30 research outputs found

    Region Spherical Harmonic Magnetic Modeling from Near-Surface and Satellite-Altitude Anomlaies

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    The compiled near-surface data and satellite crustal magnetic measured data are modeled with a regionally concentrated spherical harmonic presentation technique over Australia and Antarctica. Global crustal magnetic anomaly studies have used a spherical harmonic analysis to represent the Earth's magnetic crustal field. This global approach, however is best applied where the data are uniformly distributed over the entire Earth. Satellite observations generally meet this requirement, but unequally distributed data cannot be easily adapted in global modeling. Even for the satellite observations, due to the errors spread over the globe, data smoothing is inevitable in the global spherical harmonic presentations. In addition, global high-resolution modeling requires a great number of global spherical harmonic coefficients for the regional presentation of crustal magnetic anomalies, whereas a lesser number of localized spherical coefficients will satisfy. We compared methods in both global and regional approaches and for a case where the errors were propagated outside the region of interest. For observations from the upcoming Swarm constellation, the regional modeling will allow the production a lesser number of spherical coefficients that are relevant to the region of interes

    Geophysical evidence for an impact crater in vichada, northwestern south america and its economic potential

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    A prominent positive free-air gravity anomaly mapped over a roughly 50-km diameter basin is consistent with a mascon centered on (4°30'N, -69°15'W) in the Vichada Department, Colombia, South America. The inferred impact crater is nearly one third the size of the Chicxulub Crater. It must have formed recently, in the last 30 m.a because it controls the path of the Vichada River. The impact crater structure has been partially eroded and is almost completely covered by vegetation. No antipodal relationship has been established. The proposed impact appears to have contributed to the development of mineral deposits of economic interest. The impact shock waves extensively thinned and disrupted the Precambrian cratonic crust. Athick sedimentary cover, dense vegetation and erosional processes greatly limits direct geological testing of the inferred impact basin. Ground follow up gravity and magnetic surveys are recommended for confirming the regional free air gravity anomalies

    ADMAP-2: The next-generation Antarctic magnetic anomaly map

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    The Antarctic Digital Magnetic Anomaly Project compiled the first international magnetic anomaly map of the Antarctic region south of 60\ubaS (ADMAP-1) some six years after its 1995 launch (Golynsky et al., 2001; Golynsky et al., 2007; von Frese et al., 2007). This magnetic anomaly compilation provided new insights into the structure and evolution of Antarctica, including its Proterozoic-Archaean cratons, Proterozoic-Palaeozoic orogens, Palaeozoic-Cenozoic magmatic arc systems, continental rift systems and rifted margins, large igneous provinces and the surrounding oceanic gateways. The international working group produced the ADMAP-1 database from more than 1.5 million line-kilometres of terrestrial, airborne, marine and satellite magnetic observations collected during the IGY 1957-58 through 1999. Since the publication of the first magnetic anomaly map, the international geomagnetic community has acquired more than 1.9 million line-km of new airborne and marine data. This implies that the amount of magnetic anomaly data over the Antarctic continent has more than doubled. These new data provide important constraints on the geology of the enigmatic Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains and Prince Charles Mountains, Wilkes Land, Dronning Maud Land, and other largely unexplored Antarctic areas (Ferraccioli et al., 2011, Aitken et al., 2014 \u327 Mieth & Jokat, 2014, Golynsky et al., 2013). The processing of the recently acquired data involved quality assessments by careful statistical analysis of the crossover errors. All magnetic data used in the ADMAP-2 compilation were delivered as profiles, although several of them were in raw form. Some datasets were decimated or upward continued to altitudes of 4 km or higher with the higher frequency geological signals smoothed out. The line data used for the ADMAP-1 compilation were reprocessed for obvious errors and residual corrugations. The new near-surface magnetic data were corrected for the international geomagnetic reference field and diurnal effects, edited for high-frequency errors, and levelled to minimize line-correlated noise. The magnetic anomaly data collected mainly in the 21-st century clearly cannot be simply stitched together with the previous surveys. Thus, mutual levelling adjustments were required to accommodate overlaps in these surveys. The final compilation merged all the available aeromagnetic and marine grids to create the new composite grid of the Antarctic with minimal mismatch along the boundaries between the datasets. Regional coverage gaps in the composite grid will be filled with anomaly estimates constrained by both the near-surface data and satellite magnetic observations taken mainly from the CHAMP and Swarm missions. Magnetic data compilations are providing tantalizing new views into regional-scale subglacial geology and crustal architecture in interior of East and West Antarctica. The ADMAP-2 map provides a new geophysical foundation to better understand the geological structure and tectonic history of Antarctica and surrounding marine areas. In particular, it will provide improved constraints on the lithospheric transition of Antarctica to its oceanic basins, and thus enable improved interpretation of the geodynamic evolution of the Antarctic lithosphere that was a key component in the assembly and break-up of the Rodinia and Gondwana supercontinents. This work was supported by the Korea Polar Research Institute


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    Utility of Slepian basis functions for modeling near-surface and satellite magnetic anomalies of the Australian lithosphere

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    Abstract The utility of frequency- and space-limited spherical harmonic Slepian basis functions for magnetic anomaly modeling over restricted spherical patches of the Earth was investigated using combined near-surface scalar and CHAMP satellite vector observations from Australia and adjacent marine areas. In particular, Slepian spherical harmonic models up to degree 360 were studied for modeling anomaly features of 1° (~111 km) and longer over a 25°-radius cap centered on Australia. Relative to the roughly 130,000 coefficients required for global spherical harmonic modeling, less than 5% of this number of coefficients is sufficient for effective localized Slepian modeling. Slepian coefficients have maximum power over the spherical cap and may be exploited for estimating the magnetic anomaly vectors and gradients to all orders within the working precision of the observations. The Earth cap modeled by Slepian coefficients is also more efficient in accommodating local crustal constraints from drilling and other geological and geophysical studies for interpreting the associated magnetic anomaly data registered in spherical coordinates. In general, Slepian spherical harmonic modeling is well suited for combining spectrally diverse compilations of near-surface and satellite magnetic observations over any spatially restricted spherical cap of the Earth or other planetary body. Graphical Abstract The utility of frequency- and space-limited Slepian spherical harmonic basis functions up to degree 360 was studied for modeling near-surface scalar and CHAMP satellite magnetic anomalies of 1° (~111 km) and longer over a 25°-radius cap centered on Australia. Slepian spherical harmonic modeling is well suited for combining spectrally divorce compilations of near-surface and satellite magnetic observations. It is also very efficient for updating global spherical harmonic models for new regional data and providing perspectives on how magnetic lithospheric anomalies vary up to satellite altitudes that are not available from standard upward and downward anomaly continuations. For example, Map A shows the Australians magnetic anomaly estimates at 10 km altitude from the Slepian model jointly constrained by near-surface and CHAMP satellite magnetic observations that minimize the differences between Maps B and C of upward continued near-surface and downward continued CHAMP data, respectively. Map D, on the other hand, shows the Slepian model estimates at 275 km altitude that minimize differences between Maps E and F of downward continued CHAMP and upward continued near-surface data, respectively. Any continuous, however, is not unique and subject to measurement and modeling errors so that its interpretation at location lacking observations requires considerable care


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    Recently revised models on global tectonics describe the convergence of the North Andes, Nazca, Caribbean and South American Plates and their seismicity, volcanism, active faulting and extreme<br />topography. The current plate boundaries of the area are mainly interpreted from volcanic and seismic datasets with variable confidence levels. New insights on the isostatic state and plate boundaries of<br />the northwestern Andes Mountains can be obtained from the spectral analysis of recently available gravity and topography data. <br />Isostatically disturbed terrain produces free-air anomalies that are highly correlated with the gravity effects of the terrain. The terrain gravity effects (TGE) and free air gravity anomalies (FAGA) of the<br />Andes mountains spectral correlation data confirms that these mountains are isostatically disturbed. Strong negative terrain-correlated FAGA along western South America and the Greater and Lesser Antilles are consistent with anomalously deepened mantle displaced by subducting oceanic plates. <br /><br />Inversion of the compensated terrain gravity effects (CTGE) reveals plate subduction systems with alternating shallower and steeper subduction angles. The gravity modeling highlights crustal<br />deformation from plate collision and subduction and other constraints on the tectonism of the plate boundary zones for the region