1,821 research outputs found

    Exploring the Impact of Supervision on Pretrial Outcomes

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    This study seeks to investigate the effect of pretrial supervision on the likelihood of failure to appear (FTA) and new criminal activity (NCA) before case disposition. First, drawing on data from two states, this research isolates two groups of defendants: those released pending case disposition with supervision and those released without supervision. Second, this research compares the two groups across several descriptive factors regarding likelihood of FTA and NCA while in the community pending case disposition

    Thomas J. Schlereth, U.S. 40: A Roadscape of the American Experience

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    The Hidden Costs of Pretrial Detention

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    This study investigates the correlation of pretrial detention with 1) pretrial outcomes (failure to appear and arrest for new criminal activity); and 2) post-disposition recidivism (new criminal activity post-disposition)

    A Comparative Study of the Mental Health Effects of War, COVID-19, & Surviving a Natural Disaster in Children

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    Towards the end of 2019, the SARS-CoV-2 virus outbreak from Wuhan, China has thrown the world into a global pandemic. Given the novelty of the virus and updated medical standards, the effects of COVID-19 on the mental health of children were and currently are not fully known. This study aims to map out an approximate timeline of children\u27s mental health based on other forms of traumas such as war and natural disasters. This is a review of mixed-method design of numerous studies from the three variables. Data was collected through self-reported measures of mental health symptoms including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and qualitative interviews. Analysis indicates that all three events were associated with increased harmful mental health symptoms. Nonetheless, the severity and duration of each symptom varied between groups based on the intensity and period of exposure. Individuals who experienced war reported the greatest severity in chronic symptoms, followed by individuals with COVID-19, and finally individuals who survived a natural disaster. Findings suggest that mental health support and intervention strategies should be tailored to the specific needs of individuals who have experienced several types of traumatic events

    Petrology and thermodynamic modeling of amphibolite facies rocks of the Blåhø Nappe of the Middle Allochthon, Scandinavian Caledonides in Norway

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    The Scandinavian Caledonides are an orogenic belt formed when Baltica collided with Laurentia during the late Silurian to early Devonian (Scandian, ~426–390 Ma, Gee et al., 2008). The thrust sheets forming the belt are divided into the Lower, Middle, Upper, and Uppermost Allochthons derived, respectively, from the Baltican margin and regions progressively farther outboard. This study focuses on the Blåhø Nappe, part of the Middle Allochthon, which is generally presumed to have been from an Early Paleozoic volcanic arc off the Baltican margin. The Blåhø Nappe contains abundant igneous and sedimentary rocks, metamorphosed almost entirely at amphibolite facies, but contains scattered eclogites that indicate prior metamorphism at high pressure. The host amphibolites adjacent to eclogites retain microstructures indicating that the amphibolites originated from retrograded eclogites, and thus were once eclogites themselves. Rocks away from the eclogites, however, have no textural evidence of having been eclogites, and presumably have been retrograded from eclogite and thoroughly recrystallized. Using textural evidence, mineral analyses, and thermodynamic modeling, we studied the conditions under which the host amphibolites transformed from eclogites during tectonic escape from great depth. 41 rock samples, mostly amphibolites from different sites in the Blåhø Nappe, were made into polished thin sections, with mineral assemblages and textures observed with a polarized light microscope. BSE imaging and quantitative analyses (standards-based EDS) were done on selected samples, targeting particular textures and low-variance assemblages. Analyses were modified to fit thermodynamic solution model stoichiometric constraints, and combined as system compositions for thermodynamic modeling with Perple_X. The modal and mineral compositional results were compared across the model T-P space to the mineral modes and compositions given to the model. Where the modal and compositional criteria matched (within uncertainties) was presumed to be the best estimate of the T-P conditions of last equilibration of that assemblage. Multiple samples giving best results at the same T-P conditions gave confidence that those T-P estimates were geologically meaningful. Textural evidence (such as garnet-rimming symplectites and pyroxenes rich in plagioclase inclusions and exsolution lamellae) strongly indicates that the amphibolites were once eclogites themselves. Other workers show that the eclogites formed in T-P conditions of ~550 - 750°C 15 – 35 kbars. Remnant eclogite retrograde textures in Blåhø Nappe samples apparently record intermediate conditions of ~550 - 800 °C, 7 - 10 kbars. as eclogites recrystallized into amphibolites. Amphibolite matrix apparently deformed and partially reequilibrated at T-P conditions of ~475 - 525 °C, 5-8 kbars. These temperatures and pressures of metamorphism could only be determined by comparing nearby samples, because the complexity of the mineral textures and chemistry (e.g. zoning), made it very difficult to choose apparent equilibrium textures without the models

    Application of electrical prospecting methods to two types of sulphide ore deposits

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    Although certain types of sulphide ores, especially those near the surface of the earth, lend themselves very well to electrical prospecting methods, quite the opposite is true of the extensive deposits of the type found in the Mississippi River Valley. The purpose of this investigation was to discover additional facts concerning two distinct types of sulphide ores, and therefrom to develop a new technique which would be applicable to prospecting for the lead and zinc deposits found in the Mississippi Valley --Introduction, page 1

    Investigating the Impact of Pretrial Detention on Sentencing Outcomes

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    This study investigates the impact of pretrial detention on sentencing outcomes for both misdemeanors and felonies

    New Jersey Jail Population Analysis: Identifying Opportunities to Safely and Responsibly Reduce the Jail Population

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    The current study was commissioned by the Drug Policy Alliance for the purpose of examining the New Jersey jail population and developing a population profile. The population profile is intended to describe the population in terms of demographics, custody status, offense characteristics, bail status, and any other relevant information. The goal of the study is to use this profile to identify opportunities to responsibly reduce New Jersey's jail population while maintaining public safety and the integrity of the judicial process.To conduct the study, data were requested and received from the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts ("AOC"). The AOC maintains the County Corrections Information System (CCIS) for which 19 of the 21 counties contribute inmate data (Bergen and Passaic counties do not provide data to CCIS). In addition, an informal survey was conducted of all county correctional facilities and the New Jersey Department of Corrections' Office of County Services (NJDOC-OCS) was consulted to obtain more detailed information on the individual jail facilities.The current report includes a description of the NJCJS, an overview of criminal justice system trends and key stakeholder agencies, a detailed population profile, and a summary of findings
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