11,186 research outputs found

    Direct application of UNIFAC activity coefficient computer programs to the calculation of solvent activities and .chi.-parameters for polymer solutions

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    Application of UNIFAC computer calculations to polymer solutions does not seem to make sense because of the value of the solvent activity: close to 1.000 over a considerable range of concentrations (up to 90% of polymer). A simple procedure is proposed to calculate solvent activity coefficients, and thus X-parameters, such that the easily available UNIFAC computer programs may be applied directly, without any modification

    Transport in nanofluidic systems: a review of theory and applications

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    In this paper transport through nanochannels is assessed, both of liquids and of dissolved molecules or ions. First, we review principles of transport at the nanoscale, which will involve the identification of important length scales where transitions in behavior occur. We also present several important consequences that a high surface-to-volume ratio has for transport. We review liquid slip, chemical equilibria between solution and wall molecules, molecular adsorption to the channel walls and wall surface roughness. We also identify recent developments and trends in the field of nanofluidics, mention key differences with microfluidic transport and review applications. Novel opportunities are emphasized, made possible by the unique behavior of liquids at the nanoscale

    The Failure of Local and Federal Prosecutors to Curb Police Brutality

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    Although police departments across the country have attempted to ameliorate the hostility between police officers and the cumminity, through careful screening of applicants, minority recruitment, and community policing, police brutality remains a problem within our urban cities. This Essay will first argue that police brutality is largely ignored. Second, it will examine the obstacles facing local and federal prosecutors in obtaining convictions. Then it will compare the advantages and disadvantages of delegating primary responsibility for these cases to the state versus the federal level. Finally, it will argue that, although there are obstacles and advantages for both local and federal prosecutors, ultimately justice is best seved when police brutality is primarily pursued by local prosecutors

    Quantification of dynamics of soil-borne pathogens and their consequences for yield in crop rotations

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    In The Netherlands crop rotation experiments were performed that required a continuation over many years so that long term effects of treatments and rotations may build up. Usually, analysis of variance is performed on within year data or on data from the final years when treatment/rotation effects are maximal. In this thesis the scope is on rotation experiments in the presence of soil-borne pathogens. Instead of estimating the mean densities of these pathogens and the mean yields of the crops over the whole duration of the experiment, dynamics of the pathogens and yield were registered yearly. Two types of dynamical models were applied. In the first model the dependence of the final  (end of the season) pathogen density upon the initial density was represented by a monotonically rising function. The model was applied to an experiment on the dynamics of Pratylenchus penetrans in vegetable crops. In the second model with a Ricker type of functional relation between initial and final pathogen densities, the dynamics of Globodera pallida on 6 cultivars of potato was studied. In both models the pathogen density tended to a stable steady state in the long term. For this steady state an economic evaluation of crop rotations was made. In a third study potato tuber yield was predicted taking into account the presence of three nematode species and the fungus V. dahliae. Also the effect of abiotic factors such as pH and the P content of the soil were taken in consideration. Based on information theory the results of a large class of feasible models was combined by using a suitable method of averaging values of parameters of the different models. Moreover, this method also ranks the predictors with respect to their predictive power. In a fourth study, optimum designs of experiments on pathogen dynamics and yield loss were derived for one of the cultivars already tested in the second study. Furthermore, a measure for the efficiency of a design was introduced so that designs can be compared.&nbsp

    Observation of anomalous Hanle spin precession lineshapes resulting from interaction with localized states

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    It has been shown recently that in spin precession experiments, the interaction of spins with localized states can change the response to a magnetic field, leading to a modified, effective spin relaxation time and precession frequency. Here, we show that also the shape of the Hanle curve can change, so that it cannot be fitted with the solutions of the conventional Bloch equation. We present experimental data that shows such an effect arising at low temperatures in epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide with localized states in the carbon buffer layer. We compare the strength of the effect between materials with different growth methods, epitaxial growth by sublimation and by chemical vapor deposition. The presented analysis gives information about the density of localized states and their coupling to the graphene states, which is inaccessible by charge transport measurements and can be applied to any spin transport channel that is coupled to localized states.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Ringtest to evaluate four methods of resistance testing in fodder radish against Meloidogyne chitwoodi

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    To measure levels of resistance in fodder radish cultivars a reliable, objective and cost effective testing method is required. In 2006 German and Dutch plant breeder’s organizations (Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter; BDP and Plantum), a number of research institutes (PRI, PPO (WUR) and JKI) and breeding companies started this “Ring test project”.Aim of this project was to compare different methods to quantify the level of resistance in fodder radish varieties against Meloidogyne chitwoodi. The final aim is to find the best method and criteria which can serve as an European standard for evaluation of the level of resistance in fodder radish (Raphanus sativus) against M. chitwoodi. In total four fodder radish genotypes, delivered by various breeding companies, and one reference (susceptible) fodder radish cultivar were investigated with three different lab tests and one field-experimen

    Factoranalyse voor het verklaren van opbrengst- en gehalteverschillen tussen percelen cichorei : factoranalyse uitgevoerd op de I-top databestanden van de jaren 2003, 2004, 2005 en 2006

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    In de cichoreiteelt wordt sinds 2003 gewerkt met het teeltregistratiesysteem I-top. In dit systeem wordt geregistreerd hoe de teelt op de diverse percelen wordt uitgevoerd. Het doel van het systeem is om inzicht te krijgen in de teeltfactoren die met name de wortelopbrengst, het inulinegehalte en de inuline-opbrengst van de cichorei bepalen. Op basis van dit inzicht kan de teeltadvisering verbeterd worden, terwijl daarnaast ook vastgesteld kan worden aan welke factoren eventueel extra onderzoek nodig is. In het onderzoek dat in dit rapport beschreven wordt is een factoranalyse uitgevoerd op de databestanden van de jaren 2003 t/m 2006. Met behulp van een factoranalyse kan inzicht verkregen worden in de samenhang tussen de variabelen die in de datasets aanwezig zij

    Exploitation of a pH-sensitive hydrogel for CO2 detection

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    In this paper is described how hydrogel is exploited as sensor material for the \ud detection of carbon dioxide (CO2). A pH-sensitive hydrogel disc, which swells and deswells in response to pH changes, was clamped between a pressure sensor membrane and a porous metal screen together with a bicarbonate solution. Bicarbonate reacts with CO2 resulting in a pH change. The enclosed hydrogel will generate pressure as a response to the pH change. This pressure is a measure for the partial pressure of CO2. The main advantage of this sensor principle is the lack of a reference electrode as required for potentiometric sensors

    Sensing with FETs - once, now and future

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    In this paper a short overview is given of the several FET-based sensor devices and the operational principle of the ISFET is summarized. Some of the shortcomings of the FET sensors were circumvented by an alternative operational mode, resulting in a device capable of acid/base concentration determination by coulometric titrant generation as well as in an original pH-static enzyme sensor. A more recent example is presented in which the ISFET is used for the on-line monitoring of fermentation processes. Future research is directed towards direct covalent coupling of organic monolayers on the silicon itself. In addition, the field-effect can be applied to the so-called semiconducting nanowire devices, ultimately making single molecule detection of charged species possible
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