168 research outputs found

    Kwalificaties van toekomstige leraren en de kwaliteit van hun opleiding: Thema 6

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    Er is inmiddels veel wetenschappelijke kennis beschikbaar over wat het verschil maakt als het gaat om bekwaamheid van leraren en ook over hoe leraren bekwaam worden en zo goed mogelijk kunnen worden opgeleid. Die wetenschappelijke kennis wordt in het eerste deel van deze themabeschrijving gepresenteerd, zonder de pretentie te hebben daarin uitputtend te zijn. Vervolgens worden in het tweede deel de actuele discussies geschetst die relevant zijn voor het thema. Voortbouwend op de beschikbare kennis worden daarbij vragen benoemd die mede richting kunnen geven aan de kennisagenda voor het onderwijs met betrekking tot dit thema

    Whitepaper Lerarentekorten: Over oorzaken, beleid en oplossingen

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    In dit whitepaper richten we ons op de oplopende lerarentekorten die een steeds groter maatschappelijk probleem vormen. In diverse adviezen is aangedrongen op meer landelijke regie op de maatregelen om deze tekorten terug te dringen, rekening houdend met verschillen in regionale situaties. Recent hebben de ministers van OCW hiertoe beleid ontwikkeld. Daarbij wordt niet alleen ingezet op meer regie, maar ook op meer uitgewerkte kaders voor HRM-beleid in het onderwijs, meer tijd voor leraren door het beter benutten van de kaders voor het organiseren van de onderwijstijd, en meer ruimte voor professionele ontwikkeling van leraren. In onze bijdrage aan de discussie formuleren we een aantal aangrijpingspunten om het beleid gericht op het terugdringen van de lerarentekorten verder te ontwikkelen. Analyses van de oorzaken van het lerarentekort vormen daarbij het startpunt

    The effectiveness of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) on intercultural competence development in higher education

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    In this study we measured the effect of COIL on intercultural competence development using a quasi-experimental design. Our sample consisted of 108 undergraduate students from two universities, one located in the Netherlands (NL) and one in the United States (US). Students’ self-reported intercultural competence was measured using a pre-post survey which included the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) and Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (MPQ). Qualitative data were collected to complement our quantitative findings and to give a deeper insight into the student experience. The data showed a significantly bigger increase in intercultural competence for the US experimental group compared to the US control group, supporting our hypothesis that COIL develops intercultural competence. This difference was not observed for the NL students, possibly due to the NL control group being exposed to other international input during the course

    Examining the assessment of creativity with generalizability theory: An analysis of creative problem solving assessment tasksâś°

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    The assessment of creative problem solving (CPS) is challenging. Elements of an assessment procedure, such as the tasks that are used and the raters who assess those tasks, introduce variation in student scores that do not necessarily reflect actual differences in students’ creative problem solving abilities. When creativity researchers evaluate assessment procedures, they often inspect these elements such as tasks and raters separately. We show the use of Generalizability Theory allows researchers to investigate creativity assessment procedures - and CPS assessments in particular - in a comprehensive and integrated way. In this paper, we first introduce this statistical framework and the choices creativity researchers need to make before applying Generalizability Theory to their data. Then, Generalizability Theory is applied in an analysis of CPS assessment tasks. We highlight how alterations in the nature of the assessment procedure, such as changing the number of tasks or raters, may affect the quality of CPS scores. Furthermore, we present implications for the assessment of CPS and for creativity research in general

    Utilising previous professional expertise by second-career teachers: Analysing case studies using the lens of transfer and adaptive expertise

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    Second-career teachers (SCTs) may contribute to quality of education by utilising their previous professional expertise (PPE). However, case studies show contradictory examples of beneficial and hindering influence of apparently similar PPE while SCTs become proficient in their new teaching job. Aiming to understand beneficial or hindering utilisation of PPE, this qualitative literature study applies concepts of transfer and adaptive expertise as lens to analyse 41 case studies reporting on utilisation of PPE by SCTs. Results suggest that adaptive expertise developed during previous career impacts beneficial utilisation of PPE, while support for utilising PPE is often perceived as insufficient

    Real-time teacher–student interactions: A Dynamic Systems approach

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    AbstractTeacher–student relationships develop from real-time teacher–student interactions. These real-time interactions can be characterized by interpersonal content, structure, and complementarity. We studied how teacher–student interactions measured in terms of these characteristics differed for two teachers with distinct teacher–student relationships. A computer joystick device enabled us to measure teacher and student interpersonal behavior as a two-dimensional construct, a blend of Agency and Communion. Our results indicated that interpersonal content and complementarity discriminated between teachers, and that interpersonal structure did not. Measuring these characteristics seems promising to understand differences in teacher–student relationships
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