58 research outputs found

    Corporate tax consolidation and enhanced cooperation in the European Union

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    This article assesses the economic implications of the introduction of consolidation with formula apportionment in the European Union under alternative enhanced cooperation agreements. We find that the consolidation is likely to yield a small aggregate welfare gain in Europe, but that not all countries benefit. A coalition of winning countries reduces the welfare gain and may induce a process of adverse selection that reduces the number of participating countries. We find that a coalition of similar countries (in terms of the size of their multinational sector) is more feasible in achieving agreement and is actually preferred by those countries over a European-wide reform.

    Corporate tax harmonization in the EU

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    This paper explores the economic consequences of proposed EU reforms for a common consolidated corporate tax base. The reforms replace separate accounting with formula apportionment as a way to allocate corporate tax bases across countries. To assess the economic implications, we use a numerical CGE model for Europe. It encompasses several decision margins of firms,such as marginal investment, FDI decisions, and multinational profit shifting. The simulations suggest that consolidation does not yield substantial welfare gains for Europe. The variation of effects across countries is large and depends on the choice of the apportionment formula. Consolidation with formula apportionment does not weaken incentives for tax competition. Tax competition instead offers a rationale for rate harmonisation, in addition to base harmonisation.

    Promoting Environmental Technologies in SMEs: Barriers and Measures

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    This report which is based on a the study conducted by the EIM Business & Policy Research on behalf of the Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, is a contribution to the development of the European Environmental Technologies Action Plan, ETAP, (COM (2004) 38). Thus far the role of SMEs in ETAP is underexposed in spite of the fact that SMEs play a crucial role in the European Economy. This report provides the ongoing work on ETAP with a better understanding of the barriers SMEs face when adopting environmental technologies. It also provides an analysis of specific measures for the promotion of environmental technologies in European SMEs.JRC.J.2-Competitiveness and Sustainabilit

    Corporate Tax Policy and Unemployment in Europe: An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis

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    This paper analyzes the impact of corporate taxes on structural unemployment, using an applied general equilibrium model for the European Union. We find that the unemployment and welfare effects of corporate taxes differ considerably among European countries. The magnitude of these effects rise in particular in the broadness of the corporate tax base of a country, and the strength of international spillover effects through foreign direct investment. The effect on unemployment is smaller if the substitution elasticity between labour and capital is large, if international spillover effects operate primarily via multinational profit shifting, and if equilibrium forces on the labour market are strong. Although the effect of corporate taxes on unemployment may be smaller than the effect of labour and value-added taxes (e.g. under relatively strong real wage resistance), the welfare costs of corporate taxation are typically larger for most European countries under plausible parameters, especially under strong international spillovers

    Corporate Tax Consolidation and Enhanced Cooperation in the European Union

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    This article assesses the economic implications of the introduction of consolidation with formula apportionment in the European Union under alternative enhanced cooperation agreements. We find that the consolidation is likely to yield a small aggregate welfare gain in Europe, but that not all countries benefit. A coalition of winning countries reduces the welfare gain and may induce a process of adverse selection which distroys the possibility of cooperation. We find that a coalition of similar countries (in terms of the size of their multinational sector) is more feasible in achieving agreement and is actually preferred by those countries over a European-wide reform

    Effects of hand orientation on motor imagery - event related potentials suggest kinesthetic motor imagery to solve the hand laterality judgment task

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    Motor imagery (MI) refers to the process of imagining the execution of a specific motor action without actually producing an overt movement. Two forms of MI have been distinguished: visual MI and kinesthetic MI. To distinguish between these forms of MI we employed an event related potential (ERP) study to measure interference effects induced by hand orientation manipulations in a hand laterality judgement task. We hypothesized that this manipulation should only affect kinesthetic MI but not visual MI. The ERPs elicited by rotated hand stimuli contained the classic rotation related negativity (RRN) with respect to palm view stimuli. We observed that laterally rotated stimuli led to a more marked RRN than medially rotated stimuli. This RRN effect was observed when participants had their hands positioned in either a straight (control) or an inward rotated posture, but not when their hands were positioned in an outward rotated posture. Posture effects on the ERP-RRN have not previously been studied. Apparently, a congruent hand posture (hands positioned in an outward rotated fashion) facilitates the judgement of the otherwise more demanding laterally rotated hand stimuli. These ERP findings support a kinesthetic interpretation of MI involved in solving the hand laterality judgement task. The RRN may be used as a non-invasive marker for kinesthetic MI and seems useful in revealing the covert behavior of MI in e.g. rehabilitation programs

    Dynamiek van elektronen in EUV-geĂŻnduceerde plasma's:een samenvatting voor de geĂŻnteresseerde leek

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    Deze samenvatting voor leken behoort tot het proefschrift “Electron dynamics in EUV-induced plasmas” door R.M. van der Horst (ISBN: 978-90-386-3947-5

    Electron dynamics in EUV-induced plasmas

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