5 research outputs found

    A Case Study of the Solar and Lunar Semidiurnal Tide Response to the 2013 Sudden Stratospheric Warming

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    This study investigates the response of the semidiurnal tide (SDT) to the 2013 major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) event using meteor radar wind observations and mechanistic tidal model simulations. In the model, the background atmosphere is constrained to meteorological fields from the Navy Global Environmental Model—High Altitude analysis system. The solar (thermal) and lunar (gravitational) SDT components are forced by incorporating hourly temperature tendency fields from the ERA5 forecast model, and by specifying the M2 and N2 lunar gravitational potentials, respectively. The simulated SDT response is compared against meteor wind observations from the CMOR (43.3°N, 80.8°W), Collm (51.3°N, 13.0°E), and Kiruna (67.5°N, 20.1°E) radars, showing close agreement with the observed amplitude and phase variability. Numerical experiments investigate the individual roles of the solar and lunar SDT components in shaping the net SDT response. Further experiments isolate the impact of changing propagation conditions through the zonal mean background atmosphere, non-linear wave-wave interactions, and the SSW-induced stratospheric ozone redistribution. Results indicate that between 80 and 97 km altitude in the northern hemisphere mid-to-high latitudes the net SDT response is driven by the solar SDT component, which itself is shaped by changing propagation conditions through the zonal mean background atmosphere and by non-linear wave-wave interactions. In addition, it is demonstrated that as a result of the rapidly varying solar SDT during the SSW the contribution of the lunar SDT to the total measured tidal field can be significantly overestimated

    Evaluation of modelled versus observed NMVOC compounds at EMEP sites in Europe

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    •Atmospheric volatile organic compounds (VOC) constitute a wide range of species, acting as precursors to ozone and aerosol formation. Atmospheric chemistry and transport models (CTMs) are crucial to understanding the emissions, distribution, and impacts of VOCs. Given the uncertainties in VOC emissions, lack of evaluation studies, and recent changes in emissions, this work adapts the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme Meteorological Synthesizing Centre – West (EMEP MSC-W) CTM to evaluate emission inventories in Europe. Here we undertake the first intensive model-measurement comparison of VOCs in two decades. The modelled surface concentrations are evaluated both spatially and temporally, using measurements from the regular EMEP monitoring network in 2018 and 2019, and a 2022 campaign. To achieve this, we utilised the UK National Atmospheric Emission Inventory to derive explicit emission profiles for individual species and employed a `tracer' method to produce pure concentrations that are directly comparable to observations. Model simulations for 2018 compare the use of two European inventories, CAMS and CEIP, and of two chemical mechanisms, CRIv2R5Em and EmChem19rc; those for 2019 and 2022 use CAMS and CRIv2R5Em only. •The degree to which the modelled and measured VOCs agree varies depending on the specific species. The model successfully captures the overall spatial and temporal variations of major alkanes (e.g., ethane, n-butane) and unsaturated species (e.g., ethene, benzene), but less though for propane, i-butane, and ethyne. This discrepancy underscores potential issues in the boundary conditions for these latter species and in their primary emissions from in particular the solvent and road transport sectors. Specifically, potential missing propane emissions and issues with its boundary conditions are highlighted by large model underestimations and smaller propane to ethane ratios compared to the measurement. Meanwhile, both the model and measurement show strong linear correlations among butane isomers and among pentane isomers, indicating common sources for these pairs of isomers. However, modelled ratios of i- to n-butane and i- to n-pentane are approximately one-third of the measured ratios, which is largely driven by significant emissions of n-butane and n-pentane from the solvent sector. This suggests issues with the speciation profile of the solvent sector, or underrepresented contributions from transport and fuel evaporation sectors in current inventories, or both. Furthermore, the modelled ethene-to-ethyne and benzene-to-ethyne ratios differ significantly from measured ratios. The different model performance strongly points to shortcomings in the spatial and temporal patterns and magnitudes of ethyne emissions, especially during winter. For OVOCs, modelled and measured methanal and methylglyoxal display a good agreement, which demonstrates that the model captures the overall photo-oxidation processes reasonably well. However, the insufficiency of suitable measurements limits the evaluation of other OVOCs. Finally, the model exhibits very similar performance across simulations using different inventories, which suggests that the emission profiles are likely to exert a more significant impact on the agreement between modelled and measured data than the total emissions reported for each sector. Therefore, the future focus may need to shift towards refining these speciation profiles through for example new emission measurement campaigns to improve the model accuracy

    Migrating tide climatologies measured by a high-latitude array of SuperDARN HF radars

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    This study uses hourly meteor wind measurements from a longitudinal array of 10 high-latitude SuperDARN high-frequency (HF) radars to isolate the migrating diurnal, semidiurnal, and terdiurnal tides at mesosphere–lower-thermosphere (MLT) altitudes. The planetary-scale array of radars covers 180∘ of longitude, with 8 out of 10 radars being in near-continuous operation since the year 2000. Time series spanning 16 years of tidal amplitudes and phases in both zonal and meridional wind are presented, along with their respective annual climatologies. The method to isolate the migrating tides from SuperDARN meteor winds is validated using 2 years of winds from a high-altitude meteorological analysis system. The validation steps demonstrate that, given the geographical spread of the radar stations, the derived tidal modes are most closely representative of the migrating tides at 60∘ N. Some of the main characteristics of the observed migrating tides are that the semidiurnal tide shows sharp phase jumps around the equinoxes and peak amplitudes during early fall and that the terdiurnal tide shows a pronounced secondary amplitude peak around day of year (DOY) 265. In addition, the diurnal tide is found to show a bi-modal circular polarization phase relation between summer and winter

    Transport of Nitric Oxide Via Lagrangian Coherent Structures Into the Top of the Polar Vortex

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    The energetic particle precipitation (EPP) indirect effect (IE) refers to the downward transport of reactive odd nitrogen (NOx = NO + NO2) produced by EPP (EPP-NOx) from the polar winter mesosphere and lower thermosphere to the stratosphere where it can destroy ozone. Previous studies of the EPP IE examined NOx descent averaged over the polar region, but the work presented here considers longitudinal variations. We report that the January 2009 split Arctic vortex in the stratosphere left an imprint on the distribution of NO near the mesopause, and that the magnitude of EPP-NOx descent in the upper mesosphere depends strongly on the planetary wave (PW) phase. We focus on an 11-day case study in late January immediately following the 2009 sudden stratospheric warming during which regional-scale Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs) formed atop the strengthening mesospheric vortex. The LCSs emerged over the north Atlantic in the vicinity of the trough of a 10-day westward traveling planetary wave. Over the next week, the LCSs acted to confine NO-rich air to polar latitudes, effectively prolonging its lifetime as it descended into the top of the polar vortex. Both a whole atmosphere data assimilation model and satellite observations show that the PW trough remained coincident in space and time with the NO-rich air as both migrated westward over the Canadian Arctic. Estimates of descent rates indicate five times stronger descent inside the PW trough compared to other longitudes. This case serves to set the stage for future climatological analysis of NO transport via LCSs