154 research outputs found

    Minimally invasive image-guided therapy for inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma: What is the evidence today?

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a primary malignant tumor of the liver that accounts for an important health problem worldwide. Only 10–15% of HCC patients are suitable candidates for hepatic resection and liver transplantation due to the advanced stage of the disease at time of diagnosis and shortage of donors. Therefore, several minimally invasive image-guided therapies for locoregional treatment have been developed. Tumor ablative techniques are either based on thermal tumor destruction, as in radiofrequency ablation, cryoablation, microwave ablation, laser ablation and high-intensity focused ultrasound, or chemical tumor destruction, as in percutaneous ethanol injection. Image-guided catheter-based techniques rely on intra-arterial delivery of embolic, chemoembolic or radioembolic agents. These minimally invasive image-guided therapies have revolutionized the management of inoperable HCC. This review provides a description of all minimally invasive image-guided therapies currently available, an up-to-date overview of the scientific evidence for their clinical use, and thoughts for future directions

    Transarterial RAdioembolization versus ChemoEmbolization for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (TRACE) : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma is a primary malignant tumor of the liver that accounts for an important health problem worldwide. Only 10 to 15% of hepatocellular carcinoma patients are suitable candidates for treatment with curative intent, such as hepatic resection and liver transplantation. A majority of patients have locally advanced, liver restricted disease (Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging system intermediate stage). Transarterial loco regional treatment modalities offer palliative treatment options for these patients; transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) is the current standard treatment. During TACE, a catheter is advanced into the branches of the hepatic artery supplying the tumor, and a combination of embolic material and chemotherapeutics is delivered through the catheter directly into the tumor. Yttrium-90 radioembolization (Y-90-RE) involves the transarterial administration of minimally embolic microspheres loaded with Yttrium-90, a beta-emitting isotope, delivering selective internal radiation to the tumor. Y-90-RE is increasingly used in clinical practice for treatment of intermediate stage hepatocellular carcinoma, but its efficacy has never been prospectively compared to that of the standard treatment (TACE). In this study, we describe the protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled trial aimed at comparing the effectiveness of TACE and Y-90-RE for treatment of patients with unresectable (BCLC intermediate stage) hepatocellular carcinoma. Methods/design: In this pragmatic randomized controlled trial, 140 patients with unresectable (BCLC intermediate stage) hepatocellular carcinoma, with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0 to 1 and Child-Pugh A to B will be randomly assigned to either Y-90-RE or TACE with drug eluting beads. Patients assigned to Y-90-RE will first receive a diagnostic angiography, followed by the actual transarterial treatment, which can be divided into two sessions in case of bilobar disease. Patients assigned to TACE will receive a maximum of three consecutive transarterial treatment sessions. Patients will undergo structural follow-up for a timeframe of two years post treatment. Post procedural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) will be performed at one and three months post trial entry and at three-monthly intervals thereafter for two years to assess tumor response. Primary outcome will be time to progression. Secondary outcomes will be overall survival, tumor response according to the modified RECIST criteria, toxicities/adverse events, treatment related effect on total liver function, quality of life, treatment-related costs and cost-effectiveness

    Computer-aided detection (CAD) for breast MRI: evaluation of efficacy at 3.0 T

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of 3.0-T breast MRI interpretation using manual and fully automated kinetic analyses. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Manual MRI interpretation was done on an Advantage Workstation. Retrospectively, all examinations were processed with a computer-aided detection (CAD) system. CAD data sets were interpreted by two experienced breast radiologists and two residents. For each lesion automated analysis of enhancement kinetics was evaluated at 50% and 100% thresholds. Forty-nine malignant and 22 benign lesions were evaluated. RESULTS: Using threshold enhancement alone, the sensitivity and specificity of CAD were 97.9% and 86.4%, respectively, for the 50% threshold, and 97.9% and 90%, respectively, for the 100% threshold. Manual interpretation by two breast radiologists showed a sensitivity of 84.6% and a specificity of 68.8%. For the same two radiologists the mean sensitivity and specificity for CAD-based interpretation was 90.4% (not significant) and 81.3% (significant at p < 0.05), respectively. With one-way ANOVA no significant differences were found between the two breast radiologists and the two residents together, or between any two readers separately. CONCLUSION: CAD-based analysis improved the specificity compared with manual analysis of enhancement. Automated analysis at 50% and 100% thresholds showed a high sensitivity and specificity for readers with varying levels of experience

    Пристрій "СПРУТ" для концентрування розчиненого Cs¹³⁷ з використанням целюлозно-неорганічних сорбентів типу "БІФЕЖ"

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    В основу розробки пристрою покладено модифікацію методу лабораторної підготовки на сорбенті типу «ФЕЖЕЛ» («АНФЕЖ», «БІФЕЖ») зразка для радіонуклідного аналізу на γ-спектрометрі проб водного середовища на вміст іонів Cs¹³⁷. Методичними особливостями даної модифікації є те, що сорбент упаковують у патрон-колонку з нержавіючої сталі, робочий об’єм якої 0,08 дм³, і процес сорбції відбувається за допомогою примусового (вакуумного всмоктування) прокачування фільтрату проби через патрон із сорбентом.В основу принципа работы устройства положена модификация методов получения аналитического образца на сорбенте типа «ФЕЖЕЛ» для радиоизотопного анализа на γ-спектрометре проб водной среды на содержание ионов Cs¹³⁷. Методическими особенностями данного устройства является то, что сорбент помещается в патрон-колонку из пищевой нержавеющей стали (полезный объем 0,08 дм³), процесс сорбции происходит при прохождении раствора пробы через патрон с сорбентом посредством вакуумного всасывания

    Feasibility of MRI-guided large-core-needle biopsy of suspiscious breast lesions at 3 T

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    The feasibility of large-core-needle magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided breast biopsy at 3 T was assessed. Thirty-one suspicious breast lesions shown only by MRI were detected in 30 patients. Biopsy procedures were performed in a closed-bore 3-T clinical MR system on a dedicated phased-array breast coil with a commercially available add-on stereotactic biopsy device. Tissue sampling was technically successful in 29/31 (94%) lesions. Median lesion size (n = 29) was 9 mm. Histopathological analysis showed 19 benign lesions (66%) and one inconclusive biopsy result (3%). At follow-up of these lesions, 15 lesions showed no malignancy, no information was available in three patients and two lesions turned out to be malignant (one lesion at surgical excision 1 month after biopsy and one lesion at a second biopsy because of a more malignant enhancement curve at 12-months follow-up MRI). Nine biopsy results showed a malignant lesion (31%) which were all surgically removed. No complications occurred. MRI-guided biopsy at 3 T is a safe and effective method for breast biopsy in lesions that are occult on mammography and ultrasound. Follow-up MRI at 6 months after the biopsy should be performed in case of a benign biopsy result

    Природный и антропогенный факторы формирования и развития культурного ландшафта Форосского парка

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    Цель данной статьи: на примере небольшой территории Южного берега Крыма – парка в пгт. Форос и прилегающей к нему местности – показать роль и место культурного ландшафта в формировании человеком исторического геокультурного пространства

    Breast MRI in nonpalpable breast lesions: a randomized trial with diagnostic and therapeutic outcome – MONET – study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In recent years there has been an increasing interest in MRI as a non-invasive diagnostic modality for the work-up of suspicious breast lesions. The additional value of Breast MRI lies mainly in its capacity to detect multicentric and multifocal disease, to detect invasive components in ductal carcinoma in situ lesions and to depict the tumor in a 3-dimensional image. Breast MRI therefore has the potential to improve the diagnosis and provide better preoperative staging and possibly surgical care in patients with breast cancer. The aim of our study is to assess whether performing contrast enhanced Breast MRI can reduce the number of surgical procedures due to better preoperative staging and whether a subgroup of women with suspicious nonpalpable breast lesions can be identified in which the combination of mammography, ultrasound and state-of-the-art contrast-enhanced Breast MRI can provide a definite diagnosis.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The MONET – study (<b><it>M</it></b>R mammography <b><it>O</it></b>f <b><it>N</it></b>onpalpable Br<b><it>E</it></b>ast <b><it>T</it></b>umors) is a randomized controlled trial with diagnostic and therapeutic endpoints. We aim to include 500 patients with nonpalpable suspicious breast lesions who are referred for biopsy. With this number of patients, the expected 12% reduction in surgical procedures due to more accurate preoperative staging with Breast MRI can be detected with a high power (90%). The secondary outcome is the positive and negative predictive value of contrast enhanced Breast MRI. If the predictive values are deemed sufficiently close to those for large core biopsy then the latter, invasive, procedure could possibly be avoided in some women. The rationale, study design and the baseline characteristics of the first 100 included patients are described.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Study protocol number NCT00302120</p