1,436 research outputs found

    Solvent extraction as additional purification method for postconsumer plastic packaging waste

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    An existing solvent extraction process currently used to convert lightly polluted post-industrial packaging waste into high quality re-granulates was tested under laboratory conditions with highly polluted post-consumer packaging waste originating from municipal solid refuse waste. The objective was to study the technical feasibility of using this extraction technology and to study the quality of the produced cleaned plastic flakes. Two types of dirty plastic flakes from household waste were used; transparent to white flexible film flakes and PET-bottle flakes

    Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection: Features of immune surveillance and antiviral resistance

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    __Abstract__ The family of Herpesviridae is highly disseminated in the animal world, with a wide range of host species. Because most animal species have at least one herpesvirus, the number of herpesviruses in nature is likely to exceed by far the 138 currently identifi ed members. To date, eight human herpesviruses have been identifi ed: human herpesvirus 1 to 8 (HHV1-HHV8). They are classifi ed on basis of their cell tropism and genome organization into subfamilies of Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaherpesvirinae (Table 1). In addition to causing productive infections, a key feature of herpesviruses is their ability to establish latency. This non-productive phase lasts for the life time of the host, is characterized by a silent viral infection with intermittent reactivations, commonly clinical unapparent, resulting in intermittent shedding of infectious virus and spread throughout the population

    A Cooperative Approach to Queue Allocation of Indivisible Objects

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    We consider the allocation of a finite number of indivisible objects to the same number of agents according to an exogenously given queue.We assume that the agents collaborate in order to achieve an efficient outcome for society.We allow for side-payments and provide a method for obtaining stable outcomes.game theory;cooperative games;allocation

    Nascheiden van kunststofverpakkingsafval te Wijster : massabalans van een nieuwe nascheidingsinstallatie

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    De nieuwe nascheidingsinstallatie van Attero te Wijster voor het terugwinnen van kunststofverpakkingsafval is op 27 januari 2011 getest met Rotterdams huishoudelijk restafval. Dit restafval bevat ongeveer 13% kunststof en is relatief rijk aan organisch materiaal en foliekunststof. Hieruit won de installatie twee producten met kunststof terug; genaamd harde kunststoffen en folie. In totaal werd 8,4% van het huishoudelijk restafval afgescheiden als kunststofverpakkingsafval. Dit komt overeen met 61,4 kg/aansluiting.jaar bruto en is inclusief ongeveer 22,5 kg/aansluiting.jaar aan restafval. Zodat er netto 38,9 kg/aansluiting.jaar aan kunststofverpakkingsafval werd afgescheiden. Dit is een eerste resultaat en een momentopname. Verwacht mag worden dat deze nieuwe installatie nog een beter rendement zal laten zien in de toekomst, net als de twee reeds bestaande nascheidingsinstallaties in Nederland al hebben gedaan. Verder mag verwacht worden dat deze nieuwe installatie net als de twee bestaande installaties onderhevig zal zijn aan de gebruikelijke variatie in de samenstelling van het huishoudelijk restafval en terugwinningsrendement. Kortom, deze test laat zien dat er met de nieuwe installatie in Wijster grote hoeveelheden kunststofverpakkingsafval kunnen worden teruggewonnen. Na een optimalisatie van het afscheidingsproces in deze nieuwe installatie zal de hoeveelheid afgescheiden restmateriaal waarschijnlijk dalen

    Sensitive Radio Survey of Obscured Quasar Candidates

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    We study the radio properties of moderately obscured quasars over a range of redshifts to understand the role of radio activity in accretion using the Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) at 6.0GHz and 1.4GHz. Our z~2.5 sample consists of optically-selected obscured quasar candidates, all of which are radio-quiet, with typical radio luminosities of νLν\nu L_{\nu}[1.4 GHz] < 104010^{40} erg s−1^{-1}. Only a single source is individually detected in our deep (rms~10 μ\muJy) exposures. This population would not be identified by radio-based selection methods used for distinguishing dusty star-forming galaxies and obscured active nuclei. In our pilot A-array study of z~0.5 radio-quiet quasars, we spatially resolve four of five objects on scales ~ 5 kpc and find they have steep spectral indices. Therefore, radio emission in these sources could be due to jet-driven or radiatively driven bubbles interacting with interstellar material on the scale of the host galaxy. Finally, we also study the population of ~ 200 faint (~40 μ\muJy - 40 mJy) radio sources observed over ~ 120 arcmin2^2 of our data. 60% of these detections are matched in the SDSS and/or WISE and are, in roughly equal shares, active nuclei at a broad range of redshifts, passive galaxies with no other signs of nuclear activity and IR-bright but optically faint sources. Spectroscopically or photometrically confirmed star-forming galaxies constitute only a small minority of the matches. Such sensitive radio surveys allow us to address important questions of AGN evolution and evaluate the AGN contribution to the radio-quiet sky.Comment: 18 pages, submitted to MNRA
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