19 research outputs found

    The professionalisation of the art trade in early nineteenth century London:Exploring the business model of Christie’s auction house

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    By 1800, the city of London had developed into a major hub for the art trade and numerous auction houses vied for market share in this competitive environment. Combining data from the Getty Provenance Index® and a unique set of journals preserved at the Christie’s archives in London which contain presale evaluations for paintings during the 1820s, this paper explores the business strategy of the auction house. We gauge the relationship between the estimates and the hammer price or highest bid in the subsequent public auction, and the reserve price when available. We argue that Christie’s developed the expertise and engendered the trust among sellers to secure consignments of desirable works of art, which were estimated at realistic and attractive levels that gave the company a competitive advantage in the booming London art market.</p

    The professionalisation of the art trade in early nineteenth century London:Exploring the business model of Christie’s auction house

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    By 1800, the city of London had developed into a major hub for the art trade and numerous auction houses vied for market share in this competitive environment. Combining data from the Getty Provenance Index® and a unique set of journals preserved at the Christie’s archives in London which contain presale evaluations for paintings during the 1820s, this paper explores the business strategy of the auction house. We gauge the relationship between the estimates and the hammer price or highest bid in the subsequent public auction, and the reserve price when available. We argue that Christie’s developed the expertise and engendered the trust among sellers to secure consignments of desirable works of art, which were estimated at realistic and attractive levels that gave the company a competitive advantage in the booming London art market.</p


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    The Getty Research Institute (GRI) has long been an active proponent of provenance research. As such, it was an institutional partner of the 2017–2019 German/American Provenance Research Exchange Program (PREP), which convened the 2018 session in Munich on "The Fate of Antiquities in the Nazi Era" that inspired this special issue. As a long-standing member of RIHA (International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art) and editorial contributor on the RIHA Journal, the GRI also took on the editorial responsibility for this special issue

    A Mathematical Analysis of Transfer Pricing [II]

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    El presente estudio se realiza sobre la base del concepto competitividad utilizado en The Global Competitiveness Report (GCR), definido como la capacidad que tiene un pais para lograr altas tasas de crecimiento sostenidamente. El índice de competitividad (IC) intenta resumir las principales características estructurales que pueden pronosticar un crecimiento a mediano plazo, sobre la base de información cuantitativa y cualitativa. Para poder evaluar si este índice resulta adecuado para analizar el prospecto de crecimiento a mediano plazo, y por ende de competitividad para el Perú, se analizan los resultados que ha obtenido en los diversos componentes del IC y si estos reflejan adecuadamente la realidad del Perú. Los factores en los que el Perú ha tenido un pobre desempeño, según los indicadores del GCR, son justamente aquellos a través de los cuales se desarrollan los incrementos de productividad más importantes. Consiguientemente, estos resultados se analizan a la luz de la trayectoria de crecimiento de la economía peruana para poder identificar cambios en el patrón de crecimiento y qué sectores explican el crecimiento de la economía peruana. Se identifica que no ha habido un programa estructurado y coherente de modernización de la estructura productiva peruana. Con esto, se concluye la necesidad de políticas que ataquen comprensiva y eficientemente los problemas que impiden un crecimiento sostenido a mediano y largo plazo en el Perú. En este sentido, las prioridades que emergen para el caso del Perú son la apertura de la economía, el papel de las exportaciones, el sistema financiero, la canalización de recursos, la innovación, la tecnología y la creación de nuevas empresas. Adicionalmente, para reflejar la realidad de los problemas de competitividad de la economía peruana, se hace evidente la necesidad de utilizar también otros elementos, los que se proponen como recomendaciones en torno a ciertas variables e indicadores incluidos en los GCR

    Claartje Rasterhoff, Painting and Publishing as Creative Industries: The Fabric of Creativity in the Dutch Republic, 1580-1800

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    Claartje Rasterhoff, Painting and Publishing as Creative Industries: The Fabric of Creativity in the Dutch Republic, 1580-1800 (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017, 344 pp. isbn 9789089647023)

    Claartje Rasterhoff, Painting and Publishing as Creative Industries: The Fabric of Creativity in the Dutch Republic, 1580-1800

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    Claartje Rasterhoff, Painting and Publishing as Creative Industries: The Fabric of Creativity in the Dutch Republic, 1580-1800 (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017, 344 pp. isbn 9789089647023)

    Art Markets and Digital Histories

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    This Special Issue of Arts investigates the use of digital methods in the study of art markets and their histories. Digital art history or historical research facilitated by computer-technology in general is omnipresent in academia and increasingly supported by an infrastructure of seminars, workshops, networks, journals and other platforms for sharing results, exchanging notes and developing criticism. As the wealth of historical and contemporary data is rapidly expanding and digital technologies are becoming integral to research in the humanities and social sciences, it is high time to reflect on the different strategies that art market scholars employ to navigate and negotiate digital techniques and resources

    The Role of the Antwerp Painter-Dealer Guilliam Forchondt in the Large-Scale Distribution of New Imagery in Europe and the Americas during the Seventeenth Century

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    <p>This dissertation focuses on the large-scale distribution of imagery from the Southern Netherlands across Europe and the Americas, particularly on the large number of paintings exported from Antwerp-Mechelen to Spain and the Americas during the seventeenth century. To analyze this profitable long-distance art trade and the artistic implications of the exchanges that took place through market mechanisms, this research relies on the archival and visual sources left by one of the most successful seventeenth-century Antwerp international art dealers with Spain and the Americas, Guilliam Forchondt (1608-1678). He established a productive painting workshop and a successful commercial firm that concentrated on Spanish Habsburg territories. This dissertation examines his workshop practices, the type of paintings he directed to Spain and the Americas, and the mechanisms he established for artistic and information exchanges between Flemish, Spanish and colonial Spanish contemporaries because Forchondt dealt in the transatlantic trade through a commercial network of merchants and agents in Europe and the New World. This research also investigates local conditions and responses in Spain, Mexico and Peru to the imported Flemish paintings.</p>Dissertatio

    Competition policy in the FTAA: progress in the working group

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    The objective of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) is to unite the thirty four economies of the Hemisphere into a single market. The negotiations are supposed to be completed by the year 2005. Though year 2000 is crucial since all the negotiated issues will be settle in the agenda. Initially, twelve working groups were established and, later, transformed into nine negotiation groups. Competition Policy is one these negotiation groups and it is probably the issue that would have long lasting effects over the behavior of firms among and within the FTM economies. This paper discusses why and how Competition Policy is included in the FTM. The removal of domestic entry barriers must be accompanied by the removal of private barriers, so equitable conditions for competitors throughout the Hemisphere are provided. Though, it is shown that there are dissimilar conditions among countries in the Hemisphere in terms of competition policy application. That is, not all countries have competition legislation and competition institutions; and for those who have, provisions, implementation and enforcement also differ. The Peruvian experience on this matter is presented and some policy recommendations for the negotiation process are included.El Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas (ALCA) tiene como objetivo unir en un solo mercado a las treinta y cuatro economías del Hemisferio. Las negociaciones deberán concluir en el año 2005. Sin embargo, el año 2000 es crucial dado que los temas a ser negociados serán fijados en la agenda de negociación. Inicialmente se establecieron doce grupos de trabajo y luego fueron transformados en nueve grupos de negociación. Uno de estos grupos es el de Políticas de Competencia, y probablemente sus resultados tendrán los efectos más duraderos en cuanto el control de las prácticas de las empresas dentro de y entre las economías del ALCA. En este trabajo se discute la razón por la cual se incluye en las negociaciones el tema de las políticas de competencia. En general, responde a la tendencia observada en las dos últimas décadas de desregulación económica y liberalización comercial. La remoción de barreras en las fronteras debe estar acompañada de la remoción de barreras privadas, de tal manera que se provea de condiciones equiparables a todos los competidores del Hemisferio. A pesar de que existen discrepancias entre las políticas de competencia y las políticas comerciales, también existen fuertes complementariedades, de tal manera que ambas son esenciales para la formación de un área de libre comercio. Los avances en cuanto a política de competencia en el ALCA son evaluados aquí. Se muestra que entre los países del Hemisferio las condiciones varían mucho en cuanto la implementación de estas políticas. No todos los países poseen una legislación de competencia y los que la poseen difieren en sus instituciones y su aplicación. La experiencia peruana en la aplicación de este tema también es presentada. Finalmente, se incluye algunas recomendaciones de política para la negociación