13 research outputs found

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    Native mass spectrometry is emerging as a powerful tool for the characterization of intact antibodies and antibody-based therapeutics. Here, we demonstrate new possibilities provided by the implementation of a high mass quadrupole mass selector on the recently introduced Orbitrap Exactive EMR mass spectrometer. This configuration allows precursor ion selection, and thus tandem mass spectrometry experiments, even on analytes with masses in the hundreds of kilodaltons. We apply tandem mass spectrometry to localize the drug molecules in the therapeutic antibody-drug conjugate brentuximab vedotin, which displays a heterogeneous drug load. Our tandem MS data reveal that drug conjugation takes place nonhomogeneously to cysteine residues both on the light and heavy chains. Next, we analyzed how many antigens bind to IgG hexamers, based on a recently described antibody mutant IgG1-RGY that forms hexamers and activates complement in solution. The fully saturated IgG1-RGY-antigen complexes displayed a stoichiometry of IgG:CD38 of 6:12, possessing a molecular weight of about 1.26 MDa and demonstrating that IgG assembly does not hamper antigen binding. Through tandem MS experiments, we retrieve information about the spatial arrangement and stoichiometry of the subunits within this complex. These examples underscore the potential of this further modified Orbitrap-EMR instrument especially for the in-depth characterization by native tandem mass spectrometry of antibodies and antibody-based constructs

    Enhancing Accuracy in Molecular Weight Determination of Highly Heterogeneously Glycosylated Proteins by Native Tandem Mass Spectrometry

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    The determination of molecular weights (MWs) of heavily glycosylated proteins is seriously hampered by the physicochemical characteristics and heterogeneity of the attached carbohydrates. Glycosylation impacts protein migration during sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) analysis. Standard electrospray ionization (ESI)-mass spectrometry does not provide a direct solution as this approach is hindered by extensive interference of ion signals caused by closely spaced charge states of broadly distributed glycoforms. Here, we introduce a native tandem MS-based approach, enabling charge-state resolution and charge assignment of protein ions including those that escape mass analysis under standard MS conditions. Using this method, we determined the MW of two model glycoproteins, the extra-cellular domains of the highly and heterogeneously glycosylated proteins CD38 and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), as well as the overall MW and binding stoichiometries of these proteins in complex with a specific antibody

    Quantitative Analysis of the Interaction Strength and Dynamics of Human IgG4 Half Molecules by Native Mass Spectrometry

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    Native mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful technique for studying noncovalent protein-protein interactions. Here, native MS was employed to examine the noncovalent interactions involved in homodimerization of antibody half molecules (HL) in hinge-deleted human IgG4 (IgG4 Delta hinge). By analyzing the concentration dependence of the relative distribution of monomer HL and dimer (HL)(2) species, the apparent dissociation constant (K(D)) for this interaction was determined. In combination with site-directed mutagenesis, the relative contributions of residues at the CH3-CH3 interface to this interaction could be characterized and corresponding K(D) values quantified over a range of 10(-10)-10(-4) M. The critical importance of this noncovalent interaction in maintaining the intact dimeric structure was also proven for the full-length IgG4 backbone. Using time-resolved MS, the kinetics of the interaction could be measured, reflecting the dynamics of IgG4 HL exchange. Hence, native MS has provided a quantitative view of local structural features that define biological properties of IgG4

    Biophysical characterization and stability of modified IgG1 antibodies with different hexamerization propensities

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    The hexamerization of natural, human IgG antibodies after cell surface antigen binding can induce activation of the classical complement pathway. Mutations stimulating Fc domain-mediated hexamerization can potentiate complement activation and induce the clustering of cell surface receptors, a finding that was applied to different clinically investigated antibody therapeutics. Here, we biophysically characterized how increased self-association of IgG1 antibody variants with different hexamerization propensity may impact their developability, rather than functional properties. Self-Interaction Chromatography, Dynamic Light Scattering and PEG-induced precipitation showed that IgG variant self-association at neutral pH increased in the order wild type (WT) < E430G < E345K < E345R < E430G-E345R-S440Y, consistent with functional activity. Self-association was strongly pH-dependent, and single point mutants were fully monomeric at pH 5. Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Fluorimetry showed that mutation E430G decreased conformational stability. Interestingly, heat-induced unfolding facilitated by mutation E430G was reversible at 60°C, while a solvent-exposed hydrophobic mutation caused irreversible aggregation. Remarkably, neither increased dynamic self-association propensity at neutral pH nor decreased conformational stability substantially affected the stability of concentrated variants E430G or E345K during storage for two years at 2-8°C. We discuss how these findings may inform the design and development of IgG-based therapeutics

    Species-Specific Determinants in the IgG CH3 Domain Enable Fab-Arm Exchange by Affecting the Noncovalent CH3-CH3 Interaction Strength

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    A distinctive feature of human IgG4 is its ability to recombine half molecules (H chain and attached L chain) through a dynamic process termed Fab-arm exchange, which results in bispecific Abs. It is becoming evident that the process of Fab-arm exchange is conserved in several mammalian species, and thereby represents a mechanism that impacts humoral immunity more generally than previously thought. In humans, Fab-arm exchange has been attributed to the IgG4 core-hinge sequence (226-CPSCP-230) in combination with unknown determinants in the third constant H chain domain (CH3). In this study, we investigated the role of the CH3 domain in the mechanism of Fab-arm exchange, and thus identified amino acid position 409 as the critical CH3 determinant in human IgG, with R409 resulting in exchange and K409 resulting in stable IgG. Interestingly, studies with IgG from various species showed that Fab-arm exchange could not be assigned to a common CH3 domain amino acid motif. Accordingly, in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), aa 405 was identified as the CH3 determinant responsible (in combination with 226-CPACP-230). Using native mass spectrometry, we demonstrated that the ability to exchange Fab-arms correlated with the CH3-CH3 dissociation constant. Species-specific adaptations in the CH3 domain thus enable Fab-arm exchange by affecting the inter-CH3 domain interaction strength. The redistribution of Ag-binding domains between molecules may constitute a general immunological and evolutionary advantage. The current insights impact our view of humoral immunity and should furthermore be considered in the design and evaluation of Ab-based studies and therapeutics. The Journal of Immunology, 2011, 187: 3238-3246

    Cysteine-SILAC Mass Spectrometry Enabling the Identification and Quantitation of Scrambled Interchain Disulfide Bonds: Preservation of Native Heavy-Light Chain Pairing in Bispecific IgGs Generated by Controlled Fab-arm Exchange

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    Bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) are one of the most versatile and promising pharmaceutical innovations for countering heterogeneous and refractory disease by virtue of their ability to bind two distinct antigens. One critical quality attribute of bsAb formation requiring investigation is the potential randomization of cognate heavy (H) chain/light (L) chain pairing, which could occur to a varying extent dependent on bsAb format and the production platform. To assess the content of such HL-chain swapped reaction products with high sensitivity, we developed cysteine-stable isotope labeling using amino acids in cell culture (SILAC), a method that facilitates the detailed characterization of disulfide-bridged peptides by mass spectrometry. For this analysis, an antibody was metabolically labeled with <sup>13</sup>C<sub>3</sub>,<sup>15</sup>N-cysteine and incorporated into a comprehensive panel of distinct bispecific molecules by controlled Fab-arm exchange (DuoBody technology). This technology is a postproduction method for the generation of bispecific therapeutic IgGs of which several have progressed into the clinic. Herein, two parental antibodies, each containing a single heavy chain domain mutation, are mixed and subjected to controlled reducing conditions during which they exchange heavy–light (HL) chain pairs to form bsAbs. Subsequently, reductant is removed and all disulfide bridges are reoxidized to reform covalent inter- and intrachain bonds. We conducted a multilevel (Top-Middle-Bottom-Up) approach focusing on the characterization of both “left-arm” and “right-arm” HL interchain disulfide peptides and observed that native HL pairing was preserved in the whole panel of bsAbs produced by controlled Fab-arm exchange

    Therapeutic IgG4 antibodies engage in Fab-arm exchange with endogenous human IgG4 in vivo

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    Two humanized IgG4 antibodies, natalizumab and gemtuzumab, are approved for human use, and several others, like TGN1412, are or have been in clinical development. Although IgG4 antibodies can dynamically exchange half-molecules(1), Fab-arm exchange with therapeutic antibodies has not been demonstrated in humans. Here, we show that natalizumab exchanges Fab arms with endogenous human IgG4 in natalizumab-treated individuals. Gemtuzumab, in contrast, contains an IgG4 core-hinge mutation that blocks Fab-arm exchange to undetectable levels both in vitro and in a mouse model. The ability of IgG4 therapeutics to recombine with endogenous IgG4 may affect their pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Although pharmacokinetic modeling lessens concerns about undesired cross-linking under normal conditions, unpredictability remains and mutations that completely prevent Fab-arm exchange in vivo should be considered when designing therapeutic IgG4 antibodies

    Biophysical characterization and stability of modified IgG1 antibodies with different hexamerization propensities

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    The hexamerization of natural, human IgG antibodies after cell surface antigen binding can induce activation of the classical complement pathway. Mutations stimulating Fc domain-mediated hexamerization can potentiate complement activation and induce the clustering of cell surface receptors, a finding that was applied to different clinically investigated antibody therapeutics. Here, we biophysically characterized how increased self-association of IgG1 antibody variants with different hexamerization propensity may impact their developability, rather than functional properties. Self-Interaction Chromatography, Dynamic Light Scattering and PEG-induced precipitation showed that IgG variant self-association at neutral pH increased in the order wild type (WT) < E430G < E345K < E345R < E430G-E345R-S440Y, consistent with functional activity. Self-association was strongly pH-dependent, and single point mutants were fully monomeric at pH 5. Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Fluorimetry showed that mutation E430G decreased conformational stability. Interestingly, heat-induced unfolding facilitated by mutation E430G was reversible at 60°C, while a solvent-exposed hydrophobic mutation caused irreversible aggregation. Remarkably, neither increased dynamic self-association propensity at neutral pH nor decreased conformational stability substantially affected the stability of concentrated variants E430G or E345K during storage for two years at 2-8°C. We discuss how these findings may inform the design and development of IgG-based therapeutics