45 research outputs found
Rudder roll stabilization for ships
This paper describes the design of an autopilot for rudder roll stabilization for ships. This autopilot uses the rudder not only for course keeping but also for reduction of the roll. The system has a series of properties which make the controller design far from straightforward: the process has only one input (the rudder angle) and two outputs (the heading and the roll angle); the transfer from rudder to roll is non-minimum-phase; because large and high-frequency rudder motions are necessary, the non-linearities of the steering machine cannot be disregarded; the disturbances caused by the waves vary considerably in amplitude and frequency spectrum.\ud
In order to solve these problems a new approach to the LQG method has been developed. The control algorithms were tested by means of computer simulations, scale-model experiments and full-scale trials at sea. The results indicate that a rudder roll stabilization system is able to reduce the roll as well as a conventional fin stabilization system, while it requires less investments. Based on the results obtained in this project the Royal Netherlands Navy has decided to implement rudder roll stabilization on a series of ships under construction at this moment
Accumulation and distribution of mercury in Dutch soils.
The eleven soils investigated were placed in the following groups: (1) foreland soils from the river Rhine with Hg contents ranging from 10.43 to 0.10 ppm, corresponding to a decreasing clay content from 40% to 2%, with increasing distance from the sea; (2) soils used for bulb culture, which had been treated with Hg fungicides and showed a Hg content of about 0.15 ppm in the top 20 cm; (3) soils used as permanent pastures for over 20 years which, despite widely differing soil characteristics show, with one exception, the same Hg content (about 0.09 ppm) in the top 20 cm; these soils were chosen as references. It appears that organic Mg-containing fungicides when added to soils are slowly transformed to metallic Hg, which escapes from the soil mainly by evaporation.[116.49]. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission
A ética tradutória em contexto jornalístico: um estudo de caso no Observador
O presente relatório espelha a experiência de um estágio de três meses levado a cabo no jornal Observador e procura dar voz às reflexões que o mesmo motivou. Tendo como objetivo imediato o desenvolvimento das competências em tradução adquiridas durante a componente letiva do Mestrado, o estágio serviu simultaneamente de berço às preocupações que, em última instância, conferiram o título a este relatório. Nessa medida, a primeira parte expõe o contexto laboral do estágio, tendo em conta o fluxo de trabalho da redação, a presença do tradutor nesse meio, as suas responsabilidades e desafios. Na segunda parte, permitimo-nos abordar um tema transversal a toda e qualquer prática tradutória particular e cuja pertinência, ainda que sentida no seio dos Estudos de Tradução, tem sido algo descurada no debate alargado entre tradutores, a saber, a ética tradutória. Finalmente, e fazendo uso do contexto idiossincrático em que decorreu o estágio, estabelecemos um paralelo entre os sistemas éticos de áreas profissionais distintas, procurando revelar um possível diálogo deontológico entre o jornalismo e a tradução.This report reflects the experience of a three month internship that took place at the Observador newspaper, and seeks to express the thoughts it has given rise to. In addition to the immediate goal of developing the translation skills acquired during the Master classes, the internship also proved to be a cradle for the considerations that ultimately gave title to this report. As such, its first part presents the work context of the internship, regarding the workflow in the editorial office, the presence of the translator in that environment, his responsibilities and challenges. In the second part I address a cross-sectional topic to any particular translation activity and whose relevancy, although felt amid the field of Translation Studies, has been somewhat overlooked in the larger debate among translators; that is, translation ethics. Lastly, by making use of the idiosyncratic framework in which the internship took place, I have set forth a parallel between the ethical systems of two distinct professional areas, looking to unveil a possible deontological dialogue between journalism and translation
Stress Exposure and the Course of ADHD from Childhood to Young Adulthood:Comorbid Severe Emotion Dysregulation or Mood and Anxiety Problems
BACKGROUND: Compared to typically developing individuals, individuals with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are on average more often exposed to stressful conditions (e.g., school failure, family conflicts, financial problems). We hypothesized that high exposure to stress relates to a more persistent and complex (i.e., multi-problem) form of ADHD, while low-stress exposure relates to remitting ADHD over the course of adolescence. METHOD: Longitudinal data (ages 11, 13, 16, and 19) came from the Tracking Adolescents' Individual Life Survey (TRAILS). We selected children diagnosed with ADHD (n = 244; 167 males; 77 females) from the TRAILS clinical cohort and children who screened positive (n = 365; 250 males; 115 females) and negative (gender-matched: n = 1222; 831 males; 391 females) for ADHD from the TRAILS general population sample cohort (total n = 1587). Multivariate latent class growth analysis was applied to parent- and self-ratings of stress exposure, core ADHD problems (attention problems, hyperactivity/impulsivity), effortful control, emotion dysregulation (irritability, extreme reactivity, frustration), and internalizing problems (depression, anxiety, somatic complaints). RESULTS: Seven distinct developmental courses in stress exposure and psychopathology were discerned, of which four related to ADHD. Two persistent ADHD courses of severely affected adolescents were associated with very high curvilinear stress exposure peaking in mid-adolescence: (1) Severe combined type with ongoing, severe emotional dysregulation, and (2) combined type with a high and increasing internalization of problems and elevated irritability; two partly remitting ADHD courses had low and declining stress exposure: (3) inattentive type, and (4) moderate combined type, both mostly without comorbid problems. CONCLUSIONS: High-stress exposure between childhood and young adulthood is strongly intertwined with a persistent course of ADHD and with comorbid problems taking the form of either severe and persistent emotion dysregulation (irritability, extreme reactivity, frustration) or elevated and increasing irritability, anxiety, and depression. Conversely, low and declining stress exposure is associated with remitting ADHD and decreasing internalizing and externalizing problems. Stress exposure is likely to be a facilitating and sustaining factor in these two persistent trajectories of ADHD with comorbid problems into young adulthood. Our findings suggest that a bidirectional, continuing, cycle of stressors leads to enhanced symptoms, in turn leading to more stressors, and so forth. Consideration of stressful conditions should, therefore, be an inherent part of the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD, to potentiate prevention and interruption of adverse trajectories
Interview 27e Bestuur der B.I.L.
Het 27e bestuur der B.I.L heeft imiddels haar intrede gedaan. Om de bestuursleden beter te leren kennen stellen zij zichzelf hier aan de hand van een aantal vragen aan de lezers voor
Geen officiële norm, maar in de praktijk wel als zodanig fungerend (CUR-aanbeveling 61: Het voegen van metselwerk)
Veel schade aan voegwerk deed TNO Bouw beginjaren '80 besluiten onderzoek te doen naar de factoren die de kwaliteit van voegwerk in metselwerk beïnvloeden. Daarbij ontstond de behoefte aan een handzaam en bij voorkeur ook in de praktijk goed bruikbaar instrument voor het meten van althans één belangrijke eigen-schap van de verharde voegmorte
Onderhoud van voegwerk in historische gebouwen: Aantasting en vervanging
Een van de beleidsdoeleinden van de Euro-pese Gemeenschap is onderzoeksinstituten van de aangesloten landen bij het vergaren van kennis te doen samenwerken en dat liefst met aanvullen van elkaars deskundig-heid en mogelijkheden, waarbij de kennis die vergaard wordt ook nog nuttig in de landen van de gemeenschap kan worden gebruikt