fĂŒnf Jahrzehnten

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    Die Textsammlung vermittelt einen biografieorientierten RĂŒckblick auf ĂŒber 40 Jahre Erwachsenenbildung. Die BeitrĂ€ge aus den Jahren 1972 bis 2016 beziehen sich auf bildungspolitische und lerntheoretische Aspekte aus Theorie und Praxis. Themen wie Finanzierung, Curriculumentwicklung, Bildungsforschung und Evaluierung werden ebenso behandelt wie Bildung fĂŒr Migranten, Dropout oder Museumsbildung. Jeder Text spiegelt die persönliche Position des Autors, ermöglicht aber auch einen Blick auf die historischen Dimensionen der aktuellen Probleme und Fragen, die die Erwachsenenbildung heute bewegen.The collection of papers provides biographical review of 40 years of adult education. The academic articles were written between 1972 and 2016 and address education policies and approaches to learning theory both in theory and practice. The wide range of topics comprises financing, curriculum development, educational research and evaluation but also education for immigrants, dropout or museum education. Each article reflects the personal position of its author and, at the same time, provides insights into the historical dimensions of present issues and questions adult education is faced with today

    Evaluation of a socialization and training program for rabbits in medical research : a pilot study

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    2018 var kaninen det tredje vanligaste försöksdjuret inom EU. I egenskap av ett litet bytesdjur medföljer dock naturlig rĂ€dsla för mĂ€nniskan och lĂ„g stresströskel vid hantering, vilket riskerar Ă€ventyra sĂ„vĂ€l djurvĂ€lfĂ€rd som forskningskvalitet. Hittills har ett fĂ„tal studier utvĂ€rderat strategier för att reducera stressen hos vuxna kaniner i djurförsök. DĂ€remot har resultat indikerat att potentialen Ă€r lika stor för denna Ă„lderskategori som för kaniner innan avvĂ€njning, dĂ€r effekten av tillvĂ€njning till hantering frĂ€mst Ă€r studerad. Standardiserade riktlinjer gĂ€llande förfarandet för tillvĂ€njning Ă€r Ă€nnu ej formulerade. Av det skĂ€let Ă€mnade denna studie utvĂ€rdera ett socialiserings-och trĂ€ningsprogram för vuxna kaniner utvecklat pĂ„ S:t Eriks Ögonsjukhus i Stockholm, tidigare beskrivet av Ersbring 2021. Programmet utvĂ€rderades pĂ„ en grupp om tre hankaniner av rasen New Zealand White i jĂ€mförelse med en lika stor icke hanterad kontrollgrupp. Effekterna tolkades förutom med blindad subjektiv beteendeanalys och approach-tester Ă€ven genom analys av blodglukos och plasmakortisol. Efter programmets fullföljande trĂ€nades Ă€ven kontrollgruppen enligt samma schema medan testgruppen fick fortsatt daglig socialisering och en utvĂ€rdering av beteendet upprepades. Strategin möjliggjorde utvĂ€rdering av eventuella bibehĂ„llna effekter samt resultat av programmets fördröjda start. Sammantaget detekterades inga signifikanta skillnader mellan trĂ€nade och otrĂ€nade kaniner i nĂ„gon testparameter vilket sannolikt berodde pĂ„ gruppernas begrĂ€nsade storlek. DĂ€remot observerades tydliga trender i beteende, förknippade med reducerad rĂ€dsla. Störst effekt av trĂ€ning observerades hos gruppen vilken genomgĂ„tt programmet innan blodprovstagning Ă€gde rum. Det fanns Ă€ven tecken pĂ„ att trĂ€ning och socialisering har viss omedelbar pĂ„verkan och att daglig socialisering efter en veckas fullföljd trĂ€ning ger kumulativa resultat. Dock iakttogs ingen pĂ„verkan pĂ„ blodparametrarar, möjligtvis pĂ„ grund av lĂ„g stress över lag, inadekvata mĂ€tintervall eller att acklimatisering har samma effekt pĂ„ dessa som socialisering och trĂ€ning. I sin helhet stödjer studien resultaten frĂ„n tidigare forskning inom Ă€mnet men ytterligare studier erfordras för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla resultaten.In 2018 the rabbit was the third most used research animal within the EU. However, as a small prey species, it possesses an innate fear of humans and a low stress threshold during handling, which puts both animal welfare and research quality at risk. While only a few studies have evaluated strategies toward reducing stress in adult rabbits undergoing experimental trials so far, combined results show a similarly strong potential of reducing stress through application of habituation methods on this age group, as the more extensive research conducted on pups before weaning have done. Still any standardized protocol for such methods remains to be defined. For this reason, this study aimed to evaluate a training and socialization program developed for adult rabbits at S:t Eriks Eye Hospital in Stockholm, previously described by Ersbring 2021. The program was incorporated for a group of 3 male New Zealand White rabbits and evaluated in comparison to a corresponding non handled control group. Impacts were measured repeatedly through methods of both blinded subjective behavior analysis and approach tests, as well as blood glucose and plasma cortisol evaluation. Following completion of the program the test group was subject to continuous daily socialization whereas the controls initiated the training and socialization protocol. Another evaluation of behavior was then conducted which allowed for further assessment regarding possible sustained effects from training in the test group, in conjunction with consequences of delayed start of the program in the control group. In conclusion, none of the various tests revealed statistically significant differences between trained and untrained rabbits, which in large probably was due to the limited number of rabbits in each group. There was however strong indication on behavior associated with reduced fear after training, most prominently within the group which enrolled the program prior to blood collection. Furthermore, results were indicative of some immediate positive impact following training together with a further lasting reduction of fear achieved by continuous daily socialization up on completion of the training protocol. Regarding the physiological variables on the other hand, no effects of training were observed. This was likely either due to low stress in general, inadequate measuring intervals or acclimatization having similar effect on these as socialization and training. In final, the study outcome was in concurrence with previous relevant research. However further studies on larger groups of rabbits are required in order to assure the investigated effects

    Empirisch forschen in der Weiterbildung

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    Empirical research is a valuable everyday tool for adult educators. This volume offers essential basic and contextual information relating to the topic. The text is application-oriented and its structure follows the stages of a research project from conception to implementation. The author leads the reader through the entire research process in didactically meaningful steps, from the research question to data collection right through to the presentation of the research results. The text will support students and instructors involved in planning and performing research tasks, and it supplies the knowledge necessary to generate meaningful results. The textbook does not assume any previous knowledge and is written with those in mind who are newcomers in the field of empirical research in further education.Empirische Forschungsmethoden sind fĂŒr Erwachsenenbildner heutzutage ein unerlĂ€ssliches Arbeitswerkzeug im Berufsalltag. Ekkehard Nuissl vermittelt das notwendige Grundlagen- und Kontextwissen zum Thema. Der Studientext ist anwendungsorientiert und folgt in seinem Aufbau im Wesentlichen den Schritten, die bei der DurchfĂŒhrung eines eigenen Forschungsprojekts zu beachten sind. Von der Ausgangsfrage ĂŒber die Datenerhebung bis hin zur PrĂ€sentation der Ergebnisse fĂŒhrt der Autor in didaktisch sinnvollen Lektionen durch den gesamten Forschungsprozess. Dies hilft Studierenden und Weiterbildungspraktikern, die eigenen Forschungsziele im Blick zu behalten und aussagekrĂ€ftige Daten zu generieren. Der Studientext setzt keine Vorkenntnisse voraus und orientiert sich an den BedĂŒrfnissen von Neueinsteigern, die im Bereich der Weiterbildung empirisch forschen wollen

    Low skilled take their qualifications "one step up"

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    Quantitative Microanalysis of Nitrogen Distribution in Carpospores of Gracilaria secundata with Scanning Auger Microscopy

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    Quantitative microanalysis has been performed with a JAMP 10 Scanning Auger Microscope at 0.5 ÎŒm spot size, on carpospores of Gracilaria secundata Harv.. Samples were fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide and embedded in plastic material. Thin sections were placed on solid copper discs. the surfaces of which had been smoothed by electropolishing. Quantification of the nitrogen content was performed using a standard with known content of nitrogen. Nitrogen was localized in the nucleus, chloroplasts and osmiophilic inclusions of the carpospore. Trace amounts of nitrogen were also found in cell walls, starch grains and in the embedding material. The use of Scanning Auger Microscopy on biological material is discussed
