19 research outputs found

    Evaluating historic and modern optical techniques for monitoring phytoplankton biomass in the Atlantic Ocean

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    This is the final version. Available from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this record. Data availability statement: The dataset used for this study is openly available through the British Oceanographic Data Centre (see https://doi.org/10.5285/ f3198e10-faf3-1525-e053-6c86abc0d2f6).Traditional measurements of the Secchi depth (zSD) and Forel-Ule colour were collected alongside modern radiometric measurements of ocean clarity and colour, and in-situ measurements of chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a), on four Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) cruises. These data were used to evaluate historic and modern optical techniques for monitoring Chl-a, and to evaluate remote-sensing algorithms. Historic and modern optical measurements were broadly consistent with current understanding, with Secchi depth inversely related to Forel-Ule colour and to beam and diffuse attenuation, positively related to the ratio of blue to green remote-sensing reflectance and euphotic depth. The relationship between Secchi depth and Forel-Ule on AMT was found to be in closer agreement to historical relationships when using data of the Forel-Ule colour of infinite depth, rather than the Forel-Ule colour of the water above the Secchi disk at half zSD. Over the range of 0.03-2.95 mg m-3, Chl-a was tightly correlated with these optical variables, with the ratio of blue to green remote-sensing reflectance explaining the highest amount of variance in Chl-a (89%), closely followed by the Secchi depth (85%) and Forel-Ule colour (71-81%, depending on the scale used). Existing algorithms that predict Chl-a from these variables were evaluated, and found to perform well, albeit with some systematic differences. Remote sensing algorithms of Secchi depth were in good agreement with in-situ data over the range of values collected (8.5 - 51.8 m, r2>0.77, unbiased root mean square differences around 4.5 m), but with a slight positive bias (2.0 - 5.4 m). Remote sensing algorithms of Forel-Ule agreed well with Forel-Ule colour data of infinite water (r2>0.68, mean differences <1). We investigated the impact of environmental conditions and found wind speed to impact the estimation of zSD, and propose a path forward to include the effect of wind in current Secchi depth theory. We discuss the benefits and challenges of collecting measurements of the Secchi depth and Forel-Ule colour and propose future directions for research. Our dataset is made publicly available to support the research community working on the topic.UK Research and InnovationNatural Environment Research CouncilEuropean Space AgencyEuropean Space AgencyUK National Centre for Earth Observatio

    1992 Quadrennial Ozone Symposium. New insights in the ozone production and ozone loss in the free atmosphere

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis report summarises the main results presented during the most recent "Quadrennial Ozone Symposium", held in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA.At the symposium the knowledge on production, loss and transport of ozone in troposphere and stratosphere were highlighted. In the lower troposphere in the Northern Hemisphere ozone is increasing by 1 percent per year. Key questions are how this increase is connected with emissions of NOx, VOC, CH4, and CO, and the role of biomass burning in the tropics. Ozone is decreasing at a rate of 0.5 to 1.5% per year in the stratosphere. The research here is concentrated on the ozone loss in the Arctic regions and heterogeneous reactions on polar stratospheric clouds, background sulphate aerosols and the Pinatubo aerosols.RIV

    [Definition report indices for the atmosphere in environmental assessments.]

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarenvironmental indices will be an important tool in future environmental assessments (milieubalansen en Milieuverkenningen). This report defines the indices for the atmosphere. It describes the state of definition at the start of the year 1994, and it is the result of the project group in the Laboratory of Air Research (LLO) of RIVM, with support of some experts within and outside of RIVM. This definition needs to be discussed by all the parties involved with environmental assessments, in order to improve the definition and to obtain consensus on it. This report serves as a basis for these discussions. The indices are clustered in human exposure, ecosystem exposure, depletion of stratospheric ozone, climatic change, decreasing self-cleaning capability of the atmosphere, and the damage to the cultural inheritance and the economy. The clusters on human and ecosystem exposure are subdivided into exposure to higher concentrations over a short time (smog), and exposure to concentrations averaged over a time-scale of seasons. Exposure of humans in the indoor environment is also treated separately. The indices are based on several tens of compounds. Concentrations are in general related to internationally accepted "no-effect levels" or "critical levels".DGM/LE RIV

    Current and future therapies for inherited cholestatic liver diseases

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    Familial intrahepatic cholestasis (FIC) comprises a group of rare cholestatic liver diseases associated with canalicular transport defects resulting predominantly from mutations in ATP8B1, ABCB11 and ABCB4. Phenotypes range from benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis (BRIC), associated with recurrent cholestatic attacks, to progressive FIC (PFIC). Patients often suffer from severe pruritus and eventually progressive cholestasis results in liver failure. Currently, first-line treatment includes ursodeoxycholic acid in patients with ABCB4 deficiency (PFIC3) and partial biliary diversion in patients with ATP8B1 or ABCB11 deficiency (PFIC1 and PFIC2). When treatment fails, liver transplantation is needed which is associated with complications like rejection, post-transplant hepatic steatosis and recurrence of disease. Therefore, the need for more and better therapies for this group of chronic diseases remains. Here, we discuss new symptomatic treatment options like total biliary diversion, pharmacological diversion of bile acids and hepatocyte transplantation. Furthermore, we focus on emerging mutation-targeted therapeutic strategies, providing an outlook for future personalized treatment for inherited cholestatic liver disease

    Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation ; changes, consequences and effects

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    Dit rapport biedt een overzicht van recent wetenschappelijk onderzoek van het KNMI en RIVM op het gebied van atmosferisch ozon en ultraviolette straling van de zon. Dit onderzoek is er op gericht om inzicht te verwerven in de veranderingen in de hoeveelheid ozon in de atmosfeer, de oorzaken van de veranderingen en de gevolgen daarvan voor de hoeveelheid ultraviolette straling die op het aardoppervlak komt. Sinds 1992 voeren RIVM en KNMI metingen uit in Nederland van de hoeveelheid ozon en UV-straling in de atmosfeer. Het RIVM richt zich daarbij vooral op de milieu- en gezondheidsaspecten van UV en voert scenariostudies uit naar effecten op lange termijn. Het KNMI concentreert zich op de fysisch-atmosferische processen met betrekking tot UV. Daarnaast dragen zij bij aan het ozononderzoek op mondiale schaal. Dit rapport beschrijft wat er zich de afgelopen decennia heeft voorgedaan met de ozonlaag en wat de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de UV-metingen zijn geweest. Ook wordt uitgebreid aandacht besteed aan de gezondheidseffecten van UV-blootstelling en het effect van beleidsmaatregelen.This report gives an overview of recent scientific research from RIVM and KNMI on atmospheric ozone and solar uv-radiation. This research is aimed at a better understanding of the atmospheric ozone-changes, the processes causing these changes and the resulting UV-radiation at the earth surface. Since 1992 RIVM and KNMI perform atmospheric ozone and UV-measurements. The work of RIVM is especially aimed at the environmental and health-related aspects of UV. They also perform scenario studies of long-term effects of changes. KNMI concentrates more at the physical and atmospheric processes related to UV radiation. Apart from this they contribute to global ozone research. In this report the changes in the ozone layer and the progression in spectral UV-measurements in the previous decades are described. Extensive attention is paid to the health effects of UV-exposure and to the effects of policy measures.RIVM KNMI (Stuurgroep RIVM-KNMI

    Criteria Document Fluorides

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    De engelse versie van dit rapport is verschenen onder nummer 758474010. Bij dit rapport behoort een appendix getiteld: &quot;Integrated Criteria Document Florides Effects&quot;, met nummer 758474010. (Republication of Addendum report no. 758474005, november 1988).&lt;br&gt;Dit rapport bevat een systematisch overzicht en een kritische evaluatie van de belangrijkste gegevens over de prioritaire stofgroep fluoriden ten behoeve van het effectgericht milieubeleid.DGM/SR /Cornet J

    Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Children: A Position Paper by the Hepatology Committee of European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

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    Objectives: In 2017, the European Medicines Agency and the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of the fixed-dose combination of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir and of the combination of sofosbuvir and ribavirin for treatment of adolescents (12-17 years or weighing > 35 kg) with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1, 4, 5, and 6 and genotype 2 and 3 infections, respectively. Although trials with direct-acting antivirals are ongoing for younger children, the only available treatment in the United States and Europe for those <12 years is still the dual therapy of pegylated interferon and ribavirin. There is currently a lack of a systematic approach to the care of these patients. The Hepatology Committee of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition developed an evidence-based position paper for the management of chronic HCV infection in children. Methods: A systematic literature search and meta-analysis were performed using MEDLINE and Embase from June 1, 2007 to June 1, 2017. The approach of the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation was applied to evaluate outcomes. European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Committee members voted on each recommendation, using the nominal voting technique. Results: The efficacy of the different direct-acting antivirals combinations tested was higher, the relapse and the treatment discontinuation rates lower when compared to pegylated interferon and ribavirin. Conclusions: This position paper addresses therapeutic management issues including goals, endpoints, indications, contraindications, and the optimal treatment regimen in children with chronic HCV infection

    Integrated criteria document ozone

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    De engelse versie van dit rapport is verschenen onder nummer 758474008Onderhavig document omvat gegevens over ozon inzake de bronnen en het verspreidingspatroon (bodem, water, lucht, biota) en de risico's op basis van afweging van blootstellingsconcentraties en blootstellingsroutes enerzijds en schadelijke concentraties voor de mens (onderdelen van) ecosystemen en materialena anderzijds, en de technische mogelijkheden en economische gevolgen met betrekking tot reductie van deze risico's. Deze informatie dient als wetenschappelijke basis voor het formuleren van het effectgericht normstellingsbeleid.Abstract not availableDGMH/BWS-S /Cornet JPWijnen HLJ