342,931 research outputs found

    Comment on Universal Reduced Potential Function for Diatomic Systems

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    First principles prove why a recent claim by R.H. Xie and P.S. Hsu (Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 243201 (2006)) on the scaling power of a covalent Sutherland parameter to expose a universal function cannot be validated.Comment: 1 page, at the UGent archive, 11 references, revised for publication in PR

    Low Star Formation Rates for z=1 Early-Type Galaxies in the Very Deep GOODS-MIPS Imaging: Implications for their Optical/Near-Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions

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    We measure the obscured star formation in z~1 early-type galaxies. This constrains the influence of star formation on their optical/near-IR colors, which, we found, are redder than predicted by the model by Bruzual & Charlot (2003). From deep ACS imaging we construct a sample of 95 morphologically selected early-type galaxies in the HDF-N and CDF-S with spectroscopic redshifts in the range 0.85<z<1.15. We measure their 24 micron fluxes from the deep GOODS-MIPS imaging and derive the IR luminosities and star formation rates. The fraction of galaxies with >2 sigma detections (~25 muJy} is 17(-4,+9)%. Of the 15 galaxies with significant detections at least six have an AGN. Stacking the MIPS images of the galaxies without significant detections and adding the detected galaxies without AGN we find an upper limit on the mean star formation rate (SFR) of 5.2+/-3.0 Msol yr^-1, and on the mean specific SFR of 4.6+/-2.2 * 10^-11 yr^-1. Under the assumption that the average SFR will decline at the same rate as the cosmic average, the in situ growth in stellar mass of the early-type galaxy population is less than 14+/-7% between z=1 and the present. We show that the typically low IR luminosity and SFR imply that the effect of obscured star formation (or AGN) on their rest-frame optical/near-IR SEDs is negligible for ~90% of the galaxies in our sample. Hence, their optical/near-IR colors are most likely dominated by evolved stellar populations. This implies that the colors predicted by the Bruzual & Charlot (2003) model for stellar populations with ages similar to those of z~1 early-type galaxies (~1-3 Gyr) are most likely too blue, and that stellar masses of evolved, high-redshift galaxies can be overestimated by up to a factor of ~2.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Mass-to-Light Ratios of Field Early-Type Galaxies at z~1 from Ultra-Deep Spectroscopy: Evidence for Mass-dependent Evolution

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    We present an analysis of the Fundamental Plane for a sample of 27 field early-type galaxies in the redshift range 0.6<z<1.15. The galaxies in this sample have high S/N spectra obtained at the VLT and high resolution imaging from the ACS. We find that the mean evolution in M/L of our sample is Deltaln(M/LB)=1.74+/0.16zDelta ln (M/L_B) = -1.74+/-0.16z, with a large galaxy-to-galaxy scatter. This value can be too low by 0.3 due to selection effects, resulting in Deltaln(M/LB)=1.43+/0.16zDelta ln (M/L_B) = -1.43+/-0.16z. The strong correlation between M/L and rest-frame color indicates that the observed scatter is not due to measurement errors, but due to intrinsic differences between the stellar populations of the galaxies. This pace of evolution is much faster than the evolution of cluster galaxies. However, we find that the measured M/L evolution strongly depends on galaxy mass. For galaxies with masses M>2x1011MsolM>2 x 10^11 Msol, we find no significant difference between the evolution of field and cluster galaxies: Deltaln(M/LB)=1.20+/0.18zforfieldgalaxiesandDelta ln (M/L_B) = -1.20+/-0.18z for field galaxies and Delta ln (M/L_B) = -1.12+/-0.06z$ for cluster galaxies. The relation between the measured M/L evolution and mass is partially due to selection effects. However, even when taking selection effects into account, we still find a relation between M/L evolution and mass, which is most likely caused by a lower mean age and a larger intrinsic scatter for low mass galaxies. Results from lensing early-type galaxies, which are mass-selected, show a very similar trend with mass. This, combined with our findings, provides evidence for down-sizing. Previous studies of the rate of evolution of field early-type galaxies found a large range of mutually exclusive values. We show that these differences are largely caused by the differences between fitting methods. (Abridged)Comment: figures 3 and 4 available at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~vdwel/private/FPpaper

    Superstrings and WZNW Models

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    We give a brief review of our approach to the quantization of superstrings. New is a covariant derivation of the measure at tree level and a path integral formula for this measure.Comment: 12 pp, LaTeX, Contribution to the QTS3 Conference Proceeding

    New Entropy Formula with Fluctuating Reservoir

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    Finite heat reservoir capacity and temperature fluctuations lead to modification of the well known canonical exponential weight factor. Requiring that the corrections least depend on the one-particle energy, we derive a deformed entropy, K(S). The resulting formula contains the Boltzmann-Gibbs, the Renyi and the Tsallis formulas as particular cases. For extreme large fluctuations (compared to the Gaussian case) a new, parameter-free entropy - probability relation emerges. This formula and the corresponding canonical equilibrium distribution are nearly Boltzmannian for high probability, but deviate from the classical result for low probability. In the extreme large fluctuation limit the canonical distribution resembles for low probability the cumulative Gompertz distribution

    Dynamical Models of Elliptical Galaxies in z=0.5 Clusters: II. Mass-to-Light Ratio Evolution without Fundamental Plane Assumptions

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    We study M/L evolution of early-type galaxies using dynamical modeling of resolved internal kinematics. This makes fewer assumptions than Fundamental Plane (FP) studies and provides a powerful new approach for studying galaxy evolution. We focus on the sample of 25 galaxies in clusters at z=0.5 modeled in Paper I. For comparison we compile and homogenize M/L literature data for 60 nearby galaxies that were modeled in comparable detail. The nearby sample obeys log(M/L)_B = Z + S log(sigma_eff/[200 km/s]), with Z = 0.896 +/- 0.010, S = 0.992 +/- 0.054, and sigma_eff the effective velocity dispersion. The z=0.5 sample follows a similar relation but with lower zeropoint. The implied M/L evolution is Delta log(M/L) / Delta z = -0.457 +/- 0.046(random) +/- 0.078(systematic), consistent with passive evolution following high-redshift formation. This agrees with the FP results for this sample by van Dokkum & van der Marel. This confirms that FP evolution tracks M/L evolution, which is an important verification of the assumptions that underly FP studies. However, while we find more FP evolution for galaxies of low sigma_eff (or low mass), the dynamical M/L evolution instead shows little trend with sigma_eff. We argue that this difference can be plausibly attributed to a combination of two effects: (a) evolution in structural galaxy properties other than M/L; and (b) the neglect of rotational support in studies of FP evolution. The results leave the question open whether the low-mass galaxies in the sample have younger population ages than the high-mass galaxies. This highlights the general importance in the study of population ages for complementing dynamical measurements with broad-band colors or spectroscopic population diagnostics.Comment: ApJ, submitted; 17 pages formatted with emulateap

    Photo-ionization modelling of planetary nebulae -- II. Galactic bulge nebulae, a comparison with literature results

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    We have constructed photo-ionization models of five galactic bulge planetary nebulae using our automatic method which enables a fully self-consistent determination of the physical parameters of a planetary nebula. The models are constrained using the spectrum, the IRAS and radio fluxes and the angular diameter of the nebula. We also conducted a literature search for physical parameters determined with classical methods for these nebulae. Comparison of the distance independent physical parameters with published data shows that the stellar temperatures generally are in good agreement and can be considered reliable. The literature data for the electron temperature, electron density and also for the abundances show a large spread, indicating that the use of line diagnostics is not reliable and that the accuracy of these methods needs to be improved. Comparison of the various abundance determinations indicates that the uncertainty in the electron temperature is the main source of uncertainty in the abundance determination. The stellar magnitudes predicted by the photo-ionization models are in good agreement with observed values.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Evolution of Rest-Frame K-band Properties of Early-Type Galaxies from z=1 to the Present

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    We measure the evolution of the rest-frame K-band Fundamental Plane from z=1 to the present by using IRAC imaging of a sample of early-type galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field-South at z~1 with accurately measured dynamical masses. We find that M/LKM/L_K evolves as Δln(M/LK)=(1.18±0.10)z\Delta\ln{(M/L_K)}=(-1.18\pm0.10)z, which is slower than in the B-band (Δln(M/LB)=(1.46±0.09)z\Delta\ln{(M/L_B)}=(-1.46\pm0.09)z). In the B-band the evolution has been demonstrated to be strongly mass dependent. In the K-band we find a weaker trend: galaxies more massive than M=2×1011MM=2\times10^{11}M_{\odot} evolve as Δln(M/LK)=(1.01±0.16)z\Delta\ln{(M/L_K)}=(-1.01\pm0.16)z; less massive galaxies evolve as Δln(M/LK)=(1.27±0.11)z\Delta\ln{(M/L_K)}=(-1.27\pm0.11)z. As expected from stellar population models the evolution in M/LKM/L_K is slower than the evolution in M/LBM/L_B. However, when we make a quantitative comparison, we find that the single burst Bruzual-Charlot models do not fit the results well, unless large dust opacities are allowed at z=1. Models with a flat IMF fit better, Maraston models with a different treatment of AGB stars fit best. These results show that the interpretation of rest-frame near-IR photometry is severely hampered by model uncertainties and therefore that the determination of galaxy masses from rest-frame near-IR photometry may be harder than was thought before.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ