831 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Some Integrals Following from L1L_1, the Constant of the Asymptotic Expansion of lnΓ1(x+1)\ln \Gamma_1 (x+1), Originating from Physics (QED)

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    Comparison of three different regularization methods of calculating the one-loop effective Heisenberg-Euler Lagrangian of quantum electro-dynamics (QED) is employed to derive some interesting integrals involving the asymptotic expansion of lnΓ1(x+1)\ln \Gamma_1(x+1), the generalized Γ\Gamma function. Here it is the constant L1L_1 that will enable us to calculate some integrals which are useful in mathematics as well as in physics.Comment: 10 page

    Дискурсивна легітимація партнерської етики та екологічні перспективи

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    У статті обґрунтовується можливість постійно діючого суспільного дискурсу з екологічних проблем, який може стати основою побудови системи соціального партнерства, що враховує також і природні квазі-суб’єкти. Таким чином реалізується потреба моральної легітимації економічної і науково-технічної діяльності.В статье обосновывается возможность постоянно действующего общественного дискурса по экологической проблеме, который может стать основой построения системы социального партнерства, которая включает также и природные квази-субъекты. Таким образом реализуется потребность в моральной легитимации экономической и научно-технической деятельности.In the article it has been proved the possibility of the regularly acting discourse on ecological problem, which could become a base for creation of the social partner system, which includes also the natural quasi-subjects. In such way the need of the moral legitimation of the economical and scientific and technical activity is realized

    Social behaviour of pigs

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    Improper social behavior development brings problems in later social life. Several time points are known to be crucial for the development and in other words, susceptible to interruptions during those time points. In conventional pigs, those time points could be categorized to three interaction periods, the period for piglet-sow interaction (suckling), between littermates interaction (before weaning), social interaction with other littermates (after weaning). In this research, 4 cages (51 pigs) of pigs were observed for figuring out circadian rhythm and social behavior pattern. In group observation, the circadian rhythm of conventional pigs was established as a pair of active hours in early morning and early evening. Over three recordings of three different time points of day 10, 14 and 24, the behavior status ‘active’ increased with their physical developmental status and this is suggesting increase in potential social behaviors. In individual observation, the environmental change induced by maternal separation and mixing of other littermates resulted change in specific social behavioral pattern. Additional second individual observation also showed changed social behavioral pattern. The results in this research could suggest the needs for proper social behavioral development according to the critical time points and social environmental changes so that prevent existing behavioral problems and improve the welfare of conventional farm pigs

    Physiological and behavioral reactions elicited by simulated and real-life visual and acoustic helicopter stimuli in dairy goats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Anecdotal reports and a few scientific publications suggest that flyovers of helicopters at low altitude may elicit fear- or anxiety-related behavioral reactions in grazing feral and farm animals. We investigated the behavioral and physiological stress reactions of five individually housed dairy goats to different acoustic and visual stimuli from helicopters and to combinations of these stimuli under controlled environmental (indoor) conditions. The visual stimuli were helicopter animations projected on a large screen in front of the enclosures of the goats. Acoustic and visual stimuli of a tractor were also presented. On the final day of the study the goats were exposed to two flyovers (altitude 50 m and 75 m) of a Chinook helicopter while grazing in a pasture. Salivary cortisol, behavior, and heart rate of the goats were registered before, during and after stimulus presentations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The goats reacted alert to the visual and/or acoustic stimuli that were presented in their room. They raised their heads and turned their ears forward in the direction of the stimuli. There was no statistically reliable rise of the average velocity of moving of the goats in their enclosure and no increase of the duration of moving during presentation of the stimuli. Also there was no increase in heart rate or salivary cortisol concentration during the indoor test sessions. Surprisingly, no physiological and behavioral stress responses were observed during the flyover of a Chinook at 50 m, which produced a peak noise of 110 dB.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that the behavior and physiology of goats are unaffected by brief episodes of intense, adverse visual and acoustic stimulation such as the sight and noise of overflying helicopters. The absence of a physiological stress response and of elevated emotional reactivity of goats subjected to helicopter stimuli is discussed in relation to the design and testing schedule of this study.</p

    Різдвяно-новорічні обряди в описах Володимира Шагали

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    Christmas and New Year Traditions that took place in the village Nyzhakovychy till 1933. are under consideration in this publication. The research belongs to V. Shagala, a famous enthusiast ethnologist. The material was gathered during one of the expeditions in 1992. It is published together with photos and illustrations, part of which is presented by Volodymyr Shagala. Publications present the traditions brightly and in details, and include those kept in families and in the village society. Specific attributes of the holidays are described as well

    Evaluation of animal models of neurobehavioral disorders

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    Animal models play a central role in all areas of biomedical research. The process of animal model building, development and evaluation has rarely been addressed systematically, despite the long history of using animal models in the investigation of neuropsychiatric disorders and behavioral dysfunctions. An iterative, multi-stage trajectory for developing animal models and assessing their quality is proposed. The process starts with defining the purpose(s) of the model, preferentially based on hypotheses about brain-behavior relationships. Then, the model is developed and tested. The evaluation of the model takes scientific and ethical criteria into consideration