333 research outputs found

    Аналіз ефективності використання потенціалу матеріальних ресурсів підприємства

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    Метою даного дослідження виступає пошук аналітичних можливостей комплексної оцінки та аналізу використання потенціалу матеріальних ресурсів та визначення шляхів підвищення ефективності використання матеріальних ресурсів підприємства

    The ambiguous role of NKX2-5 mutations in thyroid dysgenesis.

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    NKX2-5 is a homeodomain-containing transcription factor implied in both heart and thyroid development. Numerous mutations in NKX2-5 have been reported in individuals with congenital heart disease (CHD), but recently a select few have been associated with thyroid dysgenesis, among which the p.A119S variation. We sequenced NKX2-5 in 303 sporadic CHD patients and 38 families with at least two individuals with CHD. The p.A119S variation was identified in two unrelated patients: one was found in the proband of a family with four affected individuals with CHD and the other in a sporadic CHD patient. Clinical evaluation of heart and thyroid showed that the mutation did not segregate with CHD in the familial case, nor did any of the seven mutation carriers have thyroid abnormalities. We tested the functional consequences of the p.A119S variation in a cellular context by performing transactivation assays with promoters relevant for both heart and thyroid development in rat heart derived H10 cells and HELA cells. There was no difference between wildtype NKX2-5 and p.A119S NKX2-5 in activation of the investigated promoters in both cell lines. Additionally, we reviewed the current literature on the topic, showing that there is no clear evidence for a major pathogenic role of NKX2-5 mutations in thyroid dysgenesis. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that p.A119S does not cause CHD or TD and that it is a rare variation that behaves equal to wildtype NKX2-5. Furthermore, given the wealth of published evidence, we suggest that NKX2-5 mutations do not play a major pathogenic role in thyroid dysgenesis, and that genetic testing of NKX2-5 in TD is not warranted

    2018 European Thyroid Association (ETA) Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Central Hypothyroidism.

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    OBJECTIVES: Central hypothyroidism (CeH) is a rare form of hypothyroidism characterized by insufficient thyroid stimulation due to disturbed pituitary and/or hypothalamic functioning. Due to its origin and the whole clinical context, CeH represents a challenging condition in clinical practice as it is characterized by suboptimal accuracy of clinical and biochemical parameters for diagnosis and management. Since no expert consensus or guidance for this condition is currently available, a task force of experts received the commitment from the European Thyroid Association (ETA) to prepare this document based on the principles of clinical evidence. STUDY DESIGN: The task force started to work in February 2017 and after a careful selection of appropriate references (cohort studies, case reports, expert opinions), a preliminary presentation and live discussion during the 2017 ETA meeting, and several revision rounds, has prepared a list of recommendations to support the diagnosis and management of patients with CeH. RESULTS: Due to the particular challenges of this rare condition in the different ages, the target users of this guidance are pediatric and adult endocrinologists. Experts agreed on the need to recognize and treat overt CeH at all ages, whereas treatment of milder forms may be dispensable in the elderly (> 75 years). CONCLUSIONS: Despite the lack of randomized controlled clinical trials, the experts provide 34 recommendations supported by variable levels of strength that should improve the quality of life of the affected patients and reduce the metabolic and hormonal consequences of inadequate management.This is a guidelines article so funding sources are not acknowledged. However, my personal grant is from the Wellcome Trus

    Pasireotide treatment for severe congenital hyper-insulinism due to a homozygous ABCC8 mutation

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    ABCC8 and KCJN11 mutations cause the most severe diazoxide-resistant forms of congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI). Somatostatin analogues are considered as secondline treatment in diazoxide-unresponsive cases. Current treatment protocols include the first-generation somatostatin analogue octreotide, although pasireotide, a second-generation somatostatin analogue, might be more effective in reducing insulin secretion. Herein we report the first off-label use of pasireotide in a boy with a severe therapy-resistant form of CHI due to a homozygous ABCC8 mutation. After partial pancreatectomy, hyperinsulinism persisted; in an attempt to prevent further surgery, off-label treatment with pasireotide was initiated. Short-acting pasireotide treatment caused high blood glucose level shortly after injection. Long-acting pasireotide treatment resulted in more stable glycemic control. No side effects (e.g., central adrenal insufficiency) were noticed during a 2-month treatment period. Because of recurrent hypoglycemia despite a rather high carbohydrate intake, the boy underwent near-total pancreatectomy at the age of 11 months. In conclusion, pasireotide treatment slightly improved glycemic control without side effects in a boy with severe CHI. However, the effect of pasireotide was not sufficient to prevent near-total pancreatectomy in this case of severe CHI

    Body mass index at diagnosis of a childhood brain tumor; a reflection of hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction or lifestyle?

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    Purpose: Childhood brain tumor survivors (CBTS) are at risk of becoming overweight, which has been shown to be associated with hypothalamic-pituitary (HP) dysfunction during follow-up. Body mass index (BMI) at diagnosis is related to BMI at follow-up. It is uncertain, however, whether aberrant BMI at brain tumor diagnosis reflects early hypothalamic dysfunction or rather reflects genetic and sociodemographic characteristics. We aimed to examine whether BMI at childhood brain tumor diagnosis is associated with HP dysfunction at diagnosis or its development during follow-up. Methods: The association of BMI at diagnosis of a childhood brain tumor to HP dysfunction at diagnosis or during follow-up was examined in a Dutch cohort of 685 CBTS, excluding children with craniopharyngioma or a pituitary tumor. Individual patient data were retrospectively extracted from patient charts. Results: Of 685 CTBS, 4.7% were underweight, 14.2% were overweight, and 3.8% were obese at diagnosis. Being overweight or obese at diagnosis was not associated with anterior pituitary deficiency or diabetes insipidus at diagnosis or during follow-up. In children with suprasellar tumors, being obese at diagnosis was associated with central precocious puberty. Conclusion: Overweight or obesity at diagnosis of a childhood brain tumor seems not to be associated with pituitary deficiencies. These results suggest that genetics and lifestyle may be more important etiologic factors for higher BMI at diagnosis in these children than hypothalamic dysfunction. To improve the long-term outcome of CBTS with regards to overweight and obesity, more attention should be given to lifestyle already at the time of brain tumor treatment

    Recommendations on Surveillance for Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma in Children with PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome (PHTS) represents a group of syndromes caused by a mutation in the PTEN gene. Children with a germline PTEN mutation have an increased risk of developing differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). Several guidelines have focused on thyroid surveillance in these children, but studies substantiating these recommendations are lacking. OBJECTIVE: The present study intends to provide the available evidence for a thyroid carcinoma surveillance program in children with PHTS. METHODS: An extensive literature search was performed to identify all studies on DTC in pediatric PHTS patients. Two pediatric cases are presented to illustrate the pros and cons of thyroid carcinoma surveillance. Recommendations for other patient groups at risk for DTC were evaluated. Consensus within the study team on recommendations for children with PHTS was reached by balancing the incidence and behavior of DTC with the pros and cons of thyroid surveillance, and the different surveillance methods. RESULTS: In 5 cohort studies the incidence of DTC in childhood ranged from 4 to 12%. In total 57 cases of DTC and/or benign nodular disease in pediatric PHTS patients were identified, of which 27 had proven DTC, with a median age of 12 years (range 4-17). Follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) was diagnosed in 52% of the pediatric DTC patients. No evidence was found for a different clinical behavior of DTC in PHTS patients compared to sporadic DTC. CONCLUSIONS: Children with PHTS are at increased risk for developing DTC, with 4 years being the youngest age reported at presentation and FTC being overrepresented. DTC in pediatric PHTS patients does not seem to be more aggressive than sporadic DTC. RECOMMENDATIONS: Surveillance for DTC in pediatric PHTS patients seems justified, as early diagnosis may decrease morbidity. Consensus within the study team was reached to recommend surveillance from the age of 10 years onwards, since at that age the incidence of DTC seems to reach 5%. Surveillance for DTC should consist of yearly neck palpation and triennial thyroid ultrasound. Surveillance in children with PHTS should be performed in a center of excellence for pediatric thyroid disease or PHTS

    Thyroid function after diagnostic I-123-metaiodobenzylguanidine in children with neuroblastic tumors

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    BACKGROUND: Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) labeled with radioisotopes can be used for diagnostics 123I-) and treatment (131I-) in patients with neuroblastic tumors. Thyroid dysfunction has been reported in 52% of neuroblastoma (NBL) survivors after 131I-MIBG, despite thyroid protection. Diagnostic 123I-MIBG is not considered to be hazardous for thyroid function; however, this has never been investigated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in survivors of a neuroblastic tumor who received diagnostic 123I-MIBG only. METHODS: Thyroid function and uptake of 123I- in the thyroid gland after 123I-MIBG administrations were evaluated in 48 neuroblastic tumor survivors who had not been treated with 131I-MIBG. All patients had received thyroid prophylaxis consisting of potassium iodide or a combination of potassium iodide, thiamazole and thyroxine during exposure to 123I-MIBG. RESULTS: After a median follow-up of 6.6 years, thyroid function was normal in 46 of 48 survivors (95.8%). Two survivors [prevalence 4.2% (95% CI 1.2-14.0)] had mild thyroid dysfunction. In 29.2% of the patients and 11.1% of images 123I- uptake was visible in the thyroid. In 1 patient with thyroid dysfunction, weak uptake of 123I- was seen on 1 of 10 images. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction does not seem to be increased in patients with neuroblastic tumors who received 123I-MIBG combined with thyroid protection. Randomized controlled trials are required to investigate whether administration of 123I-MIBG without thyroid protection is harmful to the thyroid gland