16 research outputs found

    Building Inclusive Environments for All Ages with Citizens

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    The paper provides an introduction to the public discourse around the notion of smart healthy inclusive environments. First, the basic ideas are explained and related to citizen participation in the context of implementation of a "society for all ages" concept disseminated by the United Nations. Next, the text discusses selected initiatives of the European Commission in the field of intergenerational programming and policies as well as features of the COST Action NET4Age-Friendly: Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE). The following sections are focused on studying and discussing examples of projects and methodologies that have been aimed at: empowering facilitators of smart healthy inclusive environments, empowering citizens to deal with health emergencies, and supporting older people's voices. The conclusion covers selected recommendations for entities of public policy on ageing (ageing policy) as well as potential directions for further research

    Smart healthy age-friendly environments – policy recommendations of the thematic network shafe

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    The European Commission (DG SANTE) launched a call for proposals in November 2017 on strategic initiatives for a Joint Statement in 2018. Ten proposals were voted until December 7th in the European Union Health Policy Platform[1]; the proposal under the theme Smart Healthy AgeFriendly Environments (SHAFE)[2] was the most voted and was confirmed by the European Commission in March 2018. In this context, since March 2018, Cáritas Coimbra1 and AFEdemy Ltd2 are thus coordinating one of the three Thematic Networks for 2018, SHAFE, in close cooperation with main partners, such as the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPAHA), the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC), the Reference Sites Collaborative Network, the European Covenant on Demographic Change, Eurocities, the European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL), the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance), the European Construction, Built Environment and Energy Efficient Building Technology Platform (ECTP) and the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research. SHAFE aims to facilitate the creation of healthy and friendly environments for all ages through the use of new technologies, towards the production of a comprehensive and participatory Joint Statement. This document was presented to the European Commission on 12 November 2018, with five main 1 https://en.caritascoimbra.pt/ 1 https://www.afedemy.eu/en/home_en/ areas of recommendations to the EC, Member States and other local, regional and national organisations and is open for endorsement and implementation from this date onwards

    Assessment Tools of Biopsychosocial Frailty Dimensions in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Narrative Review

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    : Frailty is a complex interplay between several factors, including physiological changes in ageing, multimorbidities, malnutrition, living environment, genetics, and lifestyle. Early screening for frailty risk factors in community-dwelling older people allows for preventive interventions on the clinical and social determinants of frailty, which allows adverse events to be avoided. By conducting a narrative review of the literature employing the International Narrative Systematic Assessment tool, the authors aimed to develop an updated framework for the main measurement tools to assess frailty risks in older adults, paying attention to use in the community and primary care settings. This search focused on the biopsychosocial domains of frailty that are covered in the SUNFRAIL tool. The study selected 178 reviews (polypharmacy: 20; nutrition: 13; physical activity: 74; medical visits: 0; falls: 39; cognitive decline: 12; loneliness: 15; social support: 5; economic constraints: 0) published between January 2010 and December 2021. Within the selected reviews, 123 assessment tools were identified (polypharmacy: 15; nutrition: 15; physical activity: 25; medical visits: 0; falls: 26; cognitive decline: 18; loneliness: 9; social support: 15; economic constraints: 0). The narrative review allowed us to evaluate assessment tools of frailty domains to be adopted for multidimensional health promotion and prevention interventions in community and primary care

    Health tourism: an opportunity for sustainable development

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    In February 2017, the “Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute” (ProMis), that is the Italian Program for Internationalization of Regional Health Systems of the Ministry of Health (MoH), presented the first version of its Position Paper on Health Tourism, which embeds a first shared approach to the recommendations expressed by the European Committee of Regions (CoR) on "AgeFriendly" tourism. The CoR stresses the importance of local and regional authorities in the coordination of multi-sectoral policies such as healthcare, social assistance, transport, urban planning and rural development in relation to the promotion of mobility, security, accessibility of services, including health care and social services. "Age-friendly" tourism is an example of an innovative tourist offer that strives to meet the health needs of the entire "traveling" population, with an integrated and cross-sector approach that involves various organizations operating in sectors such as healthcare, accessibility and transport. The aim of the workshop was to explore the interest of the stakeholders to participate in a systemic action in the field of "health" tourism, and to identify priority implementation areas that offer opportunities to take advantage of validated, innovative experiences that strengthen the accessibility to health and social services in regional, national and international contexts. This effort provides the opportunity to take advantage of aligning the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) to the development of tourism, coherently with the needs and resources of local and regional health authorities

    Report on SHAFE policies, strategies and funding

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    The objective of Working Group (WG) 4 of the COST Action NET4Age-Friendly is to examine existing policies, advocacy, and funding opportunities and to build up relations with policy makers and funding organisations. Also, to synthesize and improve existing knowledge and models to develop from effective business and evaluation models, as well as to guarantee quality and education, proper dissemination and ensure the future of the Action. The Working Group further aims to enable capacity building to improve interdisciplinary participation, to promote knowledge exchange and to foster a cross-European interdisciplinary research capacity, to improve cooperation and co-creation with cross-sectors stakeholders and to introduce and educate students SHAFE implementation and sustainability (CB01, CB03, CB04, CB05). To enable the achievement of the objectives of Working Group 4, the Leader of the Working Group, the Chair and Vice-Chair, in close cooperation with the Science Communication Coordinator, developed a template (see annex 1) to map the current state of SHAFE policies, funding opportunities and networking in the COST member countries of the Action. On invitation, the Working Group lead received contributions from 37 countries, in a total of 85 Action members. The contributions provide an overview of the diversity of SHAFE policies and opportunities in Europe and beyond. These were not edited or revised and are a result of the main areas of expertise and knowledge of the contributors; thus, gaps in areas or content are possible and these shall be further explored in the following works and reports of this WG. But this preliminary mapping is of huge importance to proceed with the WG activities. In the following chapters, an introduction on the need of SHAFE policies is presented, followed by a summary of the main approaches to be pursued for the next period of work. The deliverable finishes with the opportunities of capacity building, networking and funding that will be relevant to undertake within the frame of Working Group 4 and the total COST Action. The total of country contributions is presented in the annex of this deliverable

    SHAFE Mapping on Social Innovation Ecosystems

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    There have been several initiatives aiming to promote innovation and support stakeholders to increase investments in relevant societal areas connected to Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments—SHAFE. However, their impact usually runs shorter than desirable in the mid- and long-term due to the difficulty to identify, map, and connect stakeholders in the different European and world countries that are willing to work for the practical implementation of social innovation around SHAFE. This mapping and connection can contribute to increase awareness of innovation actors on social innovation concepts and, if well disseminated, may also leverage the creation of alliances and synergies between different stakeholders within ecosystems and between ecosystems. Understanding what relevant practices exist, how they are funded, and how they involve citizens and organisations is also key to ensure that business actors have access to social innovation and entrepreneurial knowledge, which is key for future sustainable societal change. The present study developed and implemented a survey replied by 61 organisations from 28 different countries. The results showed relevant inputs regarding different cultural and societal perceptions, including diverse end-user organisations, and will, thus, facilitate multistakeholder engagement, public awareness, and the overall upscaling of social innovation on SHAFE

    Onderzoek Den Haag Seniorvriendelijke Stad 2020.: Integrale Rapportage

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    Begin 2020 heeft de gemeente Den Haag aan De Haagse Hogeschool (Lectoraat Urban Ageing) gevraagd om samen met Hulsebosch Advies en AFEdemy een integrale monitor te ontwikkelen en uit te voeren waarbij, door middel van kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve methoden, onderzoek wordt gedaan naar de stand van zaken van Den Haag als seniorvriendelijke stad en tevens te kijken naar huidige trends aangaande ouderen. Tevens vroeg de gemeente om de ontwikkeling van een meetinstrument dat in de toekomst eenvoudig bij herhaling kan worden ingezet voor onderzoek: de standaard Age Friendly Cities and Communities Questionnaire (AFCCQ) voor ouderen1. In een stadsenquête en in zogenaamde stadsateliers zijn ouderen gevraagd naar hun bevindingen. In totaal hebben 393 Haagse ouderen meegedaan aan de enquête en 50 aan de stadsateliers. De aan de ouderen gestelde vragen gingen over de volgende acht onderwerpen die volgens de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) gezamenlijk de seniorvriendelijkheid van een stad bepalen: ●Huisvesting; ●Sociale participatie; ●Respect en sociale inclusie; ●Burgerschap en werkgelegenheid; ●Communicatie en informatie; ●Sociale en gezondheidsvoorzieningen; ●Buitenruimte en gebouwen; ●Transport; ● en aanvullend, een negende domein: Financiën. CC-BY NC ND https://www.dehaagsehogeschool.nl/onderzoek/lectoraten/details/urban-ageing#over-het-lectoraa