79 research outputs found

    Validation of the estimation of the macrovascular contribution in multi-timepoint arterial spin labeling MRI using a 2-component kinetic model

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    Purpose In this paper, the ability to quantify cerebral blood flow by arterial spin labeling (ASL) was studied by investigating the separation of the macrovascular and tissue component using a 2-component model. Underlying assumptions of this model, especially the inclusion of dispersion in the analysis, were studied, as well as the temporal resolution of the ASL datasets. Methods Four different datasets were acquired: (1) 4D ASL angiography to characterize the macrovascular component and to study dispersion modeling within this component, (2) high temporal resolution ASL data to investigate the separation of the 2 components and the effect of dispersion modelling on this separation, (3) low temporal resolution ASL dataset to study the effect of the temporal resolution on the separation of the 2 components, and (4) low temporal resolution ASL data with vascular crushing. Results The model that included a gamma dispersion kernel had the best fit to the 4D ASL angiography. For the high temporal resolution ASL dataset, inclusion of the gamma dispersion kernel led to more signal included in the arterial blood volume map, which resulted in decreased cerebral blood flow values. The arterial blood volume and cerebral blood flow maps showed overall higher arterial blood volume values and lower cerebral blood flow values for the high temporal resolution dataset compared to the low temporal resolution dataset. Conclusion Inclusion of a gamma dispersion kernel resulted in better fitting of the model to the data. The separation of the macrovascular and tissue component is affected by the inclusion of a gamma dispersion kernel and the temporal resolution of the ASL dataset.Cardiovascular Aspects of Radiolog

    Ultra-long-TE arterial spin labeling reveals rapid and brain-wide blood-to-CSF water transport in humans

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    The study of brain clearance mechanisms is an active area of research. While we know that the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) plays a central role in one of the main existing clearance pathways, the exact processes for the secretion of CSF and the removal of waste products from tissue are under debate. CSF is thought to be created by the exchange of water and ions from the blood, which is believed to mainly occur in the choroid plexus. This exchange has not been thoroughly studied in vivo.We propose a modified arterial spin labeling (ASL) MRI sequence and image analysis to track blood water as it is transported to the CSF, and to characterize its exchange from blood to CSF. We acquired six pseudo-continuous ASL sequences with varying labeling duration (LD) and post-labeling delay (PLD) and a segmented 3D-GRASE readout with a long echo train (8 echo times (TE)) which allowed separation of the very long-T-2 CSF signal. ASL signal was observed at long TEs (793 ms and higher), indicating presence of labeled water transported from blood to CSF. This signal appeared both in the CSF proximal to the choroid plexus and in the subarachnoid space surrounding the cortex. ASL signal was separated into its blood, gray matter and CSF components by fitting a triexponential function with T(2)s taken from literature. A two-compartment dynamic model was introduced to describe the exchange of water through time and TE. From this, a water exchange time from the blood to the CSF (Tbl->CSF) was mapped, with an order of magnitude of approximately 60 s.Neuro Imaging Researc

    Long-term expansion, enhanced chondrogenic potential, and suppression of endochondral ossification of adult human MSCs via WNT signaling mo

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a potential source of chondrogenic cells for the treatment of cartilage disorders, but loss of chondrogenic potential during in vitro expansion and the propensity of cartilage to undergo hypertrophic maturation impede their therapeutic application. Here we report that the signaling protein WNT3A, in combination with FGF2, supports long-term expansion of human bone marrow-derived MSCs. The cells retained their chondrogenic potential and other phenotypic and functional properties of multipotent MSCs, which were gradually lost in the absence of WNT3A. Moreover, we discovered that endogenous WNT signals are the main drivers of the hypertrophic maturation that follows chondrogenic differentiation. Inhibition of WNT signals during differentiation prevented calcification and maintained cartilage properties following implantation in a mouse model. By maintaining potency during expansion and preventing hypertrophic maturation following differentiation, the modulation of WNT signaling removes two major obstacles that impede the clinical application of MSCs in cartilage repair

    Activin receptor-like kinase receptors ALK5 and ALK1 are both required for TGFβ-induced chondrogenic differentiation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    Introduction Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) are promising for cartilage regeneration because BMSCs can differentiate into cartilage tissue-producing chondrocytes. Transforming Growth Factor beta; (TGFbeta;) is crucial for inducing chondrogenic differentiation of BMSCs and is known to signal via Activin receptor-Like Kinase (ALK) receptors ALK5 and ALK1. Since the specific role of these two TGFbeta; receptors in chondrogenesis is unknown, we investigated whether ALK5 and ALK1 are expressed in BMSCs and whether both receptors are required for chondrogenic differentiation of BMSCs. Materials & Methods ALK5 and ALK1 gene expression in human BMSCs was determined with RT-qPCR. To induce chondrogenesis, human BMSCs were pellet-cultured in serum-free chondrogenic medium containing TGFβ1. Chondrogenesis was evaluated by aggrecan and collagen type IIα1 RT-qPCR analysis, and histological stainings of proteoglycans and collagen type II. To overexpress constitutively active (ca) receptors, BMSCs were transduced either with caALK5 or caALK1. Expression of ALK5 and ALK1 was downregulated by transducing BMSCs with shRNA against ALK5 or ALK1. Results ALK5 and ALK1 were expressed in in vitro-expanded as well as in pellet-cultured BMSCs from five donors, but mRNA levels of both TGFbeta; receptors did not clearly associate with chondrogenic induction. TGFbeta; increased ALK5 and decreased ALK1 gene expression in chondrogenically differentiating BMSC pellets. Neither caALK5 nor caALK1 overexpression induced cartilage matrix formation as efficient as that induced by TGFbeta;. Moreover, short hairpin-mediated downregulation of either ALK5 or ALK1 resulted in a strong inhibition of TGFbeta;-induced chondrogenesis. Conclusion ALK5 as well as ALK1 are required for TGFbeta;-induced chondrogenic differentiation of BMSCs, and TGFbeta; not only directly induces chondrogenesis, but also modulates ALK5 and ALK1 receptor signaling in BMSCs. These results imply that optimizing cartilage formation by mesenchymal stem cells will depend on activation of both receptors

    The lower in vitro chondrogenic potential of canine adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) compared to bone marrow-derived MSC is not improved by BMP-2 or BMP-6

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    Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are used for cell-based treatment for canine osteoarthritis (OA). Compared with human MSCs, detailed information on the functional characterisation of canine MSCs is limited. In particular, the chondrogenic differentiation of canine adipose tissue-derived MSCs (cAT-MSCs) is challenging. In this study, we aimed to compare cAT-MSCs with bone marrow-derived MSCs (cBM-MSCs), focusing specifically on their in vitro chondrogenic potential, with or without bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP). cBM-MSCs and cAT-MSCs were characterised using flow cytometry and reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The chondrogenic differentiation potential of all cMSC preparations in the presence of TGF-β1 alone or when supplemented with 10, 100, or 250 ng/mL BMP-2 or BMP-6 was investigated using RT-qPCR, and biochemical, histochemical and immunohistological analyses. Both cBM-MSCs and cAT-MSCs expressed the surface markers CD90, CD73, and CD29, and were negative for CD45 and CD34, although the expression of CD73 and CD271 varied with donor and tissue origin. Interestingly, expression of ACAN and SOX9 was higher in cBM-MSCs than cAT-MSCs. In contrast with cBM-MSCs, cAT-MSCs could not differentiate toward the chondrogenic lineage without BMP-2/-6, and their in vitro chondrogenesis was inferior to cBM-MSCs with BMP-2/-6. Thus, cAT-MSCs have lower in vitro chondrogenic capacity than cBM-MSC under the studied culture conditions with 10, 100, or 250 ng/mL BMP-2 or BMP-6. Therefore, further characterisation is necessary to explore the potential of cAT-MSCs for cell-based OA treatments

    Association of visit-to-visit variability in blood pressure with cognitive function in old age: prospective cohort study

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    <p>Objective To investigate the association between visit-to-visit variability in blood pressure and cognitive function in old age (>70 years).</p> <p>Design Prospective cohort study.</p> <p>etting PROSPER (PROspective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk) study, a collaboration between centres in Ireland, Scotland, and the Netherlands.</p> <p>Participants 5461 participants, mean age 75.3 years, who were at risk of cardiovascular disease. Blood pressure was measured every three months during an average of 3.2 years. Visit-to-visit variability in blood pressure was defined as the standard deviation of blood pressure measurements between visits.</p> <p>Main outcome measures Four domains of cognitive function, testing selective attention, processing speed, and immediate and delayed memory. In a magnetic resonance imaging substudy of 553 participants, structural brain volumes, cerebral microbleeds, infarcts, and white matter hyperintensities were measured.</p> <p>Results Participants with higher visit-to-visit variability in systolic blood pressure had worse performance on all cognitive tests: attention (mean difference high versus low thirds) 3.08 seconds (95% confidence interval 0.85 to 5.31), processing speed −1.16 digits coded (95% confidence interval −1.69 to −0.63), immediate memory −0.27 pictures remembered (95% confidence interval −0.41 to −0.13), and delayed memory −0.30 pictures remembered (95% confidence interval −0.49 to −0.11). Furthermore, higher variability in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure was associated with lower hippocampal volume and cortical infarcts, and higher variability in diastolic blood pressure was associated with cerebral microbleeds (all P<0.05). All associations were adjusted for average blood pressure and cardiovascular risk factors.</p> Conclusion Higher visit-to-visit variability in blood pressure independent of average blood pressure was associated with impaired cognitive function in old age

    Partial volume correction in arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI: a method to disentangle anatomy from physiology or an analysis step too far?

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    The mismatch in the spatial resolution of Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) MRI perfusion images and the anatomy of functionally distinct tissues in the brain leads to a partial volume effect (PVE), which in turn confounds the estimation of perfusion into a specific tissue of interest such as gray or white matter. This confound occurs because the image voxels contain a mixture of tissues with disparate perfusion properties, leading to estimated perfusion values that reflect primarily the volume proportions of tissues in the voxel rather than the perfusion of any particular tissue of interest within that volume. It is already recognized that PVE influences studies of brain perfusion, and that its effect might be even more evident in studies where changes in perfusion are co-incident with alterations in brain structure, such as studies involving a comparison between an atrophic patient population vs control subjects, or studies comparing subjects over a wide range of ages. However, the application of PVE correction (PVEc) is currently limited and the employed methodologies remain inconsistent. In this article, we outline the influence of PVE in ASL measurements of perfusion, explain the main principles of PVEc, and provide a critique of the current state of the art for the use of such methods. Furthermore, we examine the current use of PVEc in perfusion studies and whether there is evidence to support its wider adoption. We conclude that there is sound theoretical motivation for the use of PVEc alongside conventional, 'uncorrected', images, and encourage such combined reporting. Methods for PVEc are now available within standard neuroimaging toolboxes, which makes our recommendation straightforward to implement. However, there is still more work to be done to establish the value of PVEc as well as the efficacy and robustness of existing PVEc methods.Neuro Imaging Researc

    Cerebellar hemorrhages in patients with Dutch-type hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy

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    Background Recent studies suggest that superficially located cerebellar intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and microbleeds might point towards sporadic cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). Aims We investigated the proportion of cerebellar ICH and asymptomatic macro- and microbleeds in Dutch-type hereditary CAA (D-CAA), a severe and essentially pure form of CAA. Methods Symptomatic patients with D-CAA (defined as >= 1 symptomatic ICH) and presymptomatic D-CAA mutation-carriers were included. We assessed magnetic resonance imaging scans for symptomatic (cerebellar) ICH and asymptomatic cerebellar macro- and microbleeds according to the STRIVE-criteria. Location was assessed as superficial-cerebellar (cortex, vermis or juxta-cortical) or deep-cerebellar (white matter, pedunculi cerebelli and gray nuclei). Results We included 63 participants (mean age 58 years, 60% women, 42 symptomatic). In total, the 42 symptomatic patients with D-CAA had 107 symptomatic ICH (range 1-7). None of these ICH were located in the cerebellum. Six of 42 (14%, 95%CI 4-25%) symptomatic patients and none of the 21 (0%, 95%CI 0-0%) presymptomatic carriers had >= 1 asymptomatic cerebellar macrobleed(s). All macrobleeds were superficially located. Cerebellar microbleeds were found in 40 of 63 (64%, 95%CI 52-76) participants (median 1.0, range 0-159), 81% in symptomatic patients and 29% in presymptomatic carriers. All microbleeds were strictly or predominantly superficially (ratio superficial versus deep 15:1) located. Conclusions Superficially located asymptomatic cerebellar macrobleeds and microbleeds are common in D-CAA. Cerebellar microbleeds are already present in the presymptomatic stage. Despite the high frequency of cerebellar micro and macrobleeds, CAA pathology did not result in symptomatic cerebellar ICH in patients with D-CAA.Paroxysmal Cerebral Disorder

    The Missing Link in the Pathophysiology of Vascular Cognitive Impairment: Design of the Heart-Brain Study

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    Background: Hemodynamic balance in the heart-brain axis is increasingly recognized as a crucial factor in maintaining functional and structural integrity of the brain and thereby cognitive functioning. Patients with heart failure (HF), carotid occlusive disease (COD), and vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) present themselves with complaints attributed to specific parts of the heart-brain axis, but hemodynamic changes often go beyond the part of the axis for which they primarily seek medical advice. The Heart-Brain Study hypothesizes that t

    Cerebellar superficial siderosis in cerebral amyloid angiopathy

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    Background and Purpose: Although evidence accumulates that the cerebellum is involved in cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), cerebellar superficial siderosis is not considered to be a disease marker. The objective of this study is to investigate cerebellar superficial siderosis frequency and its relation to hemorrhagic magnetic resonance imaging markers in patients with sporadic and Dutch-type hereditary CAA and patients with deep perforating arteriopathy-related intracerebral hemorrhage. Methods: We recruited patients from 3 prospective 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging studies and scored siderosis and hemorrhages. Cerebellar siderosis was identified as hypointense linear signal loss (black) on susceptibility-weighted or T2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging which follows at least one folia of the cerebellar cortex (including the vermis). Results: We included 50 subjects with Dutch-type hereditary CAA, (mean age 50 years), 45 with sporadic CAA (mean age 72 years), and 43 patients with deep perforating arteriopathy-related intracerebral hemorrhage (mean age 54 years). Cerebellar superficial siderosis was present in 5 out of 50 (10% [95% CI, 2-18]) patients with Dutch-type hereditary CAA, 4/45 (9% [95% CI, 1-17]) patients with sporadic CAA, and 0 out of 43 (0% [95% CI, 0-8]) patients with deep perforating arteriopathy-related intracerebral hemorrhage. Patients with cerebellar superficial siderosis had more supratentorial lobar (median number 9 versus 2, relative risk, 2.9 [95% CI, 2.5-3.4]) and superficial cerebellar macrobleeds (median number 2 versus 0, relative risk, 20.3 [95% CI, 8.6-47.6]) compared with patients without the marker. The frequency of cortical superficial siderosis and superficial cerebellar microbleeds was comparable. Conclusions: We conclude that cerebellar superficial siderosis might be a novel marker for CAA.Paroxysmal Cerebral Disorder
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