568 research outputs found

    Interaction of Ising-Bloch fronts with Dirichlet Boundaries

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    We study the Ising-Bloch bifurcation in two systems, the Complex Ginzburg Landau equation (CGLE) and a FitzHugh Nagumo (FN) model in the presence of spatial inhomogeneity introduced by Dirichlet boundary conditions. It is seen that the interaction of fronts with boundaries is similar in both systems, establishing the generality of the Ising-Bloch bifurcation. We derive reduced dynamical equations for the FN model that explain front dynamics close to the boundary. We find that front dynamics in a highly non-adiabatic (slow front) limit is controlled by fixed points of the reduced dynamical equations, that occur close to the boundary.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Front propagation into unstable and metastable states in Smectic C* liquid crystals: linear and nonlinear marginal stability analysis

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    We discuss the front propagation in ferroelectric chiral smectics (SmC*) subjected to electric and magnetic fields applied parallel to smectic layers. The reversal of the electric field induces the motion of domain walls or fronts that propagate into either an unstable or a metastable state. In both regimes, the front velocity is calculated exactly. Depending on the field, the speed of a front propagating into the unstable state is given either by the so-called linear marginal stability velocity or by the nonlinear marginal stability expression. The cross-over between these two regimes can be tuned by a magnetic field. The influence of initial conditions on the velocity selection problem can also be studied in such experiments. SmC^* therefore offers a unique opportunity to study different aspects of front propagation in an experimental system

    Fixed-Node Monte Carlo Calculations for the 1d Kondo Lattice Model

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    The effectiveness of the recently developed Fixed-Node Quantum Monte Carlo method for lattice fermions, developed by van Leeuwen and co-workers, is tested by applying it to the 1D Kondo lattice, an example of a one-dimensional model with a sign problem. The principles of this method and its implementation for the Kondo Lattice Model are discussed in detail. We compare the fixed-node upper bound for the ground state energy at half filling with exact-diagonalization results from the literature, and determine several spin correlation functions. Our `best estimates' for the ground state correlation functions do not depend sensitively on the input trial wave function of the fixed-node projection, and are reasonably close to the exact values. We also calculate the spin gap of the model with the Fixed-Node Monte Carlo method. For this it is necessary to use a many-Slater-determinant trial state. The lowest-energy spin excitation is a running spin soliton with wave number pi, in agreement with earlier calculations.Comment: 19 pages, revtex, contribution to Festschrift for Hans van Leeuwe

    Front propagation into unstable states : universal algebraic convergence towards uniformly translating pulled fronts

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    Depending on the nonlinear equation of motion and on the initial conditions, different regions of a front may dominate the propagation mechanism. The most familiar case is the so-called pushed front, whose speed is determined by the nonlinearities in the front region itself. Pushed dynamics is always found for fronts invading a linearly stable state. A pushed front relaxes exponentially in time towards its asymptotic shape and velocity, as can be derived by linear stability analysis. To calculate its response to perturbations, solvability analysis can be used. We discuss, why these methods and results in general do not apply to fronts, whose dynamics is dominated by the leading edge of the front. This can happen, if the invaded state is unstable. Leading edge dominated dynamics can occur in two cases: The first possibility is that the initial conditions are 'flat', i.e., decaying slower in space than e^{-lambda^* x for xtoinftyxto infty with lambdalambda^* defined below. The second and more important case is the one in which the initial conditions are 'steep', i.e., decay faster then e^{-lambda^* x. In this case, which is known as ``pulling'' or ``linear marginal stability'', it is as if the spreading leading edge is pulling the front along. In the central part of this paper, we analyze the convergence towards uniformly translating pulled fronts. We show, that when such fronts evolve from steep initial conditions, they have a universal relaxation behavior as time ttoinftyttoinfty, which can be viewed as a general center manifold result for pulled front propagation. In particular, the velocity of a pulled front always relaxes algebraically like v(t)=v^*-3/(2lambda^*t); left(1-sqrt{pi/big((lambda^*)^2Dtbig)right)+O(1/t^2), where the parameters vv^*, lambdalambda^*, and DD are determined through a saddle point analysis from the equation of motion linearized about the unstable invaded state. This front velocity is independent of the precise value of the amplitude which one tracks to measure the front velocity. The interior of the front is essentially slaved to the leading edge, and develops universally as phi(x,t)=Phi_{v(t)left(x-int^t dtau ;v(tau)right)+O(1/t^2), where Phi_{v(x-vt) is a uniformly translating front solution with velocity vv. We first derive our results in detail for the well known nonlinear diffusion equation of type partialtphi=partialx2phi+phiphi3partial_t phi =partial_x^2phi+phi-phi^3, where the invaded unstable state is phi=0phi=0, and then generalize our results to more general (sets of) partial differential equations with higher spatial or temporal derivatives, to {em p.d.e.'s with memory kernels, and also to difference equations occuring, e.g., in numerical finite difference codes. Our {it universal result for pulled fronts thus also implies independence of the precise nonlinearities, independence of the precise form of the dynamical equation, and independence of the precise initial conditions, as long as they are sufficiently steep. The only remaind

    Universal Algebraic Relaxation of Velocity and Phase in Pulled Fronts generating Periodic or Chaotic States

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    We investigate the asymptotic relaxation of so-called pulled fronts propagating into an unstable state. The ``leading edge representation'' of the equation of motion reveals the universal nature of their propagation mechanism and allows us to generalize the universal algebraic velocity relaxation of uniformly translating fronts to fronts, that generate periodic or even chaotic states. Such fronts in addition exhibit a universal algebraic phase relaxation. We numerically verify our analytical predictions for the Swift-Hohenberg and the Complex Ginzburg Landau equation.Comment: 4 pages Revtex, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Stresses in Smooth Flows of Dense Granular Media

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    The form of the stress tensor is investigated in smooth, dense granular flows which are generated in split-bottom shear geometries. We find that, within a fluctuation fluidized spatial region, the form of the stress tensor is directly dictated by the flow field: The stress and strain-rate tensors are co-linear. The effective friction, defined as the ratio between shear and normal stresses acting on a shearing plane, is found not to be constant but to vary throughout the flowing zone. This variation can not be explained by inertial effects, but appears to be set by the local geometry of the flow field. This is in agreement with a recent prediction, but in contrast with most models for slow grain flows, and points to there being a subtle mechanism that selects the flow profiles.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Critical jamming of frictional grains in the generalized isostaticity picture

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    While frictionless spheres at jamming are isostatic, frictional spheres at jamming are not. As a result, frictional spheres near jamming do not necessarily exhibit an excess of soft modes. However, a generalized form of isostaticity can be introduced if fully mobilized contacts at the Coulomb friction threshold are considered as slipping contacts. We show here that, in this framework, the vibrational density of states (DOS) of frictional discs exhibits a plateau when the generalized isostaticity line is approached. The crossover frequency to elastic behavior scales linearly with the distance from this line. Moreover, we show that the frictionless limit, which appears singular when fully mobilized contacts are treated elastically, becomes smooth when fully mobilized contacts are allowed to slip.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Dynamical velocity selection: Marginal stability

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    FWN – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide

    Fronts with a Growth Cutoff but Speed Higher than vv^*

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    Fronts, propagating into an unstable state ϕ=0\phi=0, whose asymptotic speed vasv_{\text{as}} is equal to the linear spreading speed vv^* of infinitesimal perturbations about that state (so-called pulled fronts) are very sensitive to changes in the growth rate f(ϕ)f(\phi) for ϕ1\phi \ll 1. It was recently found that with a small cutoff, f(ϕ)=0f(\phi)=0 for ϕ<ϵ\phi < \epsilon, vasv_{\text{as}} converges to vv^* very slowly from below, as ln2ϵ\ln^{-2} \epsilon. Here we show that with such a cutoff {\em and} a small enhancement of the growth rate for small ϕ\phi behind it, one can have vas>vv_{\text{as}} > v^*, {\em even} in the limit ϵ0\epsilon \to 0. The effect is confirmed in a stochastic lattice model simulation where the growth rules for a few particles per site are accordingly modified.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Rapid Comm., Phys. Rev.