461 research outputs found

    A Social Network Analysis of Occupational Segregation

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    We develop a social network model of occupational segregation between different social groups, generated by the existence of positive inbreeding bias among individuals from the same group. If network referrals are important for job search, then expected homophily in the contact network structure induces different career choices for individuals from different social groups. This further translates into stable occupational segregation equilibria in the labor market. We derive the conditions for wage and unemployment inequality in the segregation equilibria and characterize first and second best social welfare optima. Surprisingly, we find that socially optimal policies involve segregation.Social Networks, Homophily, Inbreeding Bias, Occupational Segregation, Labor Market Inequality, Social Welfare

    Matching and Network Effects

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    This paper examines the existence and magnitude of network effects in the matching of workteams. We study the formation of co-author relations among economists over a thirty year period. Our principal finding is that a collaboration emerges faster among two authors if they are closer in the social network of economists. This proximity effect on collaboration is strong and robust but only affects initial collaboration. It has no positive influence on subsequent co-authorship. We also provide some evidence that matching depends on experience, junior authors being more likely to collaborate with senior authors.

    Matching and Network Effects

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    This paper examines the existence and magnitude of network effects in the matching of work teams. We study the formation of co-author relations among economists over a thirty year period. Our principal finding is that a collaboration emerges faster among two authors if they are closer in the social network of economists. This proximity effect on collaboration is strong and robust but only affects initial collaboration. It has no positive influence on subsequent co-authorship. We also provide some evidence that matching depends on experience, junior authors being more likely to collaborate with senior authors

    A Social Network Analysis of Occupational Segregation

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    We develop a network model of occupational segregation between social groups divided along gender or racial dimensions, generated by the existence of positive assortative matching among individuals from the same group. If referrals are important for job search, then expected homophily in the structure of job contact networks induces different career choices for individuals from different social groups. This further translates into stable occupational segregation equilibria in the labor market. We derive conditions for wage and unemployment inequality in the segregation equilibria and characterize both the first and the second best social welfare optima. We find that utilitarian socially optimal policies always involve segregation, but that integration policies are justifiable by additional distributional concerns. Our analysis suggests that social interaction through homophilous job referral networks is an important channel for the propagation and persistence of gender and racial inequalities in the labour market, complementary to classical theories such as taste or statistical discrimination

    Social networks and research output

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    We study how knowledge about the social network of an individual researcher - as embodied in his coauthor relations - helps us in developing a more accurate prediction of his future productivity. We find that incorporating information about coauthor networks leads to a modest improvement in the accuracy of forecasts on individual output, over and above what we can predict based on the knowledge of past individual output. Second, we find that the informativeness of networks dissipates over the lifetime of a researcher's career. This suggests that the signalling content of the network is quantitatively more important than the flow of ideas

    Individual human serum differs in the amount of antibodies with affinity for pig fetal ventral mesencephalic cells and the ability to lyse these cells by complement activation

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    Xenografting pig fetal ventral mesencephalic (pfVM) cells to repair the dopamine deficit in patients with Parkinson's disease is the focus of both experimental and clinical investigations. Although there have been marked advances in the experimental and even clinical application of these xenogeneic transplantations, questions regarding the host's xenospecific immune response remain unanswered. It has been shown that human serum is able to lyse pfVM tissue by both anti-gal-gal and non-anti-gal-gal antibodies by complement activation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether interindividual differences exist in the levels of pfVM cell-specific IgM and IgG subclass antibodies, their ability to lyse pfVM cells in vitro and the relationship between both. Pig fetal VM cells were incubated with heat-inactivated serum from 10 different individuals and binding of IgM antibodies and IgG subclass antibodies to pfVM cells was analyzed by flow cytometry. The ability to lyse pfVM cells was analyzed exposing Cr-51-labeled pfVM cells to fresh serum or isolated IgM and IgG from the same individuals and subsequent determination of released Cr-51 from lysed cells. Strong differences were found between individuals in the levels of pfVM cell-specific IgM antibodies: antibody levels differed up to 40-fold. pfVM-specific IgG1 and IgG2 levels were only detectable in a few individuals. The ability to lyse pfVM cells ranged from negligible lysis up to 66.5% specific lysis. There was a strong correlation between the levels of individual pfVM-specific IgM antibodies and the ability to lyse pfVM cells in vitro. Isolated IgM, but not IgG, was able to lyse pfVM cells in the presence of complement. In conclusion, the interindividual differences in the levels of IgM with affinity for pfVM cells and their ability to lyse pfVM cells in vitro are considerable. Only few individuals possessed IgG1 and IgG2 subclass antibodies with affinity for pfVM. These findings may influence patient selection for porcine transplants and chances of graft survival in individual patients

    Development of International Learning Outcomes for Shelter Medicine in Veterinary Education: A Delphi Approach

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    Shelter medicine is a veterinary discipline of growing importance. Formally accepted as a clinical specialty in the USA in 2014, the practice of shelter medicine worldwide is expanding. As a topic in veterinary pre-registration (undergraduate) education, it is frequently used as an opportunity to teach primary care skills, but increasingly recognized as a subject worthy of teaching in its own right. The aim of this study was to use a Delphi consensus methodology to identify learning outcomes relevant to shelter medicine education. Shelter medicine educators worldwide in a variety of settings, including universities, non-governmental organisations and shelters were invited to participate. Participants were initially invited to share shelter medicine teaching materials. These were synthesised and formatted into Learning Outcomes (LOs) based on Bloom’s taxonomy and organised into five subject-specific domains. Participants were then asked to develop and evaluate the identified LOs in two rounds of online surveys. Consensus was determined at >80% of panellists selecting “agree” or “strongly agree” in response to the statement “please indicate whether you would advise that it should be included in a shelter medicine education program” for each LO. In the second survey, where re-wording of accepted LOs was suggested, preference was determined at >50% agreement. Through this method, 102 agreed LOs have been identified and refined. These LOs, as well as those which did not reach consensus, are presented here. These are intended for use by shelter medicine educators worldwide, to enable and encourage the further development of this important veterinary discipline
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