315 research outputs found

    Composition Recital

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    Tussenrapportage Kwaliteit Verse Vis in de Keten

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    In de verse vis keten van visser tot en met consument is behoefte aan inzicht in de kwaliteit en veiligheid van de visproducten. Dit inzicht kan worden verkregen door het uitwisselen van essentiële informatie tussen de betreffende schakels. De noodzaak voor deze informatie-vergaring en - uitwisseling wordt door de actoren in de keten onderschreven. Er zijn reeds initiatieven gestart en modellen ontwikkeld om deze wens gestalte te geven. Op Europees niveau is een tweetal Concerted Action projecten geïnitieerd genaamd Fish Quality Labelling and Monitoring (CA-FQLM) en TRACEFISH, waarbij diverse visonderzoeksinstituten en visketen actoren samenwerken over de invoering van traceerbare kwaliteitsindices van verse vis.Binnen deze inventarisatie ligt het accent op de vissoort schol (Pleuronectes platessa), één van de belangrijkste vissoorten voor de Nederlandse verse vis sector. De aldus vergaarde kennis en praktijkervaring kan ook gebruikt worden voor andere vissoorten

    Процессы низкотемпературной дипольной релаксации в системах бычий сывороточный альбумин–нанооксид–вода

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    Методом термостимулированной деполяризации проведены сравнительные исследования процессов низкотемпературной дипольной релаксации в замороженных водных дисперсиях нанооксидов, индивидуальных и в присутствии бычьего сывороточного альбумина (БСА). Для последних систем характерно увеличение вкладов релаксационных процессов при Т > 160–170 К, в то время как для водных дисперсий оксидов бóльшие токи ТСД наблюдаются при Т 160…170 К, в той час як для водних дисперсій оксидів більші струми ТСД спостерігаються при Т 160- 170 К, since for aqueous suspensions of nanooxides, greater TSD currents are observed at Т < 160-170 К. This difference is due to the participation of the BSA molecules (polar bonds, groups, fragments, whole molecules) in the relaxation processes, whose features depend also on the nature of nanooxide and a character of BSA interactions with its surface

    Waiting list mortality and the potential of donation after circulatory death heart transplantations in the Netherlands

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    BACKGROUND: With more patients qualifying for heart transplantation (HT) and fewer hearts being transplanted, it is vital to look for other options. To date, only organs from brain-dead donors have been used for HT in the Netherlands. We investigated waiting list mortality in all Dutch HT centres and the potential of donation after circulatory death (DCD) HT in the Netherlands. METHODS: Two different cohorts were evaluated. One cohort was defined as patients who were newly listed or were already on the waiting list for HT between January 2013 and December 2017. Follow-up continued until September 2018 and waiting list mortality was calculated. A second cohort of all DCD donors in the Netherlands (lung, liver, kidney and pancreas) between January 2013 and December 2017 was used to calculate the potential of DCD HT. RESULTS: Out of 395 patients on the waiting list for HT, 196 (50%) received transplants after a median waiting time of 2.6 years. In total, 15% died while on the waiting list before a suitable donor heart became available. We identified 1006 DCD donors. After applying exclusion criteria and an age limit of 50 years, 122 potential heart donors remained. This number increased to 220 when the age limit was extended to 57 years. CONCLUSION: Waiting list mortality in the Netherlands is high. HT using organs from DCD donors has great potential in the Netherlands and could lead to a reduction in waiting list mortality. Cardiac screening will eventually determine the true potential