36 research outputs found

    Proses Pembelajaran Saksofon untuk Pemula di Sekolah Musik Indonesia Yogyakarta

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    Lembaga musik non formal khususnya di bidang pembelajaran saksofon kini semakin banyak, salah satu lembaga non formal yang menawarkan program pembelajaran saksofon yaitu Sekolah Musik Indonesia Yogyakarta yang berlokasi di jalan C. Simanjuntak. Pada pembelajaran saksofon tentunya terdapat suatu proses dan beberapa kendala baik dari faktor internal maupun eksternal, yang akhirnya mengarah terhadap bagaimana proses pembelajaran saksofon di Sekolah Musik Indonesia Yogyakarta dan apa saja kendala-kendala dalam proses pembelajaran saksofon di Sekolah Musik Indonesia yogyakarta. Pada proses pembelajaran terdapat metode yang merupakan suatu cara yang digunakan untuk mencapai suatu tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Metode pembelajaran saksofon untuk pemula yang digunakan yaitu metode menurut George M. Bundy “The Selmer Elementary” dan metode menurut Hendry Linderman “Method for Saxophone”, adapun metode pembelajaran lainnya yang digunakan pada proses pembelajaran saksofon di Sekolah Musik Indonesia Yogyakarta sangatlah bervariasi sehingga proses pembelajaran tidak membosankan. Metode pengajaran secara umum yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimen, tugas, diskusi, demonstrasi, tanya jawab, latihan, dan ceramah. Pada proses pembelajaran saksofon terdapat beberapa kendala baik dari faktor internal maupun eksternal yaitu meliputi lingkungan, guru, metode, kurikulum, program, materi, sarana dan prasarana. Namun di Sekolah Musik Indonesia Yogyakarta proses pembelajaran saksofon berjalan cukup baik walaupun terdapat beberapa kendala. Kata Kunci: Proses pembelajaran, Saksofon, Sekolah Musik Indonesia Yogyakart

    Synthesis and characterization of sialylated lactose- and lactulose-derived oligosaccharides by Trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase

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    Sialylated oligosaccharides contribute 12.6-21.9 % of total free oligosaccharides in human milk (hMOS). These acidic hMOS possess prebiotic properties and display anti-adhesive effects against pathogenic bacteria. Only limited amounts of sialylated hMOS are currently available. The aim of our work is to enzymatically synthesize sialylated oligosaccharides mimicking hMOS functionality. In this study we tested mixtures of glucosylated-lactose (GL34), galactosylated-lactulose (LGOS) and galacto-oligosaccharide (Vivinal GOS) molecules, as trans-sialylation acceptor substrates. The recombinant trans-sialidase enzyme from Trypanosoma cruzi (TcTS) was used for enzymatic decoration, transferring (α2→3)-linked sialic acid from donor substrates to the non-reducing terminal β-galactopyranosyl units of these acceptor substrates. The GL34 F2 2-glc-lac compound with an accessible terminal galactosyl residue was sialylated efficiently (conversion degree of 47.6 %). TcTS also sialylated at least five LGOS structures and eleven Vivinal GOS DP3-4 compounds. These newly synthesized sialylated oligosaccharides are interesting as potential hMOS-mimics for applications in biomedical and functional food products

    Mutational Analysis of the Role of the Glucansucrase Gtf180-Delta N Active Site Residues in Product and Linkage Specificity with Lactose as Acceptor Substrate

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    Glucansucrase Gtf180-Delta N from Lactobacillus reuteri uses lactose as acceptor substrate to synthesize five glucosylated lactose molecules (F1-F5) with a degree of polymerization (DP) of 3-4 (GL34) and with (alpha 1 -> 2)/(alpha 1 -> 3)/(alpha 1 -> 4) glycosidic linkages. Q1140/W1065/N1029 mutations significantly changed the GL34 product ratios. Q1140 mutations clearly decreased F3 3'-glc-lac with an (alpha 1 -> 3) linkage and increased F4 4',2-glc-lac with (alpha 1 -> 4)/(alpha 1 -> 2) linkages. Formation of F2 2-glc-lac with an (alpha 1 -> 2) linkage and F4 was negatively affected in most W1065 and N1029 mutants, respectively. Mutant N1029G synthesized four new products with additional (alpha 1 -> 3)-linked glucosyl moieties (2xDP4 and 2xDP5). Sucrose/lactose strongly reduced Gtf180-Delta N hydrolytic activity and increased transferase activity of Gtf180-Delta N and mutant N1029G, in comparison to activity with sucrose alone. N1029/W1065/Q1140 thus are key determinants of Gtf180-Delta N linkage and product specificity in the acceptor reaction with lactose. Mutagenesis of key residues in Gtf180-Delta N may allow synthesis of tailor-made mixtures of novel lactose-derived oligosaccharides with potential applications as prebiotic compounds in food/feed and in pharmacy/medicine

    Characterization of the Paenibacillus beijingensis DSM 24997 GtfD and its glucan polymer products representing a new glycoside hydrolase 70 subfamily of 4,6-α-glucanotransferase enzymes

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    Previously we have reported that the Gram-negative bacterium Azotobacter chroococcum NCIMB 8003 uses the 4,6-α-glucanotransferase GtfD to convert maltodextrins and starch into a reuteran-like polymer consisting of (α1→4) glucan chains connected by alternating (α1→4)/(α1→6) linkages and (α1→4,6) branching points. This enzyme constituted the single evidence for this reaction and product specificity in the GH70 family, mostly containing glucansucrases encoded by lactic acid bacteria (http://www.CAZy.org). In this work, 4 additional GtfD-like proteins were identified in taxonomically diverse plant-associated bacteria forming a new GH70 subfamily with intermediate characteristics between the evolutionary related GH13 and GH70 families. The GtfD enzyme encoded by Paenibacillus beijingensis DSM 24997 was characterized providing the first example of a reuteran-like polymer synthesizing 4,6-α-glucanotransferase in a Gram-positive bacterium. Whereas the A. chroococcum GtfD activity on amylose resulted in the synthesis of a high molecular polymer, in addition to maltose and other small oligosaccharides, two reuteran-like polymer distributions are produced by P. beijingensis GtfD: a high-molecular mass polymer and a low-molecular mass polymer with an average Mw of 27 MDa and 19 kDa, respectively. Compared to the A. chroooccum GtfD product, both P. beijingensis GtfD polymers contain longer linear (α1→4) sequences in their structure reflecting a preference for transfer of even longer glucan chains by this enzyme. Overall, this study provides new insights into the evolutionary history of GH70 enzymes, and enlarges the diversity of natural enzymes that can be applied for modification of the starch present in food into less and/or more slowly digestible carbohydrate structures

    Increased 2'-fl production by goats

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    Disclosed is a method of producing goat milk having naturally present 2'-fucosyllactose (2'-FL). The method comprises determining whether a goat is producing 2'-FL, selecting a plurality of goats that produce 2'-FL; and milking the selected goats. Also disclosed is determining whether the goat producing 2'- FL possesses at least one copy of a favourable allele at a SNP and/or has a deletion in the region of the FUT2 gene

    Gut bacterial deamination of residual levodopa medication for Parkinson's disease

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    BACKGROUND: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by both motor and non-motor symptoms. Gastrointestinal tract dysfunction is one of the non-motor features, where constipation is reported as the most common gastrointestinal symptom. Aromatic bacterial metabolites are attracting considerable attention due to their impact on gut homeostasis and host's physiology. In particular, Clostridium sporogenes is a key contributor to the production of these bioactive metabolites in the human gut. RESULTS: Here, we show that C. sporogenes deaminates levodopa, the main treatment in Parkinson's disease, and identify the aromatic aminotransferase responsible for the initiation of the deamination pathway. The deaminated metabolite from levodopa, 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)propionic acid, elicits an inhibitory effect on ileal motility in an ex vivo model. We detected 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)propionic acid in fecal samples of Parkinson's disease patients on levodopa medication and found that this metabolite is actively produced by the gut microbiota in those stool samples. CONCLUSIONS: Levodopa is deaminated by the gut bacterium C. sporogenes producing a metabolite that inhibits ileal motility ex vivo. Overall, this study underpins the importance of the metabolic pathways of the gut microbiome involved in drug metabolism not only to preserve drug effectiveness, but also to avoid potential side effects of bacterial breakdown products of the unabsorbed residue of medication

    Recognition and localization of relevant human behavior in videos, SPIE,

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    ABSTRACT Ground surveillance is normally performed by human assets, since it requires visual intelligence. However, especially for military operations, this can be dangerous and is very resource intensive. Therefore, unmanned autonomous visualintelligence systems are desired. In this paper, we present an improved system that can recognize actions of a human and interactions between multiple humans. Central to the new system is our agent-based architecture. The system is trained on thousands of videos and evaluated on realistic persistent surveillance data in the DARPA Mind's Eye program, with hours of videos of challenging scenes. The results show that our system is able to track the people, detect and localize events, and discriminate between different behaviors, and it performs 3.4 times better than our previous system