395 research outputs found

    Тематика XV Мiжнародного з'їзду славiстiв (Мiнськ, Бiлорусь, 2013 р.)

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    The family Picornaviridae comprises of small, non-enveloped, positive-strand RNA viruses and contains many human and animal pathogens including enteroviruses (e.g. poliovirus, coxsackievirus, enterovirus 71 and rhinovirus), cardioviruses (e.g. encephalomyocarditis virus), hepatitis A virus and foot-and-mouth disease virus. Picornavirus infections activate a cytosolic RNA sensor, MDA5, which in turn, induces a type I interferon response, a crucial component of antiviral immunity. Moreover, picornaviruses activate the formation of stress granules (SGs), large aggregates of preassembled mRNPs (messenger ribonucleoprotein particles) to temporarily store these molecules upon cellular stress. Meanwhile, picornaviruses actively suppress these antiviral responses to ensure efficient replication. In this review we provide an overview of the induction and suppression of the MDA5-mediated IFN-α/β response and the cellular stress pathway by picornaviruses

    A New Inhibitor of Apoptosis from Vaccinia Virus and Eukaryotes

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    A new apoptosis inhibitor is described from vaccinia virus, camelpox virus, and eukaryotic cells. The inhibitor is a hydrophobic, multiple transmembrane protein that is resident in the Golgi and is named GAAP (Golgi anti-apoptotic protein). Stable expression of both viral GAAP (v-GAAP) and human GAAP (h-GAAP), which is expressed in all human tissues tested, inhibited apoptosis induced by intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic stimuli. Conversely, knockout of h-GAAP by siRNA induced cell death by apoptosis. v-GAAP and h-GAAP display overlapping functions as shown by the ability of v-GAAP to complement for the loss of h-GAAP. Lastly, deletion of the v-GAAP gene from vaccinia virus did not affect virus replication in cell culture, but affected virus virulence in a murine infection model. This study identifies a new regulator of cell death that is highly conserved in evolution from plants to insects, amphibians, mammals, and poxviruses

    Antiviral responses are shaped by heterogeneity in viral replication dynamics

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    Antiviral signalling, which can be activated in host cells upon virus infection, restricts virus replication and communicates infection status to neighbouring cells. The antiviral response is heterogeneous, both quantitatively (efficiency of response activation) and qualitatively (transcribed antiviral gene set). To investigate the basis of this heterogeneity, we combined Virus Infection Real-time IMaging (VIRIM), a live-cell single-molecule imaging method, with real-time readouts of the dsRNA sensing pathway to analyse the response of human cells to encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) infection. We find that cell-to-cell heterogeneity in viral replication rates early in infection affect the efficiency of antiviral response activation, with lower replication rates leading to more antiviral response activation. Furthermore, we show that qualitatively distinct antiviral responses can be linked to the strength of the antiviral signalling pathway. Our analyses identify variation in early viral replication rates as an important parameter contributing to heterogeneity in antiviral response activation

    Polyadenylation of genomic RNA and initiation of antigenomic RNA in a positive-strand RNA virus are controlled by the same cis-element

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    Genomes and antigenomes of many positive-strand RNA viruses contain 3′-poly(A) and 5′-poly(U) tracts, respectively, serving as mutual templates. Mechanism(s) controlling the length of these homopolymeric stretches are not well understood. Here, we show that in coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) and three other enteroviruses the poly(A) tract is ∼80–90 and the poly(U) tract is ∼20 nt-long. Mutagenesis analysis indicate that the length of the CVB3 3′-poly(A) is determined by the oriR, a cis-element in the 3′-noncoding region of viral RNA. In contrast, while mutations of the oriR inhibit initiation of (−) RNA synthesis, they do not affect the 5′-poly(U) length. Poly(A)-lacking genomes are able to acquire genetically unstable AU-rich poly(A)-terminated 3′-tails, which may be generated by a mechanism distinct from the cognate viral RNA polyadenylation. The aberrant tails ensure only inefficient replication. The possibility of RNA replication independent of oriR and poly(A) demonstrate that highly debilitated viruses are able to survive by utilizing ‘emergence’, perhaps atavistic, mechanisms

    Neuraminidase-dependent entry of influenza A virus is determined by hemagglutinin receptor-binding specificity

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    Influenza A viruses (IAVs) contain sialoglycan-binding hemagglutinin (HA) and sialoglycan-cleaving neuraminidase (NA) proteins, the concerted action of which is needed for escape from decoy receptors and for virion motility ultimately resulting in infection of epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. The importance of NA in egress of newly assembled virions has been well established, whereas its role in entry has yet to be fully elucidated. In this study, we systematically analyzed the role of NA in viral entry in relation to HA receptor-binding preference, the receptor repertoire displayed on cells and the presence of mucus decoy receptors. Utilizing recombinant viruses that differ only in their HA-NA composition, it was observed that the dependence on NA activity for IAV entry largely depends on HA and not NA, with entry of α2–6 sialoglycan-binding viruses being inhibited more by NA inhibitor (oseltamivir carboxylate; OsC) than α2–3 sialoglycan-preferring viruses. In agreement with this, inhibition of virus entry by OsC could be modified by altering the sialoglycan receptor repertoire of cells. Entry inhibition by OsC correlated with the ability of mucus to inhibit infection, with the combination of the two having the largest effect. Our results indicate that the dependency of IAV on NA activity and, thus, virion motility for entry are determined by the receptor-binding properties of HA in combination with the receptor repertoire present on cells. This dependency is larger when fewer preferred receptors are displayed, which coincides with increased inhibition by mucus decoy receptors

    Експортно­імпортні операції в Чернігівській губернії на початку ХХ ст.

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    У статті на основі маловідомих фактів досліджується організація зовнішньої торгівлі в Чернігівській губернії Російської імперії на початку ХХ ст. Показані основні екпортно-імпортні операції, особливості економічного розвитку регіону.В научной статье на основании использования неизвестных ранее фактов исследуется организация внешней торговли в Черниговской губернии Российской империи в начале ХХ века. Показаны основные экспортно-импортные операции и особенности экономического развития региона.In scientific article author research the special organization of foreign trade in Chernigov’s region of Russian empire in the beginning of 20 century. Export-import operations and economic development had illustration in this work

    Second sialic acid-binding site of influenza A virus neuraminidase: Binding receptors for efficient release

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    Influenza A viruses (IAVs) are a major cause of human respiratory tract infections and cause significant disease and mortality. Human IAVs originate from animal viruses that breached the host species barrier. IAV particles contain sialoglycan receptor-binding haemagglutinin (HA) and receptor-destroying neuraminidase (NA) in their envelope. When IAV crosses the species barrier, the functional balance between HA and NA needs to be adjusted to the sialoglycan repertoire of the novel host species. Relatively little is known about the role of NA in host adaptation in contrast to the extensively studied HA. NA prevents virion aggregation and facilitates release of (newly assembled) virions from cell surfaces as well as from decoy receptors abundantly present in mucus and cell glycocalyx. In addition to a highly conserved catalytic site, NA carries a second sialic acid-binding site (2SBS). The 2SBS preferentially binds α2,3-linked sialic acids, and enhances activity of the neighboring catalytic site by bringing/keeping multivalent substrates in close contact with this site. In this way, the 2SBS contributes to the HA-NA balance of virus particles and affects virus replication. The 2SBS is highly conserved in all NA subtypes of avian IAVs, with some notable exceptions associated with changes in the receptor-binding specificity of HA and host tropism. Conservation of the 2SBS is invariably lost in human (pandemic) viruses as well as in several other viruses adapted to mammalian host species. Preservation or loss of the 2SBS is likely to be an important factor of the viral host range

    Picornavirus security proteins promote the release of extracellular vesicle enclosed viruses via the modulation of host kinases

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    The discovery that extracellular vesicles (EVs) serve as carriers of virus particles calls for a reevaluation of the release strategies of non-enveloped viruses. Little is currently known about the molecular mechanisms that determine the release and composition of EVs produced by virus-infected cells, as well as conservation of these mechanisms among viruses. We previously described an important role for the Leader protein of the picornavirus encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) in the induction of virus-carrying EV subsets with distinct molecular and physical properties. EMCV L acts as a 'viral security protein' by suppressing host antiviral stress and type-I interferon (IFN) responses. Here, we tested the ability of functionally related picornavirus proteins of Theilers murine encephalitis virus (TMEV L), Saffold virus (SAFV L), and coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3 2Apro), to rescue EV and EV-enclosed virus release when introduced in Leader-deficient EMCV. We show that all viral security proteins tested were able to promote virus packaging in EVs, but that only the expression of EMCV L and CVB3 2Apro increased overall EV production. We provide evidence that one of the main antiviral pathways counteracted by this class of picornaviral proteins, i.e. the inhibition of PKR-mediated stress responses, affected EV and EV-enclosed virus release during infection. Moreover, we show that the enhanced capacity of the viral proteins EMCV L and CVB3 2Apro to promote EV-enclosed virus release is linked to their ability to simultaneously promote the activation of the stress kinase P38 MAPK. Taken together, we demonstrate that cellular stress pathways involving the kinases PKR and P38 are modulated by the activity of non-structural viral proteins to increase the release EV-enclosed viruses during picornavirus infections. These data shed new light on the molecular regulation of EV production in response to virus infection

    Prevalence of xenotropic murine leukaemia virus-related virus in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome in the Netherlands: retrospective analysis of samples from an established cohort

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    Objective The presence of the retrovirus xenotropic murine leukaemia virus-related virus (XMRV) has been reported in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Considering the potentially great medical and social relevance of such a discovery, we investigated whether this finding could be confirmed in an independent European cohort of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome

    Kinetic analysis of paramyxovirus-sialoglycan receptor interactions reveals virion motility

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    Many viruses initiate infection by binding to sialoglycan receptors at the cell surface. Binding to such receptors comes at a cost, however, as the sheer abundance of sialoglycans e.g. in mucus, may immobilize virions to non-functional decoy receptors. As a solution, sialoglycan-binding as well as sialoglycan-cleavage activities are often present in these viruses, which for paramyxoviruses are combined in the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein. The dynamic interactions of sialoglycan-binding paramyxoviruses with their receptors are thought to be key determinants of species tropism, replication and pathogenesis. Here we used biolayer interferometry to perform kinetic analyses of receptor interactions of animal and human paramyxoviruses (Newcastle disease virus, Sendai virus, and human parainfluenza virus 3). We show that these viruses display strikingly different receptor interaction dynamics, which correlated with their receptor-binding and -cleavage activities and the presence of a second sialic acid binding site. Virion binding was followed by sialidase-driven release, during which virions cleaved sialoglycans until a virus-specific density was reached, which was largely independent of virion concentration. Sialidase-driven virion release was furthermore shown to be a cooperative process and to be affected by pH. We propose that paramyxoviruses display sialidase-driven virion motility on a receptor-coated surface, until a threshold receptor density is reached at which virions start to dissociate. Similar motility has previously been observed for influenza viruses and is likely to also apply to sialoglycan-interacting embecoviruses. Analysis of the balance between receptor-binding and -cleavage increases our understanding of host species tropism determinants and zoonotic potential of viruses