1,364 research outputs found

    Ubiquitination in apoptosis signaling

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    The work described in this thesis focuses on ubiquitination and protein degradation, with an emphasis on how these processes regulate apoptosis signaling. More specifically, our aims were: 1. To increase the understanding of ubiquitin-mediated regulation of apoptosis signaling. 2. To identify the E3 ubiquitin ligase targeting the apoptosis protein tBidN for unconventional ubiquitination. 3. To delineate the role of N-terminal acetylation in protein degradation

    Changes in circle area after gravity compensation training in chronic stroke patients

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    After a stroke, many people experience difficulties to selectively activate muscles. As a result many patients move the affected arm in stereotypical patterns. Shoulder abduction is often accompanied by elbow flexion, reducing the ability to extend the elbow. This involuntary coupling reduces the patient's active range of motion. Gravity compensation reduces the activation level of shoulder abductors which limits the amount of coupled elbow flexion. As a result, stroke patients can instantaneously increase their active range of motion [1]. The objective of the present study is to examine whether training in a gravity compensated environment can also lead to an increased range of motion in an unsupported environment. Parts of this work have been presented at EMBC2009, Minneapolis, USA

    An Old Dog Learns Some New Tricks: Ready to Embrace Online Learning with Collaborate

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    Comments on the efficacy and safety of opioid analgesics for the management of chronic low back pain

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    To the editor: With great interest we have read the article written by Boya et al. This was a systematic review and network meta-analysis in which opioids were ranked on efficacy and safety for the treatment of chronic low back pain (CLBP). The authors concluded that oxymorphone is the most effective opioid, and hydromorphone is the safest. However, as mentioned by the authors, oxymorphone recently had its United States (U.S.) Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approval withdrawn because of its misuse. This points to the reason why we are writing this letter.[...

    Stimulating job crafting behaviors of older workers:The influence of opportunity-enhancing human resource practices and psychological empowerment

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    Since job crafting behaviour is of profound importance for the retention of older workers, we examined how organizations can stimulate job crafting behaviour among older workers with opportunity-enhancing Human Resource (HR) practices. We introduced three job crafting behaviours: accommodative, utilization, and developmental job crafting. We hypothesized that opportunity-enhancing HR practices increase psychological empowerment among older workers and therefore their job crafting behaviour. We conducted a survey study with two waves among 125 Dutch older workers (65+) affiliated with a temporary employment agency aiming to employ older workers and found that changes in perceptions of opportunity-enhancing HR practices are positively related to changes in psychological empowerment and, in turn, to changes in utilization and developmental crafting behaviours. Unexpectedly, changes in psychological empowerment were not associated with changes in accommodative crafting and changes in opportunity-enhancing HR practices perceptions were not directly associated with changes in job crafting behaviour. With this study, we contribute to the literature on job crafting and human resource management by showing that opportunity-enhancing HR practices influence job crafting behaviour through psychological empowerment

    High-performance work systems and individual performance:A longitudinal study of the differential roles of happiness and health well-being

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    As a part of the growing strand of employee-centered HRM research, employee well-being is suggested to be a key mechanism that may help to explain the relationship between HRM and performance. To investigate how an employee’s well-being mediates the HRM-performance relationship, we distinguish between two types of well-being identified in prior work, happiness well-being and health well-being, and present arguments for differences in their effects on individual performance. Building on Job Demands-Resources (JDR) theory, we propose that happiness well-being positively mediates the relationship between perceived High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS) and individual task performance, while health well-being negatively mediates this focal relationship. Thus, happiness well-being fits the “mutual gains” perspective. In contrast, health well-being fits the “conflicting outcomes” perspective, and thus may be harmed by the HPWS to enhance the performance. We find partial support for our arguments in an analysis of longitudinal survey data of 420 participants spanning a total of four waves of data collection
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