2,265 research outputs found

    The Binary Galaxies NGC 147 And NGC 185

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    Contrary to a previously published claim it is found that the spheroidal galaxies NGC 147 and NGC 185 probably form a stable binary system. Distance estimates place this pair on the near side of the Andromeda subgroup of the Local Group. The fact that this system has probably remained stable over a Hubble time suggests that it does not have a plunging orbit that brings it very close to M 31. It is noted that the only two Local Group galaxy pairs, in which the components have comparable masses, also have similar morphological types. NGC 147 and NGC 185 are both spheroidals, while the LMC and SMC are both irregulars. This suggests that protogalaxies of similar mass that are spawned in similar environments evolve into objects having similar morphologies.Comment: To be published in A.J. October 199

    Caltech Faint Galaxy Redshift Survey XIV: Galaxy Morphology in the HDF (North) and its Flanking Fields to z=1.2

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    Morphological classifications are reported for Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images of 241 galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) and its Flanking Fields (FF) with measured redshifts in the interval 0.25 < z < 1.2, drawn from a magnitude-limited redshift survey to R = 24.0. The galaxies are divided into three groups with redshifts in the intervals [0.25,0.6], [0.6,0.8], [0.8,1.2]. R606 images from the first group and I814 images from the second and third groups are compared with B-band images of nearby galaxies. All classifications were therefore made at approximately the same rest wavelength. Selection biases are discussed. We corroborate and extend the results of earlier investigations by observing that: Most intermediate and late-type galaxies with z0.5z\gtrsim0.5 have morphologies that are dramatically different from those of local galaxies and cannot be shoehorned into the Hubble ``tuning fork'' classification scheme. Grand-design spirals appear to be rare or absent for z0.3z\gtrsim0.3. Many Sa and Sb spirals with z0.6z\gtrsim0.6 do not exhibit well-defined spiral arms. The arms of distant Sc galaxies appear more chaotic than those of their nearby counterparts. (abridged) On the basis of these and similar observations, it is inferred that the development of pronounced spiral structure was delayed until \~5 Gyr and that most bulges are probably not formed by disintegrating bars. Major morphological changes were still taking place only ~5 Gyr ago even though changes in the integrated light of most galaxies were then much slower than they were ~10 Gyr ago.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journa

    Competitive exception learning using fuzzy frequency distributions

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    A competitive exception learning algorithm for finding a non-linear mapping is proposed which puts the emphasis on the discovery of the important exceptions rather than the main rules. To do so,we first cluster the output space using a competitive fuzzy clustering algorithm and derive a fuzzy frequency distribution describing the general, average system's output behavior. Next, we look for a fuzzy partitioning of the input space in such away that the corresponding fuzzy output frequency distributions `deviate at most' from the average one as found in the first step. In this way, the most important `exceptional regions' in the input-output relation are determined. Using the joint input-output fuzzy frequency distributions, the complete input-output function as extracted from the data, can be expressed mathematically. In addition, the exceptions encountered can be collected and described as a set of fuzzy if-then-else-rules. Besides presenting a theoretical description of the new exception learning algorithm, we report on the outcomes of certain practical simulations

    Globular Clusters and Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies

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    Traditionally globular clusters and dwarf spheroidal galaxies have been distinguished by using one or more of the following criteria: (1) mass, (2) luminosity, (3) size, (4) mass-to-light ratio and (5) spread in metallicity. However, a few recently discovered objects show some overlap between the domains in parameter space that are occupied by galaxies and clusters. In the present note it is shown that ellipticity can, in some cases, be used to help distinguish between globular clusters and dwarf spheroidal galaxies.Comment: MNRAS (Letters), in pres

    Bescherming en beheer van het Schelde-estuarium

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    The ecological quality ofthe Scheldt has been strongly affected by deepening, reclaiming and polluting the water of the river. The use of national instruments of protection has unsufficiently contributed to the recovery of the estuarium. Field managers of nature-areas have succesfully taken the negative effects of the other functions as starting point into their management. The program for compensation of lost nature on behalf of the recent deepening will be evaluated next year, and adapted if necessary. The European directives for nature, water and fishery become more and more important. They play a big role in the long term vision for the Scheldt-estuarium

    Purely radiative perfect fluids

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    We study `purely radiative' (div E = div H = 0) and geodesic perfect fluids with non-constant pressure and show that the Bianchi class A perfect fluids can be uniquely characterized --modulo the class of purely electric and (pseudo-)spherically symmetric universes-- as those models for which the magnetic and electric part of the Weyl tensor and the shear are simultaneously diagonalizable. For the case of constant pressure the same conclusion holds provided one also assumes that the fluid is irrotational.Comment: 12 pages, minor grammatical change

    Jet triggered Type Ia supernovae in radio-galaxies?

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    We report the serendipitous discovery of a supernova (SN) in the nearby radio-galaxy 3C 78. Observations obtained with the STIS spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope show, at a distance of 0.54 arcsec (300 pc) from the galaxy nucleus, a second bright source, not present in previous images. As this source was fortuitously covered by the spectrograph slit its spectrum was obtained and it is characteristic of a Type Ia SN. This SN is closely aligned with the radio-jet of 3C 78. Analysis of historical records shows that such a close association between jet and supernova occurred in 6 of the 14 reported SNe in radio-galaxies. The probability that this results from a random distribution of SN in the host galaxy is less than 0.05%. We then argue that jets might trigger supernova explosions.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, to appear in ApJL, 20 Jul 200