735 research outputs found

    Wage Divergence and Asymmetries in Unemployment in a Model with Biased Technical Change

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    In this article we assume two levels of skills and two classes of goods, one produced with a technology requiring high skills, the other produced with a technology that can be operated by both low and high skilled workers. Our model generates two distinct labour market regimes. In one regime we show technical change can be the cause of wage divergence between skilled and unskilled workers. This result is consistent with recent evidence on wage differentials. Adding the Phillips-effect shows this wage divergence can be "traded off" against unemployment of low skilled workers, and hence explains evidence on skill asymmetries in unemployment. Under the alternative regime these effects do not exist but high skilled workers may replace low skilled workers driving them out of their jobs.economics of technology ;

    Structure and Dynamics of the VAULT COMPLEX

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    Vaults are the largest ribonucleoprotein particles found in eukaryotic cells. The maincomponent of these 13 MDa structures is the Mr 100,000 major vault protein (MVP).In mammalian cells, about 96 copies of this protein are necessary to form one vaultparticle. Two additional proteins are associated with the complex, the so-called minorvault proteins of Mr 193,000 (VPARP) and Mr 240,000 (TEP1), as well as severaluntranslated RNA molecules of 86-141 bases. The components are arranged into ahollow barrel-like structure with each half representing eight arches, which are reminiscent to the arched vaulted ceilings of cathedrals. Therefore, when vaults werefirst observed as contaminants in a preparation of clathrin coated vesicles form rat liver,the large complexes were named ‘vaults’. The typical morphology and the individualvault constituents appear conserved throughout evolution, implying an important rolefor vaults in cellular metabolism. A number of functions have been suggested for theseunique particles, but the general idea is that vaults function in intracellular transportprocesses. Nevertheless, the precise cellular function of the vault complex has not yetbeen elucidated. In this study we attempted to gain insight in vault biogenesis,dynamics and their interaction with other cellular components in order to unravel thephysiological significance of vault

    Mapping quantum-classical Liouville equation: projectors and trajectories

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    The evolution of a mixed quantum-classical system is expressed in the mapping formalism where discrete quantum states are mapped onto oscillator states, resulting in a phase space description of the quantum degrees of freedom. By defining projection operators onto the mapping states corresponding to the physical quantum states, it is shown that the mapping quantum-classical Liouville operator commutes with the projection operator so that the dynamics is confined to the physical space. It is also shown that a trajectory-based solution of this equation can be constructed that requires the simulation of an ensemble of entangled trajectories. An approximation to this evolution equation which retains only the Poisson bracket contribution to the evolution operator does admit a solution in an ensemble of independent trajectories but it is shown that this operator does not commute with the projection operators and the dynamics may take the system outside the physical space. The dynamical instabilities, utility and domain of validity of this approximate dynamics are discussed. The effects are illustrated by simulations on several quantum systems.Comment: 4 figure

    The Lyapunov spectrum of the many-dimensional dilute random Lorentz gas

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    For a better understanding of the chaotic behavior of systems of many moving particles it is useful to look at other systems with many degrees of freedom. An interesting example is the high-dimensional Lorentz gas, which, just like a system of moving hard spheres, may be interpreted as a dynamical system consisting of a point particle in a high-dimensional phase space, moving among fixed scatterers. In this paper, we calculate the full spectrum of Lyapunov exponents for the dilute random Lorentz gas in an arbitrary number of dimensions. We find that the spectrum becomes flatter with increasing dimensionality. Furthermore, for fixed collision frequency the separation between the largest Lyapunov exponent and the second largest one increases logarithmically with dimensionality, whereas the separations between Lyapunov exponents of given indices not involving the largest one, go to fixed limits.Comment: 8 pages, revtex, 6 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Effective pair potentials for spherical nanoparticles

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    An effective description for spherical nanoparticles in a fluid of point particles is presented. The points inside the nanoparticles and the point particles are assumed to interact via spherically symmetric additive pair potentials, while the distribution of points inside the nanoparticles is taken to be spherically symmetric and smooth. The resulting effective pair interactions between a nanoparticle and a point particle, as well as between two nanoparticles, are then given by spherically symmetric potentials. If overlap between particles is allowed, the effective potential generally has non-analytic points, but for each effective potential the expressions for different overlapping cases can be written in terms of one analytic auxiliary potential. Effective potentials for hollow nanoparticles (appropriate e.g. for buckyballs) are also considered, and shown to be related to those for solid nanoparticles. Finally, explicit expressions are given for the effective potentials derived from basic pair potentials of power law and exponential form, as well as from the commonly used London-Van der Waals, Morse, Buckingham, and Lennard-Jones potential. The applicability of the latter is demonstrated by comparison with an atomic description of nanoparticles with an internal face centered cubic structure.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures. Unified description of overlapping and nonoverlapping particles added, as well as a comparison with an idealized atomic descriptio

    Constructing smooth potentials of mean force, radial, distribution functions and probability densities from sampled data

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    In this paper a method of obtaining smooth analytical estimates of probability densities, radial distribution functions and potentials of mean force from sampled data in a statistically controlled fashion is presented. The approach is general and can be applied to any density of a single random variable. The method outlined here avoids the use of histograms, which require the specification of a physical parameter (bin size) and tend to give noisy results. The technique is an extension of the Berg-Harris method [B.A. Berg and R.C. Harris, Comp. Phys. Comm. 179, 443 (2008)], which is typically inaccurate for radial distribution functions and potentials of mean force due to a non-uniform Jacobian factor. In addition, the standard method often requires a large number of Fourier modes to represent radial distribution functions, which tends to lead to oscillatory fits. It is shown that the issues of poor sampling due to a Jacobian factor can be resolved using a biased resampling scheme, while the requirement of a large number of Fourier modes is mitigated through an automated piecewise construction approach. The method is demonstrated by analyzing the radial distribution functions in an energy-discretized water model. In addition, the fitting procedure is illustrated on three more applications for which the original Berg-Harris method is not suitable, namely, a random variable with a discontinuous probability density, a density with long tails, and the distribution of the first arrival times of a diffusing particle to a sphere, which has both long tails and short-time structure. In all cases, the resampled, piecewise analytical fit outperforms the histogram and the original Berg-Harris method.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures. To appear in J. Chem. Phy

    Lyapunov spectra of billiards with cylindrical scatterers: comparison with many-particle systems

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    The dynamics of a system consisting of many spherical hard particles can be described as a single point particle moving in a high-dimensional space with fixed hypercylindrical scatterers with specific orientations and positions. In this paper, the similarities in the Lyapunov exponents are investigated between systems of many particles and high-dimensional billiards with cylindrical scatterers which have isotropically distributed orientations and homogeneously distributed positions. The dynamics of the isotropic billiard are calculated using a Monte-Carlo simulation, and a reorthogonalization process is used to find the Lyapunov exponents. The results are compared to numerical results for systems of many hard particles as well as the analytical results for the high-dimensional Lorentz gas. The smallest three-quarters of the positive exponents behave more like the exponents of hard-disk systems than the exponents of the Lorentz gas. This similarity shows that the hard-disk systems may be approximated by a spatially homogeneous and isotropic system of scatterers for a calculation of the smaller Lyapunov exponents, apart from the exponent associated with localization. The method of the partial stretching factor is used to calculate these exponents analytically, with results that compare well with simulation results of hard disks and hard spheres.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Crucial role of sidewalls in velocity distributions in quasi-2D granular gases

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    Our experiments and three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulations of particles confined to a vertical monolayer by closely spaced frictional walls (sidewalls) yield velocity distributions with non-Gaussian tails and a peak near zero velocity. Simulations with frictionless sidewalls are not peaked. Thus interactions between particles and their container are an important determinant of the shape of the distribution and should be considered when evaluating experiments on a tightly constrained monolayer of particles.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Added reference, model explanation charified, other minor change

    Стратегії проповідницького дискурсу І. Галятовського: антропологічний аспект

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    How cells in developing organisms interpret the quantitative information contained in morphogen gradients is an open question. Here we address this question using a novel integrative approach that combines quantitative measurements of morphogen-induced gene expression at single-mRNA resolution with mathematical modelling of the induction process. We focus on the induction of Notch ligands by the LIN-3/EGF morphogen gradient during vulva induction in Caenorhabditis elegans. We show that LIN-3/EGF-induced Notch ligand expression is highly dynamic, exhibiting an abrupt transition from low to high expression. Similar transitions in Notch ligand expression are observed in two highly divergent wild C. elegans isolates. Mathematical modelling and experiments show that this transition is driven by a dynamic increase in the sensitivity of the induced cells to external LIN-3/EGF. Furthermore, this increase in sensitivity is independent of the presence of LIN-3/EGF. Our integrative approach might be useful to study induction by morphogen gradients in other systems

    A charged particle in a magnetic field - Jarzynski Equality

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    We describe some solvable models which illustrate the Jarzynski theorem and related fluctuation theorems. We consider a charged particle in the presence of magnetic field in a two dimensional harmonic well. In the first case the centre of the harmonic potential is translated with a uniform velocity, while in the other case the particle is subjected to an ac force. We show that Jarzynski identity complements Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem on the absence of diamagnetism in equilibrium classical system.Comment: 5 pages, minor corrections made and journal reference adde