3 research outputs found

    Предопухолевая патология молочных желез в различных этнических популяциях населения Крыма

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    Серед жіночого населення АРК виявлені популяції із украй високою захворюваністю РМЖ (армянки - 114,25); з високою захворюваністю (слов’янки - 65,21); а також з відносно низькою захворюваністю (кримські татарки - 41,99 на 100 тис. відповідного жіночого населення; р < 0,001). Порівняльний аналіз поширеності доброякісної патології в 531 пацієнтки (399 слов’янок, 69 татарок, 63 армянки) показав, що вірогідно найбільш частими захворюваннями у вірменській популяції з високою захворюваністю РМЖ є кисты молочних залоз (Р=0,033) і вузлова форма фиброзно-кистозной хвороби (Р=0,040), які, очевидно, можна відносити до предраковой патології.In Crimean woman there are populations with very high Breast Cancer incidence (Armenians - 114,25); with high incidence (Slavs - 65,21); and with lowest incidence (Tatars - 41,99 in 100 000 woman populations; р < 0,001). In 531 patients (399 Slavs, 69 Tatars, 63 Armenians) more freqwently was diagnosed Breast Cysts (Р=0,033) and Nodular Fibrocystic disease (Р=0,040) in Armenian ethnic group with very high Breast Cancer incidence. Breast Cysts and Nodular Fibrocystic disease only are precancerous diseases of the Breast

    Automated segmented-flow analysis: NMR with a novel fluoropolymer flow cell for high-throughput screening

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    High-throughput analysis in fields such as industrial biotechnology, combinatorial chemistry, and life sciences is becoming increasingly important. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful technique providing exhaustive molecular information on complex samples. Flow NMR in particular is a cost and time-efficient method for large screenings. In this study, we have developed a novel 3.0 mm inner diameter polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) flow cell for a segmented-flow analysis (SFA) - NMR automated platform. The platform uses FC-72 fluorinated oil and fluoropolymer components to achieve a fully fluorinated flow path. Samples were repeatably transferred from 96-deepwell plates to the flow cell by displacing a fixed volume of oil, with a transfer time of 42 s. 1H spectra were acquired fully automated with 500 and 600 MHz NMR spectrometers. The spectral performance of the novel PCTFE cell was equal to that of commercial glass cells. Peak area repeatability was excellent with a relative standard deviation of 0.1-0.5% for standard samples, and carryover was below 0.2% without intermediate washing. The sample temperature was conditioned by using a thermostated transfer line in order to reduce the equilibration time in the probe and increase the throughput. Finally, analysis of urine samples demonstrated the applicability of this platform for screening complex matrices.Analytical BioScience

    The importance of the lipid-pore loop interface for potassium channel structure and function

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    Potassium (i.e., K+) channels allow for the controlled and selective passage of potassium ions across the plasma membrane via a conserved pore domain. In voltage-gated K+ channels, gating is the result of the coordinated action of two coupled gates: an activation gate at the intracellular entrance of the pore and an inactivation gate at the selectivity filter. By using solid-state NMR structural studies, in combination with electrophysiological experiments and molecular dynamics simulations, we show that the turret region connecting the outer transmembrane helix (transmembrane helix 1) and the pore helix behind the selectivity filter contributes to K+ channel inactivation and exhibits a remarkable structural plasticity that correlates to K+ channel inactivation. The transmembrane helix 1 unwinds when the K+ channel enters the inactivated state and rewinds during the transition to the closed state. In addition to well-characterized changes at the K+ ion coordination sites, this process is accompanied by conformational changes within the turret region and the pore helix. Further spectroscopic and computational results show that the same channel domain is critically involved in establishing functional contacts between pore domain and the cellular membrane. Taken together, our results suggest that the interaction between the K+ channel turret region and the lipid bilayer exerts an important influence on the selective passage of potassium ions via the K+ channel pore