27 research outputs found

    The impact of teacher's self-efficacy and classroom externalising problem behaviors on emotional exhaustion:Between- and within-person associations

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    Teaching can be a challenging profession, which puts teachers at high risk for developing burnout symptoms, such as emotional exhaustion. In this study we aim to investigate the interplay between classroom externalising problem behaviours (as a job demand), teachers’ self-efficacy (as a job resource) and emotional exhaustion over a school year. Conducting three measurements during a school year among 103 Dutch primary education teachers, we examine the sensitivity for, and the individual development of, emotional exhaustion. Findings show that emotional exhaustion, classroom externalising problem behaviours, and teachers’ self-efficacy are stable constructs in teachers. Traditional (between-person) cross-lagged panel models indicate that teachers with low levels of self-efficacy are more likely to develop emotional exhaustion during the school year, compared to their colleagues. We found no evidence that teachers confronted with classroom externalising problem behaviours were more likely to develop emotional exhaustion. Random intercept (within-person) cross-lagged panel models indicate that teachers with high levels of classroom externalising problem behaviours do not show increased emotional exhaustion at a later time point. For self-efficacy and emotional exhaustion, we could not estimate the within-person model due to limited variance in the variables. Implications of these findings and suggestions for further research were discussed

    Effect of Key2Teach on Dutch teachers' relationships with students with externalizing problem behavior:A randomized controlled trial

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    The teacher-student relationship plays an important role in the academic and behavioral development of primary school children with externalizing problem behavior. However, such problem behavior often threatens the quality of the teacher-student relationship. Teacher-focused coaching intervention Key2Teach aims to improve elements of the relationship between teachers and students with externalizing problem behavior and consists of two phases and four building blocks. This intervention provides primary school teachers with insight into their mental representation of the relationship and opportunities to practice functional interaction skills. In a randomized controlled trial (RCT), effects of Key2Teach on different aspects of the relationship between teachers and students with externalizing problem behavior were examined. In two cohorts, 103 dyads consisting of a teacher and a student with externalizing problem behavior in grades 3-6 were assessed three times during a school year. Fifty-three dyads received the intervention (intervention group), whereas 50 dyads received no intervention (control group). Data were collected on teacher-reported teacher-student closeness and conflict, and on teacher interaction skills in various domains. Results show a significant increase in closeness and a decrease in conflict as a result of Key2Teach, with substantial effect sizes. No effects on teacher interaction skills were found. This study indicates that Key2Teach may help teachers to improve elements of the relationship they have with students with externalizing problem behavior. Implications for practice and future research are discussed

    Safe, supportive and successful schools: . The case for multi-service schools and behaviour and education support teams

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    Convivencia en Educación: Problemas y Soluciones. Perspectivas Europea y Latinoamericana, es una obra que nace de las aportaciones de investigadores europeos y latinoamericanos mediante tres jornadas de trabajo desarrolladas en mayo de 2010, en las que participan diferentes ponentes que trabajaran temas de convivencia, reflexionando en relación a cinco objetivos: a. estudiar conjuntamente con los docentes la compleja realidad de las situaciones disconvivenciales; b. poner en común las variables definitorias de los problemas de clima de enseñanza-aprendizaje, así como los factores causales de los mismos; c. estudiar las raíces axiológicas de la cuestión, conforme a las legislaciones, a los efectos de localizar sentidos y lineamientos respecto a los diseños curriculares; d. comparar los modelos de solución y sus efectos, así como los aspectos positivos o escollos en los procesos de su implementación; y e. plantear pautas pedagógicas para delimitar modelos, estrategias y técnicas de actuación conforme a estilos de acción educativa, implicando la innovación (p. 11). Lo que finalmente lleva a la elaboración de esta obra, la cual, muestra la realidad Europea y Latinoamericana en problemas de convivencia junto a actuaciones concretas para su mejora

    Geen wij/zij, maar samenwerking

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    Interview met Dolf van Veen in vakblad Didactief over passend onderwijs (november 2013

    Van intern begeleider naar coördinator passend onderwijs op school

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    Presentatie op tweedaagse Passend Onderwijs van de PO-Raad in Ermelo

    Passend Onderwijs en de Lerarenopleidingen

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    Presentatie op Studiedag Velon, Breda, Avans Hogeschoo

    Leer-kracht en Besturen: verbindingen in onderwijs en tussen onderwijs en jeugdzorg.: Hoe gaat passend onderwijs verder?

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    Presentatie op tweedaags bestuur Landelijk Expertisecentrum Special Onderwijs (LESCO) in Dordrecht

    A model of tutoria integrated as response to the teaching under pressure

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    En respuesta a la presión que actualmente soporta el sistema educativo en Holanda, en este artículo se analizan los factores que influyen en la enseñanza, así como las respuestas que los sistemas de orientación dan en el espacio educativo de ese país. Ulteriormente, se propone un modelo de tutoría integrado, intensivo y contextualizado.In response to the pressure which the educational system in Holland is suffering at present, in this paper the factors which influence in education, as well as the answers given by the systems of orientation in the area of education in this country, are analyzed. Subsequently, a model of integrated tutoring, which is both integrated and contextualized, is proposed