754 research outputs found

    ENMat international projects: FP7 NMP large collaborative project: 3D-LightTrans

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    Large scale manufacturing technology for high-performance lightweight 3D multifunctional composites The goal of the 3D-LightTrans project is to provide groundbreaking, highly flexible, efficient and adaptable low-cost technologies for the manufacturing of integral large scale 3D textile reinforced plastic composites, including innovative approaches for the individual processes and its integration in complete manufacturing chains, which will enable to shift them from its current position in cost intensive, small series niche markets, to broadly extended mass product applications, not only in transportation, but also in other key sectors, like health and leisure. To fulfil this goal, the 3DLightTrans manufacturing chains will be based on multimaterial semifinished fabrics, processed to deep draped prefixed multilayered and multifunctional 3D -textile preforms, which will be processed into composites by a thermoforming process. By integrating these new, innovative process steps with full automation in -nowadays mostly manually performed- complex handling operations, it will be possible to obtain a fully automated and highly adaptable manufacturing chain to achieve integral large scale 3D composites. 3D-LightTrans will open the way to a totally new concept for the design, manufacturing and application of composites for low-cost mass products in a wide range of sectors. The Consortium brings together multidisciplinary research teams involving European leading companies, including industrial stakeholders from machine tools and machine automation and several OEM active in the field of processing of flexible materials and composite manufacturing, as well as from the application sector, and extensive expertise from well known research specialists in the area of materials, production research and technical textiles in particular. Start date : 01/04/2011 Project duration : 4 years More information: Dr. Erich Kny Austrian Institute of Technology, [email protected] URL: http://www.3d-lighttrans.com

    ENMat international projects: FP7 NMP coordination action: 2BFUNTEX

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    Boosting collaboration between research centres and industry to enhance rapid industrial uptake of innovative functional textile structures and textile-related materials in a mondial market 2BFUNTEX will exploit the untapped potential in functional textile structures and textile related materials. It will bring together all innovation actors in the field fostering a multidisciplinary approach between universities, research institutes, SMEs and sector associations. The 2BFUNTEX team will identify technological gaps and eliminate barriers resulting in a faster industrial uptake of added value functional materials with new functionalities and improved performance and resulting in creation of new business worldwide. Technological needs will be mapped, new joint international research disciplines will be identified and multidisciplinary lab teams will be created. International cooperation will be favoured to exploit the worldwide market expansion potential. Industry will be involved at all stages of the process. The inventory will enlarge the team of important textile universities and renowned materials research centres and will identify new collaborations. Synergy will be reinforced and created which will enable to identify and develop new functional materials. Training materials regarding functional materials for research and industrial purposes will be developed and implemented to allow a common language regarding functional textile structures and text ile related materials, and will increase the number of well-trained people in this field. Further, the 2BFUNTEX partners will organise and participate in conferences, workshops and brokerage events. Along with a website with an extensive database comprising all information gained throughout the project, collaboration will be boosted and rapid industrial uptake catalysed and enhanced. The project duration will be 4 years and the consortium includes 26 partners from 16 countries. Start date : 01/01/2012 More information: Ir. Els Van der Burght Department of Textiles/Ghent University [email protected] [email protected] URL: http://www.2bfuntex.e

    From pampa to puna: Biogeography and diversification of a group of Neotropical obligate grassland birds (Anthus: Motacillidae)

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    The evolution of Neotropical birds of open landscapes remains largely unstudied. We investigate the diversification and biogeography of a group of Neotropical obligate grassland birds (Anthus: Motacillidae). We use a multilocus phylogeny of 22 taxa of Anthus to test the hypothesis that these birds radiated contemporaneously with the development of grasslands in South America. We employ the R package DDD to analyze the dynamics of Anthus diversification across time in Neotropical grasslands, explicitly testing for shifts in dynamics associated with the Miocene development of grasslands, the putative Pleistocene expansion of arid lowland biomes, and Pleistocene sundering of Andean highland grasslands. A lineage-through-time plot revealed increases in the number of lineages, and DDD detected shifts to a higher clade-level carrying capacity during the late Miocene, indicating an early burst of diversification associated with grassland colonization. However, we could not corroborate the shift using power analysis, probably reflecting the small number of tips in our tree. We found evidence of a divergence at similar to 1 Mya between northern and southern Amazonian populations of Anthus lutescens, countering Haffer\u27s idea of Pleistocene expansion of open biomes in the Amazon Basin. We used BioGeoBears to investigate ancestral areas and directionality of colonization of Neotropical grasslands. Members of the genus diversified into, out of, and within the Andes, within-Andean diversification being mostly Pleistocene in origin

    Avian diversification across space

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    Twee hoofdprocessen sturen de ruimtelijke evolutie van vogels: dispersie en vicariantie (het verschijnen en verdwijnen van landschapselementen die de populaties scheiden of juist samenvoegen). Deze twee worden vaak als tegengesteld gezien, maar ik onderzoek beide, en vind dat ze meestal samen optreden om vorm te geven aan diversificatie. In de eerste twee hoofdstukken onderzoek ik de geografische verspreiding van genetische groepen van twee Noord-Amerikaanse vogelsoorten; één noordelijke soort die een ongewoon hoge genetische diversiteit in het noordelijke verspreidingsgebied vertoont vanwege het mengen van een aantal populaties die tijdens de laatste ijstijd waren gescheiden, en een veel voorkomende soort die bekend staat om uitgebreide bewegingen, die blijkbaar genetische diversiteit aan de randen van zijn verspreidingsgebied uitwissen door genenuitwisseling. Vervolgens onderzoek ik de correlatie tussen de diversificatie van een groep slecht bekende graslandvogels en grote geologische gebeurtenissen die van invloed zijn op open landschappen. De meeste soortvorming in de groep gaat gepaard met langeafstandsverspreiding, terwijl in ononderbroken blokken van graslandhabitat weinig genetische structuur bestaat, waarschijnlijk door genenuitwisseling. Tot slot concentreer ik me op de diversificatie van alle zangvogels op verschillende hoogten in de bergen van de wereld met behulp van een nieuw R-pakket. Ik vind dat de hoogte van de verspreiding op zichzelf niet leidt tot verschillen in de snelheid van de opbouw van diversiteit, maar een grote diversiteit op lagere hoogten kan worden verklaard doordat deze zone een stabiel décor is geweest voor diversificatie gedurende lange periodes in de evolutionaire geschiedenis van zangvogels. Soortvorming van hoge bergen naar laaglanden en vice versa is zeldzaam

    Avian diversification across space

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    Self-medication with over-the-counter analgesics : a survey of patient characteristics and concerns about pain medication

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    Pain is a common reason for self-medication with over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics. However, this self-treating population has remained largely uncharacterized. This cross-sectional observational study investigated individuals who self-medicate their pain with OTC analgesics to elucidate their pain characteristics and medication use. In addition, presence of and risk factors for concerns about pain medication were examined. The clinical profile of the participants (n = 1,889) was worse than expected with long-standing pain complaints (median pain duration of 9 years), pain located at multiple body sites (median of 4, and 13% with ≥10 painful body areas), about one-third suffering from daily pain and about 40% experiencing substantial pain-related disability. Head (58.6% of sample), low back (43.6%), and neck (30.7%) were the most common pain locations. About 73% had a physician diagnosis, mainly migraine and osteoarthritis. Paracetamol (used by 68.6% of patients) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (46.8%) were the most frequently used pain medications. About 40% of our sample showed substantial concern about the perceived need for pain medication and the perceived potential for harmful effects (eg, fear for addiction). These findings highlight the importance for health professionals to systematically probe pain patients about their self-medication practices and explore attitudes about pain medication. Perspective: This study found that the clinical picture of people who self-medicate their pain with OTC analgesics looked worse than expected. We also identified substantial concerns about pain medication. Therefore, we recommend that health professionals systematically probe pain patients about their self-medication practices and explore concerns about pain medication. © 2018 the American Pain Societ

    A revision of species limits in Neotropical pipits<i> Anthus</i> based on multilocus genetic and vocal data

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    Previous investigations of the systematics of Neotropical pipits Anthus revealed multiple cases of paraphyly. We revise the species limits of this group based on sequence data of mitochondrial (ND2) and nuclear genes (ACOI9, MB, FGB5) from 39 tissue samples of all 22 subspecies-level taxa in the New World Anthus clade, as well as analysis of display song. We found that Anthus lutescens peruvianus is not part of Yellowish Pipit Anthus lutescens genetically or vocally; thus, we elevate peruvianus to species rank (Peruvian Pipit). Anthus lutescens abariensis Chubb (1921a) should be placed in synonymy with A. l. parvus (instead of A. l. lutescens), at least until further morphological or vocal data becomes available. Paramo Pipit A. bogotensis is likewise paraphyletic, with meridae sister to all other bogotensis subspecies and also to Hellmayr's Pipit A. hellmayri. However, placement of the taxon is based on a relatively short stretch of mitochondrial DNA, and further data are needed. Andean populations of Short-billed Pipit A. furcatus are split as Puna Pipit A. brevirostris, based on genetic and vocal data. South Georgia Pipit A. antarcticus is, at least genetically, part of Correndera Pipit A. correndera, and we recommend considering it a subspecies of Correndera Pipit, in line with the taxonomy of other morphologically distinct but genetically little-differentiated insular bird taxa

    Medication adherence among Turkish type-2 diabetics in Belgium: results from a qualitative study

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    Abstract title: Medication adherence among Turkish type-2 diabetics in Belgium: results from a qualitative study. Aim: Prevalence of diabetes in Belgium is 2 to 3 times higher among people from Turkish descent. Medication adherence, an essential element of the diabetic regimen, appears to be lower among nonwhite ethnic groups. This study identifies factors influencing medication adherence among Turkish type-2 diabetics living in Belgium. Methods: Since this topic hasn’t been studied before we conducted an explorative, qualitative study using semi-structured in-depth interviews with the aid of an interpreter. The topicslist was based on insights from the literature and conversations with Turkish diabetics and health care workers and was slightly adjusted after the first interviews. 21 Turkish type-2 diabetics living in Belgium were selected using theoretical sampling. Respondent’s most recent HbA1c-values were also collected. Interviews lasted between 2 and 5 hours, were audio-taped, fully transcribed and translated. Thematic analysis was conducted by the first two authors with different educational backgrounds (sociologist/pharmacist). The first phase was a detailed, thematic analysis of the individual cases, in the second phase an analysis across cases, distinguishing adherers from non-adherers, identified factors influencing medication adherence. NVivo 8 was used for managing, coding and analysing the qualitative data. Results: Factors influencing medication adherence among type-2 diabetics from Turkish descent include knowledge of and attitudes towards diabetes and antidiabetics, health and medication beliefs, social support from health care providers and family members, the nature of the patient-provider relationship, perceptions of health care worker’s expertise and social roles in daily life. A typology was constructed identifying different constellations of factors that distinguish adherers from non-adherers. Implications for clinical practice are discussed. Conclusion: This qualitative study identifies factors influencing medication adherence among type-2 Turkish diabetics living in Belgium and provides a typology, distinguishing adherers from non-adherers, that may guide clinical practice. Results from this qualitative study will be tested in a future, quantitative study
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