420 research outputs found

    The interface of lexical semantics and conceptual structure deverbal and denominal nominalizations

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    Nominalizations can refer to events, instances of events or participants in an event. The particular reference is determined by the lexical semantics of the base and the suffix, and by the conceptual structure of the base. The comparison between deverbal and denominal nominalization in -ata in Italian reveals that the conceptual structure plays a crucial role in determining the reference of a nominalization. Italian nominalizations of -ata are productively derived from verbal and nominal bases. Derivations from verbal bases refer to a single event denoted by the base. Derivations from a nominal base N denote events or results corresponding to a limited number of pattems, such as a hit by N, a characteristic action of N, a period of N, a quantity that is contained in N, etc. The paper argues that the function of the suffix operates on the lexical meaning of the base, but the con~positiono f the lexical meaning of the base with the lexical meaning of the suffix is restricted by the conceptual properties of the base

    Specificity and definiteness in sentence and discourse structure

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    In this paper, I argue that this informally given list of characteristics covers only a certain subclass of specific indefinites. [
] In particular, I dispute the definition of specific indefinites as "the speaker has the referent in mind" as rather confusing if one is working with a semantic theory. Furthermore, I discuss "relative specificity", it. cases in which the specific indefinite does not exhibit wide, but intermediate or narrow scope behavior. Based on such data, I argue that specificity expresses a referential dependency between introduced discourse items. Informally speaking, the specificity of the indefinite expression something [...] expresses that the reference of the expression depends on the reference of another expression, here, on the expression a monk, not the speaker

    Information structure and the referential status of linguistic expression : workshop as part of the 23th annual meetings of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂŒr Sprachwissenschaft in Leipzig, Leipzig, February 28 - March 2, 2001

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    This volume comprises papers that were given at the workshop Information Structure and the Referential Status of Linguistic Expressions, which we organized during the Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂŒr Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) Conference in Leipzig in February 2001. At this workshop we discussed the connection between information structure and the referential interpretation of linguistic expressions, a topic mostly neglected in current linguistics research. One common aim of the papers is to find out to what extent the focus-background as well as the topic-comment structuring determine the referential interpretation of simple arguments like definite and indefinite NPs on the one hand and sentences on the other

    German Demonstrative Pronouns in Contrast

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    German has two demonstrative pronouns: the der, die, das paradigm and the dieser, diese, dies(es) paradigm. Previous studies mainly compared the anaphoric use of der with the personal pronoun er and observed that der refers to less prominent antecedents. However, there are only very few studies that have investigated the differences between these two demonstrative pronouns. We hypothesize that they differ in signaling topic persistence and in accessing contrastive antecedents. We tested these hypotheses in short texts that manipulated the contrast of the antecedent by inducing the expression ‘in contrast to’ vs. ‘together with’ (e.g., the cellist in contrast to the flautist vs. the cellist together with the flautist). Results from our eye-tracking reading Experiment (Experiment 1), in which participants’ eye- movements were monitored while reading sentences, show that (i) readers preferred dieser when referring to the topic of a sentence, and (ii) dieser caused less processing difficulties than der in both contrast and no-contrast contexts. Our sentence completion Experiment (Experiment 2) also confirmed that der and dieser are both used for anaphoric reference to a topical antecedent. Collectively, our experiments provide evidence that dieser functions as inducing topic persistence. These results suggest that there is a need for further experimental investigation into the semantic factors and informational structures influencing the usage of demonstrative pronouns in German.


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    This paper tries to develop a fresh view of what it means to analyze the banking system. We use modern finance theory to disentangle the obvious. The view  we put forward is suggestive and the idea is that by disentangling the language and transforming it into a language of finance, we realize what the liability side of a banks balance sheet consists of. In order to get going, we have to review both, the Merton model and the put-call parity. The technical details are less important than the generaƂ idea of what they convey [Merton, 1974]

    The Discourse Structuring Potential of Definite Noun Phrases in Romanian

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    This paper investigates an alternation found with definite noun phrases in direct object position in Romanian that represents a theoretical puzzle for current theories of Differential Object Marking in this language (Gramatica Limbii RomĂąne 2005, Klein & de Swart 2011). When in direct object position and unmodified, definite noun phrases can be accompanied either by the differential object marker pe, or by the simple enclitic definite article-ul, but not by both at the same time. Based on the findings of a sentence continuation experiment, we show that pe-marking is used for noun phrases that show a high discourse structuring potential, which is reflected by their (i) likelihood of subsequent mention (GivĂłn 1983, Arnold 2010) and (ii) topic shift potential (GivĂłn 1983). Furthermore, this paper raises interesting questions about referent tracking in discourse, in particular whether or in what way different types of definite noun phrases contribute to the discourse structuring potential of their referents

    Entwicklungszusammenarbeit im Spannungsfeld von Weltkultur und lokaler Handlungspraxis. Narrative deutscher Enwicklungsexpert_innen in Postkonfliktgesellschaften

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    Theoretical approaches to globalization, world society, and Western modernity analyzing fundamental structural changes in international or national contexts mostly fail to reflect the role of the individual and processes of everyday practice. Using a macro-sociological World Polity perspective to investigate micro-level actorhood and decoupling, the paper presents an innovative approach of analysis. The paper focuses on development aid workers as individual actors and norm entrepreneurs who facilitate ‚development‘ and ‚modernization‘ in societies all over the world. Development aid workers intervene in culturally differing development and post conflict societies in order to operationalize global knowledge and norms on the micro-level. Based on qualitative interviews, the Working Paper argues that development aid workers dramatize their professional self and work practice using ‚global‘ language, frames and scripts. This leads to a disappearance of ‚the local’ as well as variations in work practice from their narratives. The Working Paper points out that the assumptions of the macro-sociological World Polity theory do apply to development aid workers as individual actors who present themselves as ‚rationalized others‘. Their self-presentation is consistent with theoretical assumptions on rationalization, individualism, universalism and instrumental activism as proposed by World Polity theory. Furthermore it is shown that development aid workers clearly see limits of individual scope of action. They stress the dominance of world culture and top-down influences rather than individual bottom-up exercise of influences on policy-making, usually defined as a central character trait of modern actorhood. The development aid workers depict two options to localize global institutions: long-time interpersonal engagement ‚on the ground’ and financial incentives. Here, more research on the nature of norm localization processes is needed

    Les corporations de Strasbourg au Moyen Age

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    This article investigates guilds in medieval Straßburg, analyzing their function and significance within the context of local political and constitutional history. Demonstrating that guilds were a fundamental element of this medieval community, the study traces their powerful influence on economic life, politics, social welfare, and popular piety, as well as on legal jurisdiction and advocacy. The microhistorical and prosopographical methods applied here reveal an extraordinary dynamism within such social groups, a quality which has been hitherto overlooked by scholars. This very flexibility and versatility, moreover, was crucial to the enduring success of guilds as a model for corporate life in and beyond the Middle Ages.Die vorgestellte Untersuchung bietet eine exemplarische Studie der ZĂŒnfte in Straßburg, in der Personengeschichte und Netzwerkanalyse vor dem Hintergrund der politischen Geschichte und der verfassungspolitischen Entwicklung Straßburgs zusammengefĂŒhrt wurden. Sie zeigt ZĂŒnfte als ein grundlegendes Element der mittelalterlichen Gesellschaft, die einen großen Bereich des Wirtschaftsleben, der Politik, der SozialfĂŒrsorge und Volksfrömmigkeit, aber auch der Rechtsprechung und Verteidigung prĂ€gten. Der zentrale Befund der Untersuchung, dass ZĂŒnfte außerordentlich dynamische soziale Gruppen waren, wurde bisher von der Forschung ĂŒbersehen; nur ein mikrogeschichtlicher Ansatz in Verbindung mit einem prosopographischen Zugriff konnte zu diesem Ergebnis fĂŒhren. Die FlexibilitĂ€t und Dynamik der ZĂŒnfte resultierte zum einen aus dem breiten Aufgaben- und Funktionsspektrum, das sie im Mittelalter abgedeckten. Zum anderen lag wohl gerade in dem vorhandenen Spielraum, der den ZĂŒnften im Mittelalter zu Eigen war, ein wichtiges Element, warum ZĂŒnfte fĂŒr lange Zeit ein erfolgreiches Modell fĂŒr das Zusammenleben von Menschen boten

    Zum Umgang mit kulturellen Konflikten in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit - Eine Zusammenfassung fĂŒr Praktiker_innen und Interessierte

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    1. Einleitung 2. Zum Forschungsprozess 3. Was sind wiederkehrende KommunikationshĂŒrden in der Entwicklungskooperation? 4. Wie wird bisher mit KommunikationshĂŒrden in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit umgegangen? 5. Ein Beispiel: Wiederkehrende Konfliktthemen bei entwicklungspolitischen Programmen im Gesundheitsbereich 6. Hinweise fĂŒr die entwicklungspolitische Praxis 7. Glossar 8. WeiterfĂŒhrende Literatu
