50 research outputs found

    Implementation of a mobile 0.15-T intraoperative MR system in pediatric neuro-oncological surgery: feasibility and correlation with early postoperative high-field strength MRI

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    INTRODUCTION: We analyze our preliminary experience using the PoleStar N20 mobile intraoperative MR (iMR) system as an adjunct for pediatric brain tumor resection. METHODS: We analyzed 11 resections in nine children between 1 month and 17 years old. After resection, we acquired iMR scans to detect residual tumor and update neuronavigation. We compared final iMR interpretation by the neurosurgeon with early postoperative MR interpretation by a neuroradiologist. RESULTS: Patient positioning was straightforward, and image quality (T1 7-min 4-mm sequences) sufficient in all cases. In five cases, contrast enhancement suspect for residual tumor was noted on initial postresection iMR images. In one case, a slight discrepancy with postoperative imaging after 3 months was no longer visible after 1 year. No serious perioperative adverse events related to the PoleStar N20 were encountered, except for transient shoulder pain in two. CONCLUSIONS: Using the PoleStar N20 iMR system is technically feasible and safe for both supra- and infratentorial tumor resections in children of all ages. Their small head and shoulders favor positioning in the magnet bore and allow the field of view to cover more than the area of primary interest, e.g., the ventricles in an infratentorial case. Standard surgical equipment may be used without significant limitations. In this series, the use of iMR leads to an increased extent of tumor resection in 45 % of cases. Correlation between iMR and early postoperative MR is excellent, provided image quality is optimal and interpretation is carefully done by someone sufficiently familiar with the system

    First effective mHealth nutrition and lifestyle coaching program for subfertile couples undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment:a single-blinded multicenter randomized controlled trial

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    Objective: To study compliance and effectiveness of the mHealth nutrition and lifestyle coaching program Smarter Pregnancy in couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment with or without intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Design: Multicenter, single-blinded, randomized controlled trial, conducted from July 2014 to March 2017. Setting: IVF clinics. Patient(s): A total of 626 women undergoing IVF treatment with or without ICSI and 222 male partners. Interventions(s): Couples were randomly assigned to the light (control group) or regular (intervention group) Smarter Pregnancy program. Both groups filled out a baseline screening questionnaire on nutrition and lifestyle behaviors, and the intervention group received coaching tailored to inadequate behaviors during the 24-week period. Main Outcome Measure(s): Difference in improvement of a composite dietary and lifestyle risk score for the intake of vegetables, fruits, folic acid supplements, smoking, and alcohol use after 24 weeks of the program. Result(s): Compared with control subjects, women and men in the intervention group showed a significantly larger improvement of inadequate nutrition behaviors after 24 weeks of coaching. At the same time, the women also showed a significantly larger improvement of inadequate lifestyle behaviors. Conclusion(s): The mHealth coaching program Smarter Pregnancy is effective and improves the most important nutritional and lifestyle behaviors among couples undergoing IVF/ICSI treatment. International multicenter randomized trials are recommended to study the effect of using Smarter Pregnancy on pregnancy, live birth, and neonatal outcome. ((C)2020 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)y

    The METEX study: Methotrexate versus expectant management in women with ectopic pregnancy: A randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Patients with ectopic pregnancy (EP) and low serum hCG concentrations and women with a pregnancy of unknown location (PUL) and plateauing serum hCG levels are commonly treated with systemic methotrexate (MTX). However, there is no evidence that treatment in these particular subgroups of women is necessary as many of these early EPs may resolve spontaneously. The aim of this study is whether expectant management in women with EP or PUL and with low but plateauing serum hCG concentrations is an alternative to MTX treatment in terms of treatment success, future pregnancy, health related quality of life and costs. Methods/Design: A multicentre randomised controlled trial in TheNetherlands. Hemodynamically stable patients with an EP visible on transvaginal ultrasound and a plateauing serum hCG concentration < 1,500 IU/L or with a persisting PUL with plateauing serum hCG concentrations < 2,000 IU/L are eligible for the trial. Patients with a viable EP, signs of tubal rupture/abdominal bleeding, or a contra-indication for MTX will not be included. Expectant management is compared with systemic MTX in a single dose intramuscular regimen (1 mg/ kg) in an outpatient setting. Serum hCG levels are monitored weekly; in case of inadequately declining, systemic MTX is installed or continued. In case of hemodynamic instability and/or signs of tubal rupture, surgery is performed. The primary outcome measure is an uneventful decline of serum hCG to an undetectable level by the initial intervention. Secondary outcomes are (re)interventions (additional systemic MTX injections and/or surgery), treatment complications, health related quality of life, financial costs, and future fertility. Analysis is performed according to the intention to treat principle. Quality of life is assessed by questionnaires before and at three time points after randomisation. Costs are expressed as direct costs with data on costs and used resources in the participating centres. Fertility is assessed by questionnaires after 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Patients' preferences will be assessed using a discrete choice experiment. Discussion: This trial will provide guidance on the present management dilemmas in women with EPs and PULs with low and plateauing serum hCG concentrations

    Economic Evaluation of Three Frequently Used Gonadotrophins in Assisted Reproduction Techniques in the Management of Infertility in the Netherlands

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    Background and Objective Subfertility represents a multidimensional problem associated with significant distress and impaired social well-being. In the Netherlands, an estimated 50,000 couples visit their general practitioner and 30,000 couples seek medical specialist care for sub-fertility. We conducted an economic evaluation comparing recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (follitropin alfa, r-hFSH, Gonal-F (R)) with two classes of urinary gonadotrophins-highly purified human menopausal gonadotrophin (hp-HMG, Menopur (R)) and urinary follicle-stimulating hormone (uFSH, Fostimon (R))-for ovarian stimulation in women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment in the Netherlands. Methods A pharmacoeconomic model was developed, simulating each step in the IVF protocol from the start of therapy until either a live birth, a new IVF treatment cycle or cessation of IVF, following a long down-regulation protocol. A decision tree combined with a Markov model details progress through each health state, including ovum pickup, fresh embryo transfer, up to two subsequent cryo-preserved embryo transfers, and (ongoing) pregnancy or miscarriage. A health insurer perspective was chosen, and the time horizon was set at a maximum of three consecutive treatment cycles, in accordance with Dutch reimbursement policy. Transition probabilities and costing data were derived from a real-world observational outcomes database (from Germany) and official tariff lists (from the Netherlands). Adverse events were considered equal among the comparators and were therefore excluded from the economic analysis. A Monte Carlo simulation of 5000 iterations was undertaken for each strategy to explore uncertainty and to construct uncertainty intervals (UIs). All cost data were valued in 2013 Euros. The model’s structure, parameters and assumptions were assessed and confirmed by an external clinician with experience in health economics modelling, to inform on the appropriateness of the outcomes and the applicability of the model in the chosen setting. Results The mean total treatment costs were estimated as (sic)5664 for follitropin alfa (95 % UI (sic)5167-6151), (sic)5990 for hp-HMG (95 % UI (sic)5498-6488) and (sic)5760 for uFSH (95 % UI (sic)5256-6246). The probability of a live birth was estimated at 36.1 % (95 % UI 27.4-44.3 %), 33.9 % (95 % UI 26.2-41.5 %) and 34.1 % (95 % UI 25.9-41.8 %) for follitropin alfa, hp-HMG and uFSH, respectively. The costs per live birth estimates were (sic)15,674 for follitropin alfa, (sic)17,636 for hp-HMG and (sic)16,878 for uFSH. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis indicated a probability of 72.5 % that follitropin alfa is cost effective at a willingness to pay of (sic)20,000 per live birth. The probabilistic results remained constant under several analyses. Conclusion The present analysis shows that follitropin alfa may represent a cost-effective option in comparison with uFSH and hp-HMG for IVF treatment in the Netherlands healthcare system

    Observer agreement in the evaluation of the uterine cavity by hysteroscopy prior to in vitro fertilization

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    BACKGROUND Hysteroscopy is known as the most accurate test for diagnosing intrauterine pathology. To optimize fertility treatment, it is increasingly common to perform hysteroscopy as a routine procedure prior to IVF. However, literature on the reproducibility of screening hysteroscopy is lacking. Therefore, the aim of the study was to assess the intra- and inter-observer agreement in the individual evaluation of the uterine cavity using video recordings of hysteroscopy procedures in asymptomatic patients prior to IVF. METHODS Screening hysteroscopies of 123 unselected, asymptomatic, infertile women with an indication for IVF/ICSI treatment were recorded on DVD. After editing, the hysteroscopy performer and three other experienced gynecologists independently assessed all recordings, focusing on the appearance of predefined intrauterine abnormalities (i.e. endometrial polyps, myomas, adhesions or septa). The intra- and inter-observer agreement was calculated and expressed as perfect agreement and κ coefficient or intraclass correlation coefficient. RESULTS In total, 123 hysteroscopy procedures were recorded. After editing and selection, based on the record quality, 107 remained for assessment and analysis. The intraobserver agreement on the appearance of any of the predefined intrauterine abnormalities was substantial (κ = 0.707), whereas the interobserver agreement was moderate (κ = 0.491). Perfect agreement occurred only in 77.6% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS Interobserver agreement among experienced gynecologists appeared to be rather disappointing. The latter may have implications for the diagnostic accuracy of screening hysteroscopy prior to IVF, as well as for its clinical significance in IVF programs

    Training in Basic Laparoscopic Surgical Skills : Residents Opinion of the New Nintendo Wii-U Laparoscopic Simulator

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    Objective Serious games are new in the field of laparoscopic surgical training. We evaluate the residents׳ opinion of a new laparoscopic simulator for the Nintendo Wii-U platform. Design Prospective questionnaire study. Participants received a standardized introduction and completed level 3 and 4 of the game “Underground.” They filled out a questionnaire concerning demographics and their opinion on realism, usefulness, suitability, haptic feedback, and home training–use of the game. Setting Two tertiary teaching hospitals. Participants Obstetrics and gynaecology residents postgraduate year 1 to 6 (n = 59) from several European countries. Results Subjects (n = 59) were divided into 2 groups based on laparoscopic experience: Group A (n = 38) and Group B (n = 21). The realism of different aspects of the game received mean scores around 3 on a 5-point Likert scale. The hand-eye coordination was regarded most useful for training with a mean of 3.92 (standard deviation 0.93) and the game was considered most suitable for residents in the first part of their postgraduate training with a mean of 3.73 (standard deviation 0.97). Both groups differed especially concerning their opinion of the usefulness of the game as a training tool. Conclusions Most residents liked the new serious game for the Nintendo Wii-U. The usefulness and suitability as a laparoscopic training tool were rated at an acceptable to high level. However, the game does require improvements such as inclusion of a good scoring system before it can be integrated in resident training curricula

    Training in Basic Laparoscopic Surgical Skills : Residents Opinion of the New Nintendo Wii-U Laparoscopic Simulator

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    Objective Serious games are new in the field of laparoscopic surgical training. We evaluate the residents׳ opinion of a new laparoscopic simulator for the Nintendo Wii-U platform. Design Prospective questionnaire study. Participants received a standardized introduction and completed level 3 and 4 of the game “Underground.” They filled out a questionnaire concerning demographics and their opinion on realism, usefulness, suitability, haptic feedback, and home training–use of the game. Setting Two tertiary teaching hospitals. Participants Obstetrics and gynaecology residents postgraduate year 1 to 6 (n = 59) from several European countries. Results Subjects (n = 59) were divided into 2 groups based on laparoscopic experience: Group A (n = 38) and Group B (n = 21). The realism of different aspects of the game received mean scores around 3 on a 5-point Likert scale. The hand-eye coordination was regarded most useful for training with a mean of 3.92 (standard deviation 0.93) and the game was considered most suitable for residents in the first part of their postgraduate training with a mean of 3.73 (standard deviation 0.97). Both groups differed especially concerning their opinion of the usefulness of the game as a training tool. Conclusions Most residents liked the new serious game for the Nintendo Wii-U. The usefulness and suitability as a laparoscopic training tool were rated at an acceptable to high level. However, the game does require improvements such as inclusion of a good scoring system before it can be integrated in resident training curricula