12 research outputs found

    A human in vitro neuronal model for studying homeostatic plasticity at the network level

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    Mechanisms that underlie homeostatic plasticity have been extensively investigated at single-cell levels in animal models, but are less well understood at the network level. Here, we used microelectrode arrays to characterize neuronal networks following induction of homeostatic plasticity in human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived glutamatergic neurons co-cultured with rat astrocytes. Chronic suppression of neuronal activity through tetrodotoxin (TTX) elicited a time-dependent network re-arrangement. Increased expression of AMPA receptors and the elongation of axon initial segments were associated with increased network excitability following TTX treatment. Transcriptomic profiling of TTX-treated neurons revealed up-regulated genes related to extracellular matrix organization, while down-regulated genes related to cell communication; also astrocytic gene expression was found altered. Overall, our study shows that hiPSC-derived neuronal networks provide a reliable in vitro platform to measure and characterize homeostatic plasticity at network and single-cell levels; this platform can be extended to investigate altered homeostatic plasticity in brain disorders.The work was supported by funding from the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020/2014–2020) under grant agreement no. 728018 (Eat2beNICE) (to B.F.); ERA-NET NEURON-102 SYNSCHIZ grant (NWO) 013-17-003 4538 (to D.S.); China Scholarship Council 201906100038 (to X.Y.); ISCIII /MINECO (PT17/0009/0019) and FEDER (to A.E.C.); and M.M. was supported by an internal grant from the Donders Centre for Medical Neurosciences of the Radboud University Medical Center

    Neuron-glia interactions increase neuronal phenotypes in tuberous sclerosis complex patient iPSC-derived models

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder resulting from autosomal dominant mutations in the TSC1 or TSC2 genes, leading to a hyperactivated mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, and gray and white matter defects in the brain. To study the involvement of neuron-glia interactions in TSC phenotypes, we generated TSC patient induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived cortical neuronal and oligodendrocyte (OL) cultures. TSC neuron mono-cultures showed increased network activity, as measured by calcium transients and action potential firing, and increased dendritic branching. However, in co-cultures with OLs, neuronal defects became more apparent, showing cellular hypertrophy and increased axonal density. In addition, TSC neuron-OL co-cultures showed increased OL cell proliferation and decreased OL maturation. Pharmacological intervention with the mTOR regulator rapamycin suppressed these defects. Our patient iPSC-based model, therefore, shows a complex cellular TSC phenotype arising from the interaction of neuronal and glial cells and provides a platform for TSC disease modeling and drug development

    SCN1A-deficient excitatory neuronal networks display mutation-specific phenotypes

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    Dravet syndrome is a severe epileptic encephalopathy, characterized by (febrile) seizures, behavioural problems and developmental delay. Eighty per cent of patients with Dravet syndrome have a mutation in SCN1A, encoding Nav1.1. Milder clinical phenotypes, such as GEFS+ (generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus), can also arise from SCN1A mutations. Predicting the clinical phenotypic outcome based on the type of mutation remains challenging, even when the same mutation is inherited within one family. This clinical and genetic heterogeneity adds to the difficulties of predicting disease progression and tailoring the prescription of anti-seizure medication. Understanding the neuropathology of different SCN1A mutations may help to predict the expected clinical phenotypes and inform the selection of best-fit treatments. Initially, the loss of Na+-current in inhibitory neurons was recognized specifically to result in disinhibition and consequently seizure generation. However, the extent to which excitatory neurons contribute to the pathophysiology is currently debated and might depend on the patient clinical phenotype or the specific SCN1A mutation. To examine the genotype-phenotype correlations of SCN1A mutations in relation to excitatory neurons, we investigated a panel of patient-derived excitatory neuronal networks differentiated on multi-electrode arrays. We included patients with different clinical phenotypes, harbouring various SCN1A mutations, along with a family in which the same mutation led to febrile seizures, GEFS+ or Dravet syndrome. We hitherto describe a previously unidentified functional excitatory neuronal network phenotype in the context of epilepsy, which corresponds to seizurogenic network prediction patterns elicited by proconvulsive compounds. We found that excitatory neuronal networks were affected differently, depending on the type of SCN1A mutation, but did not segregate according to clinical severity. Specifically, loss-of-function mutations could be distinguished from missense mutations, and mutations in the pore domain could be distinguished from mutations in the voltage sensing domain. Furthermore, all patients showed aggravated neuronal network responses at febrile temperatures compared with controls. Finally, retrospective drug screening revealed that anti-seizure medication affected GEFS+ patient- but not Dravet patient-derived neuronal networks in a patient-specific and clinically relevant manner. In conclusion, our results indicate a mutation-specific excitatory neuronal network phenotype, which recapitulates the foremost clinically relevant features, providing future opportunities for precision therapies.</p

    ANK2 loss-of-function variants are associated with epilepsy, and lead to impaired axon initial segment plasticity and hyperactive network activity in hiPSC-derived neuronal networks

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    PURPOSE: To characterize a novel neurodevelopmental syndrome due to loss-of-function (LoF) variants in Ankyrin 2 (ANK2), and to explore the effects on neuronal network dynamics and homeostatic plasticity in human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons. METHODS: We collected clinical and molecular data of 12 individuals with heterozygous de novo LoF variants in ANK2. We generated a heterozygous LoF allele of ANK2 using CRISPR/Cas9 in human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). HiPSCs were differentiated into excitatory neurons, and we measured their spontaneous electrophysiological responses using micro-electrode arrays (MEAs). We also characterized their somatodendritic morphology and axon initial segment (AIS) structure and plasticity. RESULTS: We found a broad neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD), comprising intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders and early onset epilepsy. Using MEAs, we found that hiPSC-derived neurons with heterozygous LoF of ANK2 show a hyperactive and desynchronized neuronal network. ANK2-deficient neurons also showed increased somatodendritic structures and altered AIS structure of which its plasticity is impaired upon activity-dependent modulation. CONCLUSIONS: Phenotypic characterization of patients with de novo ANK2 LoF variants defines a novel NDD with early onset epilepsy. Our functional in vitro data of ANK2-deficient human neurons show a specific neuronal phenotype in which reduced ANKB expression leads to hyperactive and desynchronized neuronal network activity, increased somatodendritic complexity and AIS structure and impaired activity-dependent plasticity of the AIS

    Early postnatal development of pyramidal neurons across layers of the mouse medial prefrontal cortex

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    Mammalian neocortex is a highly layered structure. Each layer is populated by distinct subtypes of principal cells that are born at different times during development. While the differences between principal cells across layers have been extensively studied, it is not known how the developmental profiles of neurons in different layers compare. Here, we provide a detailed morphological and functional characterisation of pyramidal neurons in mouse mPFC during the first postnatal month, corresponding to known critical periods for synapse and neuron formation in mouse sensory neocortex. Our data demonstrate similar maturation profiles of dendritic morphology and intrinsic properties of pyramidal neurons in both deep and superficial layers. In contrast, the balance of synaptic excitation and inhibition differs in a layer-specific pattern from one to four postnatal weeks of age. Our characterisation of the early development and maturation of pyramidal neurons in mouse mPFC not only demonstrates a comparable time course of postnatal maturation to that in other neocortical circuits, but also implies that consideration of layer- and time-specific changes in pyramidal neurons may be relevant for studies in mouse models of neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders

    NIPT-based screening for Down syndrome and beyond: what do pregnant women think?

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    The aim of the study is to study pregnant women's views on noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for Down syndrome and the potential to test for a broader range of conditions. An online questionnaire available on the Dutch pregnancy fair website was completed by 381 pregnant women. Of the women, 51% expressed interest in having NIPT, including 33% of women who had declined first-trimester screening. The majority (73%) thought that the uptake of screening would increase with NIPT. Most women agreed that testing for life-threatening (89%), severe physical (79%), or severe mental (76%) disorders should be offered. A minority (29%) felt that prenatal screening should also be offered for late-onset disorders. Most (41%) preferred to have a free choice from a list of disorders, 31% preferred a 'closed offer', and 26% preferred choosing between packages of disorders. Although most women (76%) thought that screening for a broad range of conditions would avoid much suffering, 39% feared that it would confront couples with choices, the implications of which would be difficult to grasp. The results suggest that the uptake of screening will increase with NIPT. If NIPT will be offered for a broad range of conditions, it is crucial to find a way that facilitates rather than undermines well-informed decision-makin

    m.3243A > G-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction Impairs Human Neuronal Development and Reduces Neuronal Network Activity and Synchronicity

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    Epilepsy, intellectual and cortical sensory deficits, and psychiatric manifestations are the most frequent manifestations of mitochondrial diseases. How mitochondrial dysfunction affects neural structure and function remains elusive, mostly because of a lack of proper in vitro neuronal model systems with mitochondrial dysfunction. Leveraging induced pluripotent stem cell technology, we differentiated excitatory cortical neurons (iNeurons) with normal (low heteroplasmy) and impaired (high heteroplasmy) mitochondrial function on an isogenic nuclear DNA background from patients with the common pathogenic m.3243A > G variant of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS). iNeurons with high heteroplasmy exhibited mitochondrial dysfunction, delayed neural maturation, reduced dendritic complexity, and fewer excitatory synapses. Micro-electrode array recordings of neuronal networks displayed reduced network activity and decreased synchronous network bursting. Impaired neuronal energy metabolism and compromised structural and functional integrity of neurons and neural networks could be the primary drivers of increased susceptibility to neuropsychiatric manifestations of mitochondrial disease.status: publishe

    m.3243A > G-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction Impairs Human Neuronal Development and Reduces Neuronal Network Activity and Synchronicity

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    Epilepsy, intellectual and cortical sensory deficits, and psychiatric manifestations are the most frequent manifestations of mitochondrial diseases. How mitochondrial dysfunction affects neural structure and function remains elusive, mostly because of a lack of proper in vitro neuronal model systems with mitochondrial dysfunction. Leveraging induced pluripotent stem cell technology, we differentiated excitatory cortical neurons (iNeurons) with normal (low heteroplasmy) and impaired (high heteroplasmy) mitochondrial function on an isogenic nuclear DNA background from patients with the common pathogenic m.3243A > G variant of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS). iNeurons with high heteroplasmy exhibited mitochondrial dysfunction, delayed neural maturation, reduced dendritic complexity, and fewer excitatory synapses. Micro-electrode array recordings of neuronal networks displayed reduced network activity and decreased synchronous network bursting. Impaired neuronal energy metabolism and compromised structural and functional integrity of neurons and neural networks could be the primary drivers of increased susceptibility to neuropsychiatric manifestations of mitochondrial disease. Using human-inducible-pluripotent-stem-cell-derived neurons with high levels of m.3243A > G heteroplasmy, Klein Gunnewiek et al. show neuron-specific mitochondrial dysfunction as well as structural and functional impairments ranging from reduced dendritic complexity and fewer synapses and mitochondria to reduced neuronal activity and impaired network synchronicity

    Cadherin-13 is a critical regulator of GABAergic modulation in human stem-cell-derived neuronal networks

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    Activity in the healthy brain relies on a concerted interplay of excitation (E) and inhibition (I) via balanced synaptic communication between glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons. A growing number of studies imply that disruption of this E/I balance is a commonality in many brain disorders; however, obtaining mechanistic insight into these disruptions, with translational value for the patient, has typically been hampered by methodological limitations. Cadherin-13 (CDH13) has been associated with autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. CDH13 localizes at inhibitory presynapses, specifically of parvalbumin (PV) and somatostatin (SST) expressing GABAergic neurons. However, the mechanism by which CDH13 regulates the function of inhibitory synapses in human neurons remains unknown. Starting from human-induced pluripotent stem cells, we established a robust method to generate a homogenous population of SST and MEF2C (PV-precursor marker protein) expressing GABAergic neurons (iGABA) in vitro, and co-cultured these with glutamatergic neurons at defined E/I ratios on micro-electrode arrays. We identified functional network parameters that are most reliably affected by GABAergic modulation as such, and through alterations of E/I balance by reduced expression of CDH13 in iGABAs. We found that CDH13 deficiency in iGABAs decreased E/I balance by means of increased inhibition. Moreover, CDH13 interacts with Integrin-β1 and Integrin-β3, which play opposite roles in the regulation of inhibitory synaptic strength via this interaction. Taken together, this model allows for standardized investigation of the E/I balance in a human neuronal background and can be deployed to dissect the cell-type-specific contribution of disease genes to the E/I balance