6,123 research outputs found

    The virtual guide: a direction giving embodied conversational agent

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    We present the Virtual Guide, an embodied conversational agent that can give directions in a 3D virtual environment. We discuss how dialogue management, language generation and the generation of appropriate gestures are carried out in our system

    Effect of spore density, cultivar resistance and Phytophthora infestans isolate on tuber blight under field conditions

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    Survival of P. infestans in soil was limited to 5 weeks at high inoculum density. With a ten fold dilution of the infection pressure survival of P. infestans in soil was limited to two weeks. Differences between isolates concerning survival in the soil were small. From these experiments we conclude that survival of P. infestans in soil depended on spore density rather than P. infestans isolate used. Tuber blight infection rate depends on density of the sporangia in the soil, tuber blight resistance of the cultivar and to a lesser extent the P. infestans isolate used. Isolate of type EU 13 A2 was not more aggressive to tubers than IPO 428-2, regardless of the resistance level of the cultivar used. A mixture of isolates was found to be more aggressive than two single isolates tested on cultivar Bintje only. Thus measures to avoid infection of the soil with P. infestans sporangia lower the tuber blight infection risk, especially on the susceptible cultivar Bintj

    A victory for Geert Wilders in the Netherlands’ European Parliament elections would not put Dutch EU membership at risk

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    Recent opinion polls in the Netherlands have shown strong support among Dutch voters for Geert Wilders’ radical right Freedom Party (PVV). Ahead of the European Parliament elections in May, Stijn van Kessel assesses what a victory for the PVV would mean for the Netherlands’ EU membership. He argues that although current polls suggest the PVV will gain the largest number of seats in the country, this does not necessarily signal that Dutch voters support leaving the EU

    Geert Wilders is no longer so keen on pushing for a ‘Nexit’ – and it’s because Dutch people don’t want it

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    The intensity of the the Dutch Freedom Party’s Euroscepticism has variated over the years, writes Stijn van Kessel. Unlike what happened in occasion of the 2012 vote, when opposition to the EU took centre stage in the party’s electoral programme, Geert Wilders is currently giving less prominence to the issue in the run up to the 15 March election. As van Kessel explains, Dutch citizens’ support for a ‘Nexit’ is clearly limited and campaigning on a multifaceted nativist programme may be a better way for Wilders to expand his support base

    No domino effect: Brexit is close to constituting a non-issue in European politics

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    Following the Netherlands and France, Germany was the third of the original EU members to hold a national election this year. The three election campaigns had at least one thing in common: the consequences of Britain's decision to leave the European Union didn't feature as much as some may have expected. Stijn Van Kessel (Queen Mary) argues that there are no ..

    While Geert Wilders suffered a disappointing result, the Dutch EP elections were still a long way from a ‘vote for Europe’

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    In the run up to the European Parliament elections in the Netherlands there had been some expectation that Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom might top the country’s national vote. As Stijn van Kessel writes, however, the party only finished in third place behind the pro-EU Democrats 66 and the Christian Democrats (CDA). Nevertheless, he argues that the low turnout in the elections and a general increase in scepticism toward the EU among Dutch voters mean that the result cannot be viewed as a strong vote in favour of the EU

    There has been no domino effect - Brexit is close to constituting a non-issue in European politics

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    Following the Netherlands and France, Germany was the third of the original EU members to hold a national election this year. The three election campaigns had at least one thing in common: the consequences of Britain's decision to leave the European Union didn't feature as much as some may have expected. Stijn Van Kessel argues that there are no signs of a domino effect after Brexit, and the issue doesn’t loom large in populist radical right parties’ campaigns across Europe

    La résistance n'est pas futile : Badiou, simulacra et un récit des Pays-Bas occupés par les nazis

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    This paper engages with Alain Badiou’s understanding of evil as simulacrum in secondary social studies and history classrooms. Through family oral history as a vector for thinking with Badiou’s philosophy this paper explores Badiou’s premise that the Nazis upheld a simulacrum as truth, to the detriment and horror of millions. Anthonius and Johanna’s actions, members of the Dutch resistance during the Second World War, provide an example of the complexities of ethics during difficult times that can inform teachers as they explore nuances regarding how ordinary people can act independently from authority, but interconnected with others in troubling times. Personal anecdotes are powerful tools in shaping knowledge and attitudes; thus, stories of resistance in our classrooms are vital as we seek to make emancipatory and egalitarian changes to our world.Comment les Ă©ducatrices et les Ă©ducateurs peuvent-ils organiser le programme d'Ă©tudes sociales de maniĂšre Ă  dĂ©terminer comment les maux historiques et contemporains se produisent et de maniĂšre Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence les gens ordinaires travaillant collectivement en tant que des agents du changement ? Cet article fournit une avenue possible : appliquer la comprĂ©hension d'Alain Badiou de certains maux comme des simulacres aux histoires de rĂ©sistance des Pays-Bas occupĂ©s par les nazis. À travers une analyse du discours des entretiens avec mes grands-parents paternels, je donne un exemple de la façon dont les enseignantes et les enseignants pourraient complĂ©ter l'Ă©tude de la DeuxiĂšme Guerre mondiale au but Ă©ducatif de leur encourager Ă  devenir des sujets qui pensent indĂ©pendamment de l'autoritĂ© mais en interconnexion avec des autres. De cette façon, les enseignantes et les enseignants pourraient rendre les Ă©vĂ©nements historiques plus personnels dans leurs classes, permettant aux Ă©lĂšves d'explorer comment les gens ordinaires et interconnectĂ©s dirigent les sociĂ©tĂ©s, par opposition aux hĂ©ros ou mĂ©chants singuliers. Les histoires de rĂ©sistance interprĂ©tĂ©es Ă  travers la philosophie de Badiou fournissent un point de dĂ©part Ă©thique aux Ă©lĂšves et aux enseignant(e)s pour rĂ©flĂ©chir Ă  la maniĂšre dont ils pourraient agir dans des circonstances similaires. Les anecdotes personnelles sont de puissants outils pour façonner les connaissances et les attitudes; ainsi les histoires de rĂ©sistance dans nos salles de classe sont vitales alors que nous cherchons Ă  apporter des changements Ă©mancipateurs et Ă©galitaires Ă  notre monde
