198 research outputs found

    Pathways to academic success of disadvantaged undergraduate university students from a high-risk community in the Western Cape

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    Academic success is an indicator of employability and a decreased susceptibility to poverty. South Africa is burdened by high levels of poverty, and low levels of academic achievement. Students in disadvantaged communities such as Delft, in South Africa, typically have poor academic outcomes, since it is linked to socioeconomic status. Despite the myriad of challenges that they encounter, some students from high-risk contexts attain academic success. This study explored the pathways to academic success of disadvantaged university students from a high-risk community in the Western Cape. This qualitative study used a narrative inquiry design. A sample of 10 (N =10) participants were selected using criterion-based purposive sampling. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. The pathways to academic success have obstacles, but through positive developmental relationships, specific personal qualities, and motivation, the students achieved academic success. The correlation, significance, and impact of each pathway on academic success can be explored further

    Educators’ experiences of their relationships with adolescents involved in drug use

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    Substance use amongst learners in South Africa has become a significant problem, with relationships between educators and learners being seriously challenged. Educators are often in a position to notice changes in the behaviour of learners and are able to provide support and assistance. A phenomenological, explorative study was undertaken and in-depth interviews were conducted with 16 educators from a secondary school in a high-risk community in the Western Cape. In addition, a World CafĂ© group discussion was used in order to tap the participants’ collective wisdom. The data was analysed thematically – using positive psychology as a conceptual framework. This focuses not only on what is wrong or pathological, but rather on what is positive, attempting to nurture resilience and strengths in individuals and communities. Two main themes emerged: challenges to the educator-learner relationships, and the educators’ skills and strengths in nurturing positive relationships. It was found that educators’ personal well-being is important in order for them to deal with these challenging interactions. Educators used a number of skills and strengths in order to overcome challenges and to foster positive educator-learner relationships. A recommendation for future research is to explore the experiences of learners who have used drugs, and sought support from educators, focusing in particular on what aspects hindered and/or facilitated the relationship between them.Keywords: adolescents; drug use; educator-learner relationships; positive psychology; relational well-bein

    Noodlottige kindermishandeling: ‘n literatuuroorsig en die profiel in die Suid-Vrystaat (1995-2003) Fatal child abuse: a literature review and the profile in the Southern Free State (1995-2003)

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    Agtergrond Kindermishandeling is \'n sosiale probleem met verreikende gevolge. Ernstige onderrapportering van gevalle vind plaas, en geen studies kon opgespoor word wat die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks van die probleem ondersoek nie. In hierdie studie is gepoog om die profiel van die slagoffers van noodlottige kindermishandeling in die Suid-Vrystaat te ondersoek. Metodes Alle kindersterftes van kinders van tien jaar en jonger is uit die register van sterftes by die SAPD- (Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens-) lykshuis, Bloemfontein, geĂŻdentifiseer. Hierdie sterftes se verslae is vir gevalle van noodlottige kindermishandeling geĂ«valueer. Irrelevante verslae is geĂ«limineer totdat \'n groep moontlike gevalle van noodlottige kindermishandeling verkry is. In gevalle waar daar twyfel oor die oorsaak van dood was, is \'n kliniese assistent in Geregtelike Geneeskunde geraadpleeg. In sommige gevalle het die assistent aanbeveel dat \'n geskiedenis uit polisieverslae verkry moes word. Indien gevalle nie op so \'n wyse bevestig kon word nie, is dit in die sogenaamde ‘grys area\' ingesluit. Negentien gevalle is geĂŻdentifiseer en vier is in die grys area geplaas. Resultate Uit die 19 gevalle was die meerderheid vroulik (14). Die mediaanouderdom van slagoffers was twee jaar. Die slag-offers toon \'n eweredige verspreiding t.o.v. ras. Geen patroon kon geĂŻdentifiseer word in die jaarlikse en maandelikse verspreiding van sterftes nie. Die meeste van die slagoffers, 73.7% (14 van 19 gevalle), was van normale massa, en geen slagoffers het aan \'n wanvoedingsiekte gely nie. Hoofbese-rings was die algemeenste oorsaak van sterftes (63.2%), gevolg deur veelvuldige beserings (21.2%). Gevolgtrekking Indien dokters bedag is op die tekens van kindermishandeling, kan gevalle vroeg geĂŻdentifiseer word. Sodoende kan \'n beduidende verlaging in mortaliteit en morbiditeit bewerkstellig Introduction Child abuse is a social problem with far-reaching consequences. Serious underreporting of cases occurs, and no studies could be found which investigates the South African context of the problem. In this study we aimed to determine the profile of victims of fatal child abuse in the Southern Free State. Methods All child deaths of children 10 years and younger in the period 1 January 1995 to 31 December 2003 were identified in the register of deaths at the SA Police Mortuary, Bloemfontein. The reports of these deaths were evaluated to identify possible cases of fatal child abuse. Irrelevant reports were eliminated until a group of possible cases of fatal child abuse were identified. In cases where there was uncertainty about the cause of death, a registrar in Forensic Medicine was consulted. In some cases she advised that a history be obtained from police reports. Cases which could not be confirmed in this way were included in a so-called grey area. Nineteen cases were identified, and a further 4 placed in the grey area. Results Of the 19 cases, the majority were female (14). The median age of cases was 2 years. Cases showed an even distribution regarding race. No patterns regarding annual or monthly distribution were found. Most victims, 73.7% (14 of 19 cases), were of normal weight and no victims suffered from malnutrition. Head injuries were the most common cause of death (63.2%) followed by multiple injuries (21.2%). Conclusion If doctors are aware of the signs of child abuse cases can be identified early. In this way a significant decrease in mortality and morbidity can occur. word.South African Family Practice Vol. 49 (9) 2007: pp. 1

    A qualitative framing analysis of how firearm manufacturers and related bodies communicate to the public on gun-related harms and solutions

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    There is a growing understanding that the producers and sellers of harmful products directly and indirectly affect population health and policy, including through seeking to influence public understanding about the nature of harms and their solutions. However, the firearm industry and related organisations have not to date been the subject of this type of enquiry. This study sought to address this evidential gap through examining the ways in which the firearm industry and industry-associated organisations frame firearms, firearm-related harms and possible solutions to gun violence. This was a thematic qualitative documentary analysis of materials from 7 of the largest firearm manufacturers and associated organisations. Two authors independently extracted textual material from web articles, press releases, annual reports and shareholder communications between 1st April 2019 to 1st April 2020 (302 documents). A hybrid approach combining both deductive and inductive coding was adopted, guided by the literature on the commercial determinants of health and using NVivo version 12. The firearm industry and firearm industry-funded organisations use framings about the safety and role of guns, evidence on associated harms and solutions that align with the industry's business interests, consistent with evidence on other harmful product manufacturers. This study identified framing strategies employed by the firearm industry and related organisations. These included attempts to undermine evidence, linking regulation to a dystopian future, minimising some of the most common harms, placing the responsibility for harms on individuals, and attempting to foster a heightened sense of risk to personal safety

    Decentralised training for medical students: Towards a South African consensus

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    Introduction: Health professions training institutions are challenged to produce greater numbers of graduates who are more relevantly trained to provide quality healthcare. Decentralised training offers opportunities to address these quantity, quality and relevance factors. We wanted to draw together existing expertise in decentralised training for the benefit of all health professionals to develop a model for decentralised training for health professions students.Method: An expert panel workshop was held in October 2015 initiating a process to develop a model for decentralised training in South Africa. Presentations on the status quo in decentralised training at all nine medical schools in South Africa were made and 33 delegates engaged in discussing potential models for decentralised training.Results: Five factors were found to be crucial for the success of decentralised training, namely the availability of information and communication technology, longitudinal continuous rotations, a focus on primary care, the alignment of medical schools’ mission with decentralised training and responsiveness to student needs.Conclusion: The workshop concluded that training institutions should continue to work together towards formulating decentralised training models and that the involvement of all health professions should be ensured. A tripartite approach between the universities, the Department of Health and the relevant local communities is important in decentralised training. Lastly, curricula should place more emphasis on how students learn rather than how they are taught

    Alternative cancer clinics’ use of Google listings and reviews to mislead potential patients

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    Background: Alternative cancer clinics, who provide treatment associated with earlier time to death, actively seek to create favorable views of their services online. An unexplored means where alternative cancer clinics can shape their appeal is their Google search results.Methods: We retrieved the Google Listing and Google Reviews of 47 prominent alternative cancer clinics on August 22, 2022. We then conducted a content analysis to assess the information cancer patients are faced with online.Results: Google listings of alternative treatment providers rarely declared the clinic was an alternative clinic versus a conventional primary cancer treatment provider (12.8% declared; 83.0% undeclared). The clinics were highly rated (median, 4.5 stars of 5). Reasons for positive reviews included treatment quality (n=519), care (n=420), and outcomes (n=316). 288 reviews presented the clinics to cure or improve cancer. Negative reviews presented alternative clinics to financially exploit patients with ineffective treatment (n=98), worsen patients’ condition (n=72), provide poor care (n=41), and misrepresent outcomes (n=23). Conclusions: The favorable Google listing and reviews of alternative clinics contribute to harmful online ecosystems. Reviews provide compelling narratives but are an ineffective indicator of treatment outcomes. Google lacks safeguards for truthful reviews and should not be used for medical decision-making

    “When my Autism Broke”: A Qualitative Study Spotlighting Autistic Voices on Menopause

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    Autistic women often struggle with the onset of menstruation, a key transition point in the female reproductive lifespan. Presently, there is no research investigating how autistic people navigate the menopausal transition, and whether it poses additional challenges in addition to those already faced by neurotypical women. As a preliminary participatory study in this area, we conducted an online focus group with seven autistic individuals, aged 49-63 years (median=64.5 years) and assigned female at birth, to explore the state of knowledge about the menopause in autism, difficulties the menopause might bring, support that might be needed, and what questions require scientific investigation. Thematic analysis of the discussion generated three themes: 1)Lack of knowledge and understanding; 2)Cracking the mask and adaptive functioning; and 3)Finding support. Themes suggested a lack of professional knowledge, understanding and communication about menopause for autistic people, and an absence of support. Menopause was discussed as heightening pre-existing and generating new cognitive, social, emotional and sensory difficulties. This study illustrates the need for greater focus of attention towards how autistic people cope with the major life transition of menopause
