3,380 research outputs found

    The temporary nature of number-space interactions

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    It is commonly accepted that the mental representation and processing of numbers and of space are tightly linked. This is evident from studies that have shown relations between math ability and visuospatial skill. Also, math instruction and education rely strongly on visuospatial tools and strategies. The dominant explanation for these number—space interactions is that the mental representation of numbers takes the form of a mental number line with numbers positioned in ascending order according to our reading habits. A long-standing debate is whether the link between numbers and space can be considered as evidence for a spatial number representation in long-term semantic memory, or whether this spatial frame is a temporary representation that emerges in working memory (WM) during task execution. We summarise our recent work that suggests basic number processing tasks do not operate on a long-term spatial memory representation, but on a representation constructed in serial order WM, where the elements are spatially coded as a function of their ordinal position in the memorised sequence. Implications for a new theoretical framework linking serial order WM and basic number processing are discussed

    A re-evaluation of ideas, interests and politics in repeal: the case of the Belgian Corn Laws, 1834-1873.

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    Economic interests, the influence of economic ideas and politics have been put forward in the literature as explanations for the British Repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846. In this paper, we will evaluate these competing explanations using the case of the liberalization of Belgian corn tariffs. The Belgian protectionist Corn Laws of 1834 were abolished in different steps between 1845 and 1873. The first part of this paper uses quantitative methods to assess the success of party affiliation, personal interests and the economic profile of the constituencies in predicting voting behavior. Thanks to the detailed censuses of 1846 on agriculture, industry and population, it is possible to typify the economic make-up of the electoral districts in much more detail than in the British case. However, the analysis of roll-call voting proves that party affiliation and personal and constituency economic interests are insufficient to explain the shift towards free trade. The second part of the paper then discusses the role played by political strategy and ideas in the liberalization of corn tariffs, using a qualitative analysis of the debates on tariff policy. The large number of votes over a forty year period allows us to document the relationship between ideas and interests in a new way.

    Robust 3-Dimensional Object Recognition using Stereo Vision and Geometric Hashing

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    We propose a technique that combines geometric hashing with stereo vision. The idea is to use the robustness of geometric hashing to spurious data to overcome the correspondence problem, while the stereo vision setup enables direct model matching using the 3-D object models. Furthermore, because the matching technique relies on the relative positions of local features, we should be able to perform robust recognition even with partially occluded objects. We tested this approach with simple geometric objects using a corner point detector. We successfully recognized objects even in scenes where the objects were partially occluded by other objects. For complicated scenes, however, the limited set of model features and required amount of computing time, sometimes became a proble

    How does working memory enable number-induced spatial biases?

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    Number-space associations are a robust observation, but their underlying mechanisms remain debated. Two major accounts have been identified. First, spatial codes may constitute an intrinsic part of number representations stored in the brain – a perspective most commonly referred to as the Mental Number Line account. Second, spatial codes may be generated at the level of working memory when number (or other) representations are coordinated in function of a specific task. The aim of the current paper is twofold. First, whereas a pure Mental Number Line account cannot capture the complexity of observations reported in the literature, we here explore if and how a pure working memory account can suffice. Second, we make explicit (more than in our earlier work) the potential building blocks of such a working memory account, thereby providing clear and concrete foci for empirical efforts to test the feasibility of the account

    Comparing empirical results of transaction avoidance rules studies

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    Empirical legal research in the UK and in the Netherlands has provided data on the extent to which the transaction avoidance rules (avoidance powers, actio Pauliana) generate practical problems. This article’s goal is to explore the similarities and differences of the data. To achieve this, existing empirical data found in the Dutch and the UK research are compared. From the comparison, it follows that the UK and The Netherlands share similar problems, i.e. there are no proceeds in a substantial number of cases in which the office-holder (or liquidator) encounters a suspect transaction, the majority of the disputes are conducted in the shadow of the law, proceeds are obtained more often from settlements than from proceedings, insufficient funds and evidence problems are experienced as major obstacles for successfully invoking the transaction avoidance rules, and a presumption or shift of burden of proof influences the outcome significantly

    Has clarity been brought to the diamond sector? A survey into AML and TF risk mitigation by diamond traders and their financiers

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    The international diamond trade always has been a somewhat closed world in which different rules applied compared to other sectors. The myths and mystic surrounding diamonds as the most precious material on earth are in sharp contract with the contemporary demand for transparency. The clarity of a diamond, one of its four valuables, is not reflected in the ways of the diamond industry. However, recent initiatives, such as the Kimberly Process, which attempts to put a ban on blood and terror diamonds and a handful of banking scandals, have brought a wind of change. This wind of change is to some extent a mere side-wind fanned by the hurricane of the global anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing movement. Banks financing the diamond trade, assurance companies providing insurances to the sector and the diamond traders and retailers have all become subject to AML and CFT legislation. Compliance has become the magic word in the world of financing, along with transparency, but the diamond sector proved to be a slack student in this respect. This paper explores the different aspects of compliance by diamond sector market players and examines whether the extension of the regulatory framework to these players have brought a shift in responsibility, away from the financial institutions financing the diamond sector. In addition it addresses the question whether the regulatory framework and regulatory practice are sufficiently developed to enable effective supervision by the authorities