23 research outputs found

    Random Generation of Unary Finite Automata over the Domain of the Regular Languages

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    We show that the standard methods for the random generation of finite automata are inadequate if considered over the domain of the regular languages, for small n. We then present a consolidated, practical method for the random generation of unary finite automata over the domain of the regular languages.

    The ATIS sign language corpus

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    Systems that automatically process sign language rely on appropriate data. We therefore present the ATIS sign language corpus that is based on the domain of air travel information. It is available for five languages, English, German, Irish sign language, German sign language and South African sign language. The corpus can be used for different tasks like automatic statistical translation and automatic sign language recognition and it allows the specific modelling of spatial references in signing space

    A survey of proof systems for CSP

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    Thesis (M.Sc.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1987.Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record

    Generalized Nondeterminism and the Succinct Representation of Regular Languages

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    e bondige voorstelling van regulere tale. Ons gaan van die standpunt uit dat die tradisionele neto bloot dien as 'n beskrywing van 'n deterministiese eto, instede daarvan om dit te beskou as 'n masjien in eie reg. Ons beskryf dan verskeie veralgemenings van die tradisionele neto beskrywing, soos byvoorbeeld die ?-neto's, die super-niedeterministiese ?-k-neto's en die algebraiese Z p n-neto's. In elk van die gevalle ondersoek ons die effek van die veralgemening op die bondige voorstelling van regulere tale. Laastens beskou ons dan die verspreiding van die regulere tale wat aanvaar word deur 'n gegewe tipe veralgemeende neto, en kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die tradisionele nie-deterministiese eindige toestand outomaat homself nie in die besonder leen tot die bondige voorstelling van regulere tale nie. iv Acknowledgements So, with a nod of thanks to his friends, he went on with his wal

    Random Generation of Unary Finite Automata over the Domain of the Regular Languages

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    We show that the standard methods for the random generation of finite automata are inadequate if considered over the domain of the regular languages, for small n. We then present a consolidated, practical method for the random generation of unary finite automata over the domain of the regular languages.The Post-Proceedings of this Festschrift will be formally published in The South African Computer Journal number 41

    Descriptional Complexity of Ambiguity in Symmetric Difference NFAs

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    We investigate ambiguity for symmetric difference nondeterministic finite automata. We show the existence of unambiguous, finitely ambiguous, polynomially ambiguous and exponentially ambiguous symmetric difference nondeterministic finite automata. We show that, for each of these classes, there is a family of n-state nondeterministic finite automata such that the smallest equivalent deterministic finite automata have O(2n) states

    South African Sign Language Machine Translation Project

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    synchronous tree-adjoining grammar parser approach in order to generate non-manual signs and construct a suitable signing space. We show that post-processing of the target language tree, after transfer rules have been applied, results in a simple and efficient mechanism to generate information on non-manual signs for use in a signing avatar