85 research outputs found

    Determination of soil hydraulic properties using polymer tensiometers in evaporation experiments

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    O tensiômetro de polímeros é um equipamento recentemente desenvolvido que permite medir o potencial matricial da água no solo desde a saturação até condições mais secas do que o ponto de murcha permanente. Nesta nota descreve-se a utilização de tensiômetros de polímeros em experimentos de evaporação de cilindros com solo deformado, para determinar as propriedades hidráulicas do material. Nos experimentos foi utilizada terra da camada superficial de um Nitossolo Vermelho. O uso de tensiômetros de polímeros em experimentos de evaporação com colunas de solo permitiu a determinação das relações entre condutividade hidráulica, teor de água e potencial matricial na faixa de potenciais matriciais entre -1 e -150 m.The polymer tensiometer is a newly developed instrument to measure soil water pressure heads from saturation conditions to drier than the permanent wilting point. In this note we describe how the hydraulic properties of disturbed soil samples were determined in laboratory evaporation experiments with these polymer tensiometers. Soil material from the surface layer of an Ultisol was used. The relation among hydraulic conductivity, water content and pressure heads in the range from -1 to -150 m could be determined using polymer tensiometers in evaporation experiments

    Criteria for pot capacity determination

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    A capacidade de campo ou seu equivalente para culturas em vaso, a capacidade de vaso, é um dado importante para o manejo da irrigação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar, em vasos preenchidos com material de dois solos diferentes (um argiloso e um de textura média), o teor de água e a taxa de perda de água em função do tempo e, a partir dessas determinações, estabelecer valores para a capacidade de vaso a partir de diferentes critérios. Conclui-se que o teor de água final extrapolado da curva observada teta-t é um bom estimador da capacidade de vaso, especialmente para os casos em que a tolerância de perda de água é pequena. Não é recomendável estimar a capacidade de vaso com base em valores tradicionais de potencial matricial ou de tempo de drenagem, pois os valores são superestimados em relação aos teores obtidos com base na curva teta-t e correspondem a altas taxas de redução de teor de água.The field capacity, or its equivalent for soils in pots, the pot capacity, is an important parameter for irrigation management. We aimed to determine both water content and water loss as a function of time in pots filled with material of a clayey and a medium-textured soil. From these data the pot capacity water content was estimated using different criteria. It was concluded that the final water content extrapolated from the observed q-t curve is a good estimator of the pot capacity, especially in situations of low water loss tolerance. An estimation of the pot capacity according to traditional pressure heads or drainage times is not recommended, since the obtained values are overestimated, compared to the values obtained by the q-t curve and correspond to high reduction rates of the water content

    Uso excessivo de nitrogênio gera perda monetária para cafeicultores do cerrado baiano

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    Fertilizers used in excess may harm the environment and increase the costs of crop production. The present study aimed to predict the monetary expenditure related to nitrogen (N) losses by leaching, volatilization and denitrification in a fertigated coffee plantation in the Cerrado, and also to bring up the advantages of reducing N rates applied in such an agroecosystem. SWAP and ANIMO models were used to simulate the N balances for a simulated area of coffee cultivation managed with rates of 200, 300, 400 and 600 kg ha-1 y-1 of N. The average annual investment for coffee production varied from 36.1 to 65.3 thousand BR-Real per pivot, and the expenses with soil and canopy N storage were 13.6 to 85.3 thousand BR-Real. The average annual expenses with N leaching by pivot were between 7.5 to 25.4 thousand BR-Real, and with volatilization and denitrification between 4.4 to 8.8 thousand BR-Real. Reducing the N rate employed for coffee plants from 600 kg ha-1 y-1 of N to 400 kg ha-1 y-1 of N, would diminished by 33% the costs of N fertilizer application, by 46% the expenses with N leaching and by 26% the expenses with nitrogenous compoundsloss to the atmosphere.Fertilizantes aplicados em excesso podem ser prejudiciais ao ambiente e encarecer os custos de produção agrícola de uma fazenda. Este estudo tem por objetivo estimar os dispêndios associados às perdas de nitrogênio (N) por lixiviação, volatilização e desnitrificação em um cafezal fertirrigado do Cerrado, e apresentar as vantagens econômicas da redução da quantidade de N no manejo de adubação para tal agroescossistema. Balanços de N simulados com os modelos SWAP e ANIMO foram obtidos para um cafezal simulado empregando-se as doses de 200, 300, 400 e 600 kg ha-1 ano-1 de N. Os investimentos anuais médios para produção do cafezal variaram de 36,1 a 65,3 mil reais por pivô, e os gastos com armazenamento de N no solo e serrapilheira foram de 13,6 a 85,3 mil reais. As perdas anuais médias com lixiviação por pivô foram de 7,5 a 25,4 mil reais, e com volatilização e desnitrificação somadas de 4,4 a 8,8 mil reais. A redução da dose de N para o cafezal do Cerrado de 600 kg ha-1 ano-1 de N para 400 kg ha-1 ano-1 de N, além de diminuir em 33% os gastos de aplicação de fertilizantes, sem reduzir a produtividade, reduziria em 46% as perdas por lixiviação e em 26% as perdas das emissões de compostos nitrogenados para a atmosfera

    Global mapping of volumetric water retention at 100, 330 and 15 000 cm suction using the WoSIS database

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    Present global maps of soil water retention (SWR) are mostly derived from pedotransfer functions (PTFs) applied to maps of other basic soil properties. As an alternative, ‘point-based’ mapping of soil water content can improve global soil data availability and quality. We developed point-based global maps with estimated uncertainty of the volumetric SWR at 100, 330 and 15 000 cm suction using measured SWR data extracted from the WoSIS Soil Profile Database together with data estimated by a random forest PTF (PTF-RF). The point data was combined with around 200 environmental covariates describing vegetation, terrain morphology, climate, geology, and hydrology using DSM. In total, we used 7292, 33 192 and 42 016 SWR point observations at 100, 330 and 15 000 cm, respectively, and complemented the dataset with 436 108 estimated values at each suction. Tenfold cross-validation yielded a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 6.380, 7.112 and 6.485 10−2cm3cm−3, and a Model Efficiency Coefficient (MEC) of 0.430, 0.386, and 0.471, respectively, for 100, 330 and 15 000 cm. The results were also compared to three published global maps of SWR to evaluate differences between point-based and map-based mapping approaches. Point-based mapping performed better than the three map-based mapping approaches for 330 and 15 000 cm, while for 100 cm results were similar, possibly due to the limited number of SWR observations for 100 cm. Major sources or uncertainty identified included the geographical clustering of the data and the limitation of the covariates to represent the naturally high variation of SWR