2,098 research outputs found

    Scalar mesons nonet in a scaled effective Lagrangian

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    A scaled SU(3) Nambu - Jona-Lasinio Lagrangian is used to compute the mass of the nine scalar mesons in the vacuum and the mass of the gluball. It is shown that a suitable choice of the vacuum gluon condensate allows to reproduce the experimental masses of the scalar mesons except for the {K0K^*_{0}}(1430). This choice corresponds to a weak coupling between the gluon and quark condensates, giving a {f0f_{0}}(1500) or a {fJf_{J}}(1710) which is nearly a pure glueball.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, use elsart.st

    Fitting State Space Models with EViews

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    This paper demonstrates how state space models can be fitted in EViews. We first briefly introduce EViews as an econometric software package. Next we fit a local level model to the Nile data. We then show how a multivariate âÂÂlatent riskâ model can be developed, making use of the EViews programming environment. We conclude by summarizing the possibilities and limitations of the software package when it comes to state space modeling.

    Phase transition and thermodynamics of a hot and dense system in a scaled NJL model

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    The chiral phase transition of a hot and dense system of quarks is studied within a modified SU(3) NJL lagrangian that implements the QCD scale anomaly. The u- and s-quark condensates can feel or not the same chiral restoration depending on the considered region of the 3-dimension space T_c(\mu_uc,\mu_sc). The temperature behaviour of the pressure and of the energy and entropy densities of the u- and s-quark system is investigated. At high temperature, the non-vanishing bare s-quark mass only modifies slightly the usual behaviour associated with an ideal quark gas.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, uses elsart.sty. This version of the paper includes the figures (ps

    Spontaneous plaquette formation in the SU(4) Spin-Orbital ladder

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    The low-energy properties of the SU(4) spin-orbital model on a two-leg ladder are studied by a variety of analytical and numerical techniques. Like in the case of SU(2) models, there is a singlet-multiplet gap in the spectrum, but the ground-state is two-fold degenerate. An interpretation in terms of SU(4)-singlet plaquettes is proposed. The implications for general two-dimensional lattices are outlined.Comment: 4 pages, 5 Postscript figure

    A Secondary Emission-Multiwire Chamber for Ganil Heavy Ion Beams Tuning

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/c78/papers/f-19.pdfInternational audienc

    Fitting State Space Models with EViews

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    This paper demonstrates how state space models can be fitted in EViews. We first briefly introduce EViews as an econometric software package. Next we fit a local level model to the Nile data. We then show how a multivariate “latent risk” model can be developed, making use of the EViews programming environment. We conclude by summarizing the possibilities and limitations of the software package when it comes to state space modeling

    The radiological safety system in GANIL

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/c81/papers/fp-12.pdfInternational audienc

    Spin-mechanics with levitating ferromagnetic particles

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    We propose and demonstrate first steps towards schemes where the librational mode of levitating ferromagnets is strongly coupled to the electronic spin of Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. Experimentally, we levitate ferromagnets in a Paul trap and employ magnetic fields to attain oscillation frequencies in the hundreds of kHz range with Q factors close to 10410^4. These librational frequencies largely exceed the decoherence rate of NV centers in typical CVD grown diamonds offering prospects for sideband resolved operation. We also prepare and levitate composite diamond-ferromagnet particles and demonstrate both coherent spin control of the NV centers and read-out of the particle libration using the NV spin. Our results will find applications in ultra-sensitive gyroscopy and bring levitating objects a step closer to spin-mechanical experiments at the quantum level.Comment: Lengthened to 11 pages. To appear in PR

    Spiral-wave-driven accretion in quiescent dwarf nov{\ae}

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    In dwarf nov{\ae} and low-mass X-ray binaries, the tidal potential excites spiral waves in the accretion disc. Spiral wave driven accretion may be important in quiescent discs, where the angular momentum transport mechanism has yet to be identified. Previous studies were limited to unrealistically high temperatures for numerical studies or to specific regimes for analytical studies. We perform the first numerical simulation of spiral wave driven accretion in the cold temperature regime appropriate to quiescent discs, which have Mach numbers > 100. We use the new GPU-accelerated finite volume code Idefix to produce global hydrodynamics 2D simulations of the accretion discs of dwarf nov{\ae} systems with a fine-enough spatial resolution to capture the short scale-height of cold, quiescent discs with Mach numbers ranging from 80 to 370. Running the simulations on timescales of tens of binary orbits shows transient angular momentum transport that decays as the disc relaxes from its initial conditions. We find the angular momentum parameter {\alpha} drops to values << 0.01 , too weak to drive accretion in quiescence