16 research outputs found

    Block Rotations in NW Iran in Response to the Arabia-Eurasia Collision Constrained by Paleomagnetism

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    Northwest Iran is a seismically active region dominated by NW-SE trending strike-slip faults, such as the North Tabriz and Qosha Dagh faults, and smaller NNE-SSW striking faults. The Bozgush Mountains are shaped by these faults and divided into two domains that show a difference in strike. To quantify rotational tectonic deformation in NW Iran, we performed a paleomagnetic study along three transects of the Bozgush and Qosha Dagh Mountains with 127 sites. Our large new paleomagnetic data set shows that the Bozgush Mountains did not rotate as a single rigid block. In the western domain of the Bozgush Mountains, we find evidence for clockwise vertical axis rotations of ∼40°, while the eastern domain has rotated up to ∼80° clockwise. Declinations of the western Bozgush domain fit well with observed declinations in the Qosha Dagh Mountains. Fault patterns show that the eastern domain of the Bozgush Mountains is divided by a set of NNE-SSW striking sinistral strike-slip faults, which created domino-style blocks that accommodated the additional 40° of rotation. We estimate that these extra rotations have resulted in around 4 km of N-S shortening and more than 1.5 km of differential uplift

    Magnetic to the Core - Communicating paleomagnetism with hands-on activities

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    &amp;lt;p&amp;gt;With geoscience student numbers dwindling, there is a strong need for Earth scientists to enthuse a new generation of prospective students. We created several hands-on activities to introduce members of the general public of all ages to the fundamentals of, and current research in paleomagnetism. We developed these activities at different outreach events in the UK, such as a family science fair (at the Ness Gardens) and a holiday workshop (at the Victoria Gallery &amp;amp; Museum). In the first week of July, 2019, we contributed to the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition, a science exhibition in London with almost 14,000 visitors of the general public, including many school groups. Visitors came from all educational backgrounds. We had a stand that consisted of 4 hands-on experiments, and an informative backdrop. The four activities allowed visitors to explore the range of tasks that a paleomagnetist does, from the collection and measurement of samples to understanding the behaviour of the Earth&amp;amp;#8217;s magnetic field. Visitors could measure real lavas from Iceland on a custom-built magnetometer that was designed specifically for outreach, and determine the magnetic polarity of the samples. We also created an information booklet with &amp;amp;#8217;10 things you might not know about Earth&amp;amp;#8217;s magnetic field&amp;amp;#8217;, which is openly available under a CC-license. To measure the impact of our stand on visitors&amp;amp;#8217; knowledge of paleomagnetism, we designed a quiz. Our results show that especially for school kids, our stand had a significant impact on their knowledge of the Earth&amp;amp;#8217;s magnetic field. In this contribution we share lessons learned through designing the &amp;amp;#8216;Magnetic to the Core&amp;amp;#8217; stand, hands-on activities and evaluations.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt; </jats:p

    Geochemical constraints on the geodynamic setting of Alborz-Azerbaijan Cenozoic magmatism

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    The Alborz Mountains in northern Iran form part of the Tethyan orogenic belt and surround the South Caspian Basin. The geology of the western Alborz Mountains is dominated by Eocene mafic to intermediate high-K calc-alkaline-alkaline shoshonitic and minor Oligo-Miocene magmatic rocks, displaying arc geochemical characteristics (e.g., negative Nb, Ta, Ti anomalies). Cenozoic magmatism across this region in western Asia has been explained by a diversity of contrasting geodynamic models involving (multiple slab) subduction and slab-breakoff. The aim of this study is to better constrain the geodynamic setting of magmatism during regional convergence through the investigation of the relatively unstudied Alborz-Azerbaijan magmatic belt. Incompatible trace element geochemistry of Eocene lavas from this belt is distinctive and indicates that they were generated by relatively low-degrees of partial melting of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle with a contribution of asthenosphere melts. Miocene lavas from the Alborz and northern Urmia–Dokhtar magmatic arc (UDMA) share a common arc geochemical signature. Zircon εHf(t) values of the Miocene magmatic rocks from the Alborz and northern UDMA range from −0.4 to 11.7, suggesting incorporation of older continental crust mixed with a more juvenile component. New thermochronological data (fission track and (U-Th)/He on apatite) from the late Eocene plutonic bodies in the Tarom area track exhumational cooling at moderate rates following rapid post-emplacement magmatic cooling at ca. 40 Ma. The geochemical data in conjunction with geological and published geophysical results imply a bending or disruption in the subducting slab under the Tarom area, associated with slab roll-back during the Eocene. This process led to the arc-front displacement and a greater contribution of deep enriched mantle in the Alborz magmas compared to those from the high-flux magmatic event along the Alborz and Urmia–Dokhtar magmatic arc (UDMA), triggered by asthenospheric upwelling and mixing with melts derived from earlier metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle

    Deoxygenation and organic carbon sequestration in the Tethyan realm associated with the middle Eocene climatic optimum

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    The middle Eocene climatic optimum (ca. 40 Ma) stands out as a transient global warming phase of ~400 k.y. duration that interrupted long-term Eocene cooling; it has been associated with a rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations that has been linked to a flare-up in Arabia-Eurasia continental arc volcanism. Increased organic carbon burial in the Tethys Ocean has been proposed as a carbon sequestration mechanism to bring the middle Eocene climatic optimum to an end. To further test these hypotheses, we assessed the sedimentary and geochemical expression of the middle Eocene climatic optimum in the northern Peri-Tethys, specifically, the organic-rich Kuma Formation of the Belaya River section, located on the edge of the Scythian Platform in the North Caucasus, Russia. We constructed an age-depth model using nannofossil chronobiostratigraphy. Throughout the studied middle Eocene interval (41.2–39.9 Ma), we documented sea-surface temperatures of 32–36 °C based on the tetraether index of tetraethers consisting of 86 carbons (TEX86), depending on proxy calibration, and during the early middle Eocene climatic optimum, we observed sea-surface warming of 2–3 °C. Despite the proximity of the section to the Arabia-Eurasia volcanic arc, the hypothesized source of volcanic CO2, we found no evidence for enhanced regional volcanism in sedimentary mercury concentrations. Sedimentary trace-element concentrations and iron speciation indicate reducing bottom waters throughout the middle Eocene, but the most reducing, even euxinic, conditions were reached during late middle Eocene climatic optimum cooling. This apparent regional decoupling between ocean warming and deoxygenation hints at a role for regional tectonics in causing basin restriction and anoxia. Associated excess organic carbon burial, extrapolated to the entire regional Kuma Formation, may have been ~8.1 Tg C yr–1, comprising ~450 Pg C over this ~55 k.y. interval. Combined with evidence for enhanced organic carbon drawdown in the western Peri-Tethys, this supports a quantitatively significant role for the basin in the termination of the middle Eocene climatic optimum by acting as a large organic carbon sink, and these results collectively illustrate that the closing Tethys Ocean might have affected global Paleogene climate

    From Peri-Tethys to Paratethys : Basin restriction and anoxia in central Eurasia linked to volcanic belts in Iran

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    From the Alps in western Europe to the great steppes of Kazakhstan, the former Paratethys Sea once covered a vast area of our planet, of which the Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Aral lake are today’s remnants. The Paratethys formed as the Tethys ocean gradually closed, and was known as ‘Peri-Tethys’ until the late Eocene. The Peri-Tethys transformed into the Paratethys after it became an isolated basin from the Oligocene onwards. Initially, Laskarev (1924) coined the term Paratethys, describing the environment of Miocene sediments, containing peculiar fossils that developed in this isolated environment. Later, also Oligocene strata were included, which show the first isolation from the Tethys ocean. The birth of the Paratethys is characterised by a change in sedimentation reflecting well-oxygenated bottom waters during the Eocene, towards low-oxygen environments in the Oligocene (Maikop Series). In my thesis, we set out to unravel the roles of tectonic and eustatic mechanisms on the transition from Peri-Tethys to Paratethys and onset of oxygen-poor conditions. We focus on sections that show the change from the Eocene open configuration of the Peri-Tethys to the enclosed setting of the Paratethys, and on the progressively closing marine connections of the Paratethys. We investigate Maikop equivalent sediments in southern Germany (North Alpine Foreland basin; NAFB), and the Maikop and underlying sediments at its type section (Belaya river, Russia). My thesis covers millions of years, and a vast geographic area, to better understand the timing and paleogeographic changes in the basin. This large-scale approach has enabled us to shed light on many different aspects that were important for the evolution from Peri-Tethys to Paratethys. We show that the connection of the Paratethys trough the NAFB closes at 33.15 Ma, millions of years earlier than the previously estimated 28 Ma. In Russia, we show that oxygen-depleted episodes already occurred in the Kuma formation (middle Eocene) that coincide with the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO; at 40.5 Ma). In Azerbaijan, we show that volcanism was active around 40.5 Ma, and that overlying sediments that are mapped as ‘Maikop Series’ are of Late Eocene age. We show that the geochemical signature of the volcanic rocks is that of a continental arc, which is in contrast to previous studies that interpreted them as back-arc basin volcanics. We suggest that there is one volcanic belt running from the Talysh in the south of Azerbaijan through Iran towards Bazman (southeast Iran). In the Alborz Mountains (Iran), we use vertical axis rotations derived from paleomagnetic data combined with literature data of the Pontides (Turkey) and the Lesser Caucasus (Georgia and Armenia) to calculate the amount of convergence that is taken up in the Greater Caucasus. We present new Ar-Ar ages of volcanic rocks in Azerbaijan and Iran, and compile ages of volcanic rocks throughout Iran from literature. We show that volcanism in Iran was very active around the MECO, and hypothesize that there is a relationship between the increase in arc volcanism and global climate

    From Peri-Tethys to Paratethys : Basin restriction and anoxia in central Eurasia linked to volcanic belts in Iran

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    From the Alps in western Europe to the great steppes of Kazakhstan, the former Paratethys Sea once covered a vast area of our planet, of which the Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Aral lake are today’s remnants. The Paratethys formed as the Tethys ocean gradually closed, and was known as ‘Peri-Tethys’ until the late Eocene. The Peri-Tethys transformed into the Paratethys after it became an isolated basin from the Oligocene onwards. Initially, Laskarev (1924) coined the term Paratethys, describing the environment of Miocene sediments, containing peculiar fossils that developed in this isolated environment. Later, also Oligocene strata were included, which show the first isolation from the Tethys ocean. The birth of the Paratethys is characterised by a change in sedimentation reflecting well-oxygenated bottom waters during the Eocene, towards low-oxygen environments in the Oligocene (Maikop Series). In my thesis, we set out to unravel the roles of tectonic and eustatic mechanisms on the transition from Peri-Tethys to Paratethys and onset of oxygen-poor conditions. We focus on sections that show the change from the Eocene open configuration of the Peri-Tethys to the enclosed setting of the Paratethys, and on the progressively closing marine connections of the Paratethys. We investigate Maikop equivalent sediments in southern Germany (North Alpine Foreland basin; NAFB), and the Maikop and underlying sediments at its type section (Belaya river, Russia). My thesis covers millions of years, and a vast geographic area, to better understand the timing and paleogeographic changes in the basin. This large-scale approach has enabled us to shed light on many different aspects that were important for the evolution from Peri-Tethys to Paratethys. We show that the connection of the Paratethys trough the NAFB closes at 33.15 Ma, millions of years earlier than the previously estimated 28 Ma. In Russia, we show that oxygen-depleted episodes already occurred in the Kuma formation (middle Eocene) that coincide with the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO; at 40.5 Ma). In Azerbaijan, we show that volcanism was active around 40.5 Ma, and that overlying sediments that are mapped as ‘Maikop Series’ are of Late Eocene age. We show that the geochemical signature of the volcanic rocks is that of a continental arc, which is in contrast to previous studies that interpreted them as back-arc basin volcanics. We suggest that there is one volcanic belt running from the Talysh in the south of Azerbaijan through Iran towards Bazman (southeast Iran). In the Alborz Mountains (Iran), we use vertical axis rotations derived from paleomagnetic data combined with literature data of the Pontides (Turkey) and the Lesser Caucasus (Georgia and Armenia) to calculate the amount of convergence that is taken up in the Greater Caucasus. We present new Ar-Ar ages of volcanic rocks in Azerbaijan and Iran, and compile ages of volcanic rocks throughout Iran from literature. We show that volcanism in Iran was very active around the MECO, and hypothesize that there is a relationship between the increase in arc volcanism and global climate

    Magnetic to the Core – communicating palaeomagnetism with hands-on activities

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    Abstract. Palaeomagnetism is a relatively unknown part of Earth sciences that is not well integrated into the school curriculum in the UK. Throughout recent years, there has been a decline in the number of Earth science students in the UK. In 2018 and 2019, we developed outreach activities and resources to introduce the scientifically engaged general public to palaeomagnetism and raise awareness of how geomagnetism affects society today, thus putting palaeomagnetism, and Earth sciences, in the spotlight. We tested our ideas at local events that were visited mostly by families with small children, with tens to hundreds of participants. Our project culminated in the Magnetic to the Core stand at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition in 2019, which is visited by members of the general public, students and teachers, scientists, policymakers and the media. At this event, we communicated the fundamentals of palaeomagnetism through hands-on activities and presented our recent research advances in a fun and family- friendly way. To test the impact of our exhibit on knowledge of palaeomagnetism and Earth's magnetic field on visitors, we designed an interactive quiz and collected results from 382 participants over 8 d. The results show a significant increase in median quiz score of 22.2 % between those who had not yet visited the stand and those who had visited for more than 10 min. The results from school-aged respondents alone show a larger increase in the median score of 33.5 % between those who had not yet visited and those who had spent more than 10 min at the stand. These findings demonstrate that this outreach event was successful in impacting visitors' learning. We hope our Magnetic to the Core project can serve as an inspiration for other Earth science laboratories looking to engage a wide audience and measure the success and impact of their outreach activities. </jats:p

    Exploring a link between the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum and Neotethys continental arc flare-up

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    The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO), a ~ 500 kyr episode of global warming that initiated at ~40.5 Ma, is postulated to be driven by a net increase in volcanic carbon input, but a direct source has not been identified. Here we show, based on new and previously published radiometric ages of volcanic rocks, that the interval spanning the MECO corresponds to a massive increase in continental arc volcanism in Iran and Azerbaijan. Ages of Eocene igneous rocks in all volcanic provinces of Iran cluster around 40 Ma, very close to the peak warming phase of the MECO. Based on the spatial extent and volume of the volcanic rocks as well as the carbonaceous lithology in which they are emplaced, we estimate the total amount of CO2 that could have been released at this time corresponds to between 1052 and 12 565 Pg carbon. This is compatible with the estimated carbon release during the MECO. Although the uncertainty in both individual ages, and the spread in the compilation of ages, is larger than the duration of the MECO, a flare-up in Neotethys subduction zone volcanism represents a plausible excess carbon source responsible for MECO warming

    Exploring a link between the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum and Neotethys continental arc flare-up

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    The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO), a ~ 500 kyr episode of global warming that initiated at ~40.5 Ma, is postulated to be driven by a net increase in volcanic carbon input, but a direct source has not been identified. Here we show, based on new and previously published radiometric ages of volcanic rocks, that the interval spanning the MECO corresponds to a massive increase in continental arc volcanism in Iran and Azerbaijan. Ages of Eocene igneous rocks in all volcanic provinces of Iran cluster around 40 Ma, very close to the peak warming phase of the MECO. Based on the spatial extent and volume of the volcanic rocks as well as the carbonaceous lithology in which they are emplaced, we estimate the total amount of CO2 that could have been released at this time corresponds to between 1052 and 12 565 Pg carbon. This is compatible with the estimated carbon release during the MECO. Although the uncertainty in both individual ages, and the spread in the compilation of ages, is larger than the duration of the MECO, a flare-up in Neotethys subduction zone volcanism represents a plausible excess carbon source responsible for MECO warming

    Exploring a link between the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum and Neotethys continental arc flare-up

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    The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO), a ~ 500 kyr episode of global warming that initiated at ~40.5 Ma, is postulated to be driven by a net increase in volcanic carbon input, but a direct source has not been identified. Here we show, based on new and previously published radiometric ages of volcanic rocks, that the interval spanning the MECO corresponds to a massive increase in continental arc volcanism in Iran and Azerbaijan. Ages of Eocene igneous rocks in all volcanic provinces of Iran cluster around 40 Ma, very close to the peak warming phase of the MECO. Based on the spatial extent and volume of the volcanic rocks as well as the carbonaceous lithology in which they are emplaced, we estimate the total amount of CO2 that could have been released at this time corresponds to between 1052 and 12 565 Pg carbon. This is compatible with the estimated carbon release during the MECO. Although the uncertainty in both individual ages, and the spread in the compilation of ages, is larger than the duration of the MECO, a flare-up in Neotethys subduction zone volcanism represents a plausible excess carbon source responsible for MECO warming