1,102 research outputs found

    The Interaction Between the Debt Relief Measures in the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 and Aspects of Insvolvency Law

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    The National Credit Act 34 of 2005 (the 'NCA') aims at promoting responsibility in the credit market by encouraging responsible borrowing, avoidance of over-indebtedness and the fulfilment of financial obligations by consumers, and at discouraging reckless credit granting by credit providers and contractual default by consumers. Although a further aim is to address over-indebtedness by debt review, for instance, this mechanism is based on the principle of satisfaction of the consumer's responsible financial obligations in full. In a recent judgment, Ex parte Ford 2009 (3) SA 376 (WCC), the court has thus refused to grant a sequestration order following an application for voluntary surrender since the bulk of the debt was credit agreements regulated by the NCA. The fact that the debtor-applicant did not apply for debt review in terms of the NCA of 2005 before applying for voluntary surrender played a significant role in the court's decision not to grant the order. This article thus considers the impact of the debt relief remedies in the NCA on insolvency law. In particular it is an attempt to provide some answers to the question if the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 (hereafter the 'Insolvency Act') is in conflict with the previously stated principle of the NCA, namely full satisfaction of all responsible financial obligations by an over-indebted consumer. It also considers the concepts of over-indebtedness and reckless credit and their related debt relief remedies when considering applications for voluntary surrender or compulsory sequestration in terms of the Insolvency Act

    A framework for assessing the performance of pulsar search pipelines

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    In this paper, we present a framework for assessing the effect of non-stationary Gaussian noise and radio frequency interference (RFI) on the signal to noise ratio, the number of false positives detected per true positive and the sensitivity of standard pulsar search pipelines. The results highlight the necessity to develop algorithms that are able to identify and remove non-stationary variations from the data before RFI excision and searching is performed in order to limit false positive detections. The results also show that the spectrum whitening algorithms currently employed, severely affect the effciency of pulsar search pipelines by reducing their sensitivity to long period pulsars.IS


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    “A Country at War" is the tenth release in the South Africans at War series which is published under the Ashanti label. The book is an account of the attitudes and conditions which characterised South Africa as a nation during the Second World War. A quick glance at the contents pages will reveal that the publication covers a wide variety of aspects concerning South Africa's involvement in the conflict. The book comes in a hardcover edition and is illustrated with plenty of photographs, many of which have not been used in previous publications, as well as reproductions of the posters that were printed by the Union Government for recruitment, security and other war effort purposes. The book is ordered in a chronological fashion and runs from 1938 through to the, end of the war in 1945. The writer, Jennifer Cryws-WiIIiams, is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. Cryws-Williams has written three previous books and is the editor of numerous other publications.</p

    Sensory integration intervention and the development of the premature infant: A controlled trial

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    Background. Premature infants are at risk of sensory processing difficulties and developmental delays due to an immature central nervous system and possible episodes of medical instability, discomfort, pain and stress during the first weeks or months after birth.Objective. To investigate the effect of Ayres Sensory Integration (ASI) on the development of premature infants in the first 12 months of life.Methods. A pre-/post-test experimental design was used to randomly divide 24 premature infants from a low socioeconomic setting in Bloemfontein, South Africa, into experimental and control groups after being matched by corrected age and gender. Developmental status was determined with the Bayley III Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, the Test of Sensory Functions in Infants and the Infant/ Toddler Sensory Profile. The experimental group received 10 weeks of ASI intervention.Results. ASI intervention had a positive effect on the sensory processing and development of premature infants, especially in terms of cognitive, language and motor development.Conclusions. ASI intervention at an early age enhances the developmental progress of premature infants

    AE Aquarii: A Short Review

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    The nova-like variable AE Aquarii has been continuously studied since its discovery on photographic plates in 1934. In this short review the peculiar multi-wavelength properties of AE Aquarii will be reviewed and explained in context of its evolution from a high mass transfer phase, during which period it could have been a supersoft X-ray source (SSS)

    Influence of feeding systems on selected beef quality and sensory attributes

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    Feeding systems and other factors associated with processing influence meat quality, and therefore sensory attributes. This study was conducted to assess the meat quality attributes of young grain-fed and older grass-fed steers that mostly affect consumer acceptability of beef. Eighty Bonsmara steers consisting of 20 each of A-age (0-tooth) grain-fed (AC) and grain-fed supplemented with zilpaterol (AZ), 20 each of grass-fed AB (1-2 teeth) and B-age (3 - 6 teeth) animals were used. This combination represented the typical feeding systems of South Africa and other countries using similar classification systems, therefore describes the typical feeding systems of the South African beef industry. The longissimus lumborum (LL), semitendinosus (ST), and biceps femoris (BF) muscles were tested for colour, moisture properties, lipid oxidation and sensory attributes. It was found that diet in combination with animal age influenced meat colour. Muscles of the older grass-fed steers were generally darker and duller (darker red) compared to muscles of young grain-fed animals. Moisture loss was consistently higher in zilpaterol supplemented meat samples compared to the feedlot controls, while muscles of the grass-fed animals had lower moisture loss. A sensory panel clearly distinguished between cuts of grain-fed (AZ and AC) and grass-fed carcasses (AB and B) on the grounds of flavour characteristic. The AB and B cuts scored higher for grassy, animal-like and rancid flavour overtones and lower for roasted flavour and sourness than AZ and AC grain-fed cuts. This indicated that typical flavours related to diet define expected eating quality. Keywords: age, grain, grass, meat quality, zilpatero

    Inappropriate medicine prescribing in older South Africans: A cross-sectional analysis of medicine claims data

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    Background. Prescribing for older patients is a well-recognised problem, and inappropriate items are prescribed frequently. Several tools and criteria are available to promote rational prescribing in older patients.Objective. To determine the prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescriptions (PIPs) in older South African patients.Methods. A retrospective drug utilisation review was conducted using medicine claims data over a 1-year period. Patients aged ≄65 years with at least one paid claim for any medicine item during this period were included. The prevalence of PIPs was identified by applying the 2012-Beers criteria list.Results. A total of 103 420 patients, mean age 74.0 years (standard deviation 6.7), 57.1% female, were included in the analysis. The number of PIPs identified was 562 852 in 71 206 patients (68.9%). The most common medicines inappropriately prescribed were oestrogen (oral and patch formulations only) (12.4%), meloxicam (7.3%), amitriptyline and combinations thereof (6.5%), diclofenac (6.4%), ibuprofen (6.1%), alprazolam (5.3%), meprobamate and combinations thereof (5.0%), sliding-scale insulin (3.3%), amiodarone (3.1%) and doxazosin (2.6%). Medicines were inappropriately prescribed to women statistically significantly more often than to men (1.9:1; p&lt;0.001), although this difference was not of practical significance (CramĂ©r’s V=0.06).Conclusions. Medicine use in older patients must be appropriate and evaluated regularly. According to explicit criteria, PIPs were found to be common in older patients registered on the database. Monitoring of PIPs may increase the quality of prescribing, but explicit criteria cannot substitute for clinical judgement based on the individual patient

    The Interaction between the Debt Relief Measures in the National Credit Act 24 of 2005 and Aspects of Insolvency Law

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    The National Credit Act 34 of 2005 (the 'NCA') aims at promoting responsibility in the credit market by encouraging responsible borrowing, avoidance of over-indebtedness and the fulfilment of financial obligations by consumers, and at discouraging reckless credit granting by credit providers and contractual default by consumers. Although a further aim is to address over-indebtedness by debt review, for instance, this mechanism is based on the principle of satisfaction of the consumer's responsible financial obligations in full. In a recent judgment, Ex parte Ford 2009 (3) SA 376 (WCC), the court has thus refused to grant a sequestration order following an application for voluntary surrender since the bulk of the debt was credit agreements regulated by the NCA. The fact that the debtor-applicant did not apply for debt review in terms of the NCA of 2005 before applying for voluntary surrender played a significant role in the court's decision not to grant the order. This article thus considers the impact of the debt relief remedies in the NCA on insolvency law. In particular it is an attempt to provide some answers to the question if the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 (hereafter the 'Insolvency Act') is in conflict with the previously stated principle of the NCA, namely full satisfaction of all responsible financial obligations by an over-indebted consumer. It also considers the concepts of over-indebtedness and reckless credit and their related debt relief remedies when considering applications for voluntary surrender or compulsory sequestration in terms of the Insolvency Act.   

    Confirmation of the Effectiveness and Genetic Positions of Disease Resistance Loci in ‘Kishmish Vatkana’ (Ren1) and ‘Villard Blanc’ (Ren3 and Rpv3)

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    This study aimed to validate the effectiveness and to genetically characterise the fungal disease resistance genes of ‘Kishmish Vatkana’ and ‘Villard Blanc’ in South Africa using microsatellite (SSR) markers anda Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) approach. An F1 ‘Sunred Seedless’ × ‘Kishmish Vatkana’ cross was used to generate a partial linkage map for chromosome 13 known to harbour the Ren1 powdery mildew locusof ‘Kishmish Vatkana’. The effectiveness of this locus was validated, explaining between 44.8% and 57.7% of the observed phenotypic variance. An F1 ‘Villard Blanc’ × ‘G1-6604’ cross was used to generate partial linkage maps for chromosomes 15 and 18, reported to harbour fungal resistance genes of ‘Villard Blanc’.  The powdery mildew QTL (Ren3) was validated on chromosome 15 of ‘Villard Blanc’, which explainedbetween 18.9% and 23.9% of the phenotypic variance observed. The downy mildew resistance QTL on chromosome 18 (Rpv3) of ‘Villard Blanc’ was also confirmed, and it explained between 19.1% and 21.2%of the phenotypic variance observed. This molecular information and individual sources of resistance have already been implemented in the marker-assisted selection (MAS) and gene pyramiding efforts of the tablegrape breeding program of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) Infruitec-Nietvoorbij
