1,255 research outputs found

    Prevention of cognitive decline : Effectiveness of physical exercise and vitamin B supplementation

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    Mechelen, W. van [Promotor]Chin A Paw, J.M.M. [Copromotor]Hopman-Rock, M. [Copromotor

    The simulation of the DarkSide-20k calibration

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    DarkSide-20k will be the next liquid argon TPC built to perform direct search for dark matter under the form of WIMPs. Its calibration to both signal and backgrounds is key as very few events are expected in WIMPs search. In the following proceeding, aspects of the calibration of the TPC of DarkSide-20k are presented: the calibration system itself, the simulations of the calibration programs and the simulations of the impact of the calibration system on the rest of the detector (reduction of the light collection efficiency in the veto buffer, induced background by the system in the TPC and veto).Comment: contribution to the 2023 Electroweak session of the 57th Rencontres de Morion

    Plan's CCCD approach - Country study PLAN-Bangladesh

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    PLAN Netherlands National Organisation has in coordination with PLAN International Headquarters commissioned an independent formative evaluation study to get systematic insight in the preconditions for appropriate functionality of Child Centred Community Development (CCCD) and to strengthen common understanding on CCCD. To review the general findings of the study (presented in the synthesis report), which are based on an extensive literature review of the materials available within Plan and within other organisations on child centred development and consultations with CCCD champions at various organisational levels within Plan, country studies were carried out in Kenya and Bangladesh. This report presents the findings of the country study in Bangladesh and forms an integral part of the synthesis report. Perspectives on CCCD and CCCD practise were looked at from four interrelated levels: Plan Bangladesh’s Country Office (exploring overall strategic outlook); one urban and one rural Programme Unit (looking at application of CCCD strategies in their particular settings); Plan partners (level of understanding and role of both NGO and government partners in developing and implementing CCCD, and; beneficiaries (CCCD practise and focus on understanding and effect of CCCD. Findings are based on a review of Plan Bangladesh documents, groupwork, semi structured interviews and key informant interviews of Plan and partner staff at various organisational levels as well as field visits and discussions with CBOs and project beneficiaries. The findings are of a general nature and to some degree dependent on the sites visited and people met as a full depth analysis of CCCD would require more time of CCCD would require more time than the weeklong visit to Bangladesh allowed for

    Floriculture world wide; production, trade and consumption patterns show market opportunities and challenges

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    Floricultural production contains a wide variety of products. The production value world wide has been rising from 11 billion to 60 billion dollars in 2003 (estimate). Europe is traditionally a large producer and trader, with a stable production value of about 10 billion dollars (2002). North America has a production value of about 6,5 billion dollars. In Asia production capacity is growing rapidly in several countries. In Africa the production has emerged enormously, but in a risky environment. Oceania is a small producer. Looking a inter- and intra continental trade in 2002 the following view occurs. Europe and USA have the largest intra continental trade. Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe export to these continents. Of the existing markets USA has emerged the last decade. Further more the consumption per capita has been rising due to rise of income and developments in culture in countries in Europe, USA and Japan. Asia and Easter Europe have big potential as new markets because the level of prosperity is rising. Totally the worldwide demand has grown. For high volume bulky product we see a South-North pattern. For high quality product there are niche markets world wide. While we see the international trade increasing, the regional supply will be leading. Parallel WTO liberalises the world trade, non-trade barriers occur. This, together with changing from a product driven to a demand driven market, requires strategies for market access. Co-operation in supply chains offers possibilities.Production, Crop Production/Industries,

    De bedrijfsvoering van de toekomst voldoet aan ieders wensen

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    Op de Floriade is door LTO de Kas van de Toekomst gepresenteerd. Daarmee werd gedemonstreerd hoe een glastuinbouwbedrijf in 2010 duurzaam kan produceren

    Which older women could benefit from interventions to decrease sitting time and increase physical activity? [Letter to the Editor]

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    In addition to the well-known health risks associated with lack of physical activity (PA), evidence is emerging about the health risks of sedentary behaviour (sitting). Research about patterns and correlates of sitting and PA in older women is scarce. METHODS: Self-report data from 6,116 women aged 76-81 years were collected as part of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Woman’s Health. Linear regression models were computed to examine whether demographic, social and health factors were associated with sitting and PA. RESULTS: Women who did no PA sat more than women who did any PA (p<0.001). Seven correlates were associated with sitting and PA (p<0.05). Five of these were associated with more sitting and less PA: three health-related (BMI, chronic conditions, anxiety/depression) and two social correlates (caring duties, volunteering). One demographic (being from another English-speaking country) and one social correlate (more social interaction) were associated with more sitting and more PA. Four correlates, two demographic (living in a city; post-high school education), one social (being single), and one health-related correlate (dizziness/loss of balance) were associated with more sitting only. Two other health-related correlates (stiff/painful joints; feet problems) were associated with less PA only. CONCLUSION: Sedentary behaviour and PA are distinct behaviours in older Australian women. Information about the correlates of both behaviours can be used to identify population groups who might benefit from interventions to reduce sedentary behaviour and/or increase PA

    Strategic evaluation study on child-centred community development - Synthesis report

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    This strategic formative evaluation was carried out by Wageningen International Capacity Development & Institutional Change (CD&IC) programme from May to September 2009. The evaluation aims to obtain insight into the understanding of CCCD within Plan, and to learn more about the factors that favour or obstruct the implementation of Child Centred Community Development (CCCD) in practice. Suggestions on improving CCCD as an approach to development are provided, as well as an analysis of capacity development needs for CCCD implementation. This evaluation report is a product of Phase I of the complete anticipated evaluation trajectory. Phase II will most likely include an international workshop around the findings of Phase I. The findings of Phase I will contribute to the track record for the MFS II application to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs which Plan Netherlands is currently preparing. The study comprised a desk research stage, which reviewed relevant Plan documentation as well as consultations with key stakeholders within Plan worldwide. During this stage face to face interviews were conducted in Plan IH office in Woking, and at NLNO in Amsterdam. Other interviews with stakeholders in ROs and NOs were done using Skype. Furthermore two field studies were conducted in Kenya and Bangladesh. Given the fact that the topic of the study is broad, it is limited to analysis of the wider issues pertaining to CCCD rather than in-depth detailed analysis of these issues

    Optoelectronic developments for remote-handled maintenance tasks in ITER

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    Remotely handled maintenance tools operated in the future International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) will face a harsh radiation environment, with total dose level requirements of several MGy. Optical fiber data communication has been considered as an alternative to conventional electronic transmission between the control room and remote handled maintenance equipment, mainly owing to its insentivity to electro-magnetic interference and to its wavelength encoded multiplexing capabilities. In this paper we summarise main results obtained at SCK•CEN over the past years towards the development of radiation tolerant fibre-optic communication links and report on the radiation tolerance of various individual optical components such as optical fibres, laser diodes and photodetectors, as well as their associated electronic driver circuits
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