43 research outputs found

    Removal of bacterial plant pathogens in columns filled with quartz and natural sediments under anoxic and oxygenated conditions

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    Irrigation with surface water carrying plant pathogens poses a risk for agriculture. Managed aquifer recharge enhances fresh water availability while simultaneously it may reduce the risk of plant diseases by removal of pathogens during aquifer passage. We compared the transport of three plant pathogenic bacteria with Escherichia coli WR1 as reference strain in saturated laboratory column experiments filled with quartz sand, or sandy aquifer sediments. E. coli showed the highest removal, followed by Pectobacterium carotovorum, Dickeya solani and Ralstonia solanacearum. Bacterial and non-reactive tracer breakthrough curves were fitted with Hydrus-1D and compared with colloid filtration theory (CFT). Bacterial attachment to fine and medium aquifer sand under anoxic conditions was highest with attachment rates of max. katt1 = 765 day-1 and 355 day-1, respectively. Attachment was the least to quartz sand under oxic conditions (katt1 = 61 day-1). In CFT, sticking efficiencies were higher in aquifer than in quartz sand but there was no differentiation between fine and medium aquifer sand. Overall removal ranged between < 6.8 log10 m−1 in quartz and up to 40 log10 m−1 in fine aquifer sand. Oxygenation of the anoxic aquifer sediments for two weeks with oxic influent water decreased the removal. The results highlight the potential of natural sand filtration to sufficiently remove plant pathogenic bacteria during aquifer storage

    Decomposing the Bulk Electrical Conductivity of Streamflow To Recover Individual Solute Concentrations at High Frequency

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    The ability to evaluate stream hydrochemistry is often constrained by the capacity to sample streamwater at an adequate frequency. While technology is no longer a limiting factor, costs and sample management can still be a barrier to high-resolution water quality instrumentation. We propose a new framework for investigating the electrical conductivity (EC) of streamwater, which can be measured continuously through inexpensive sensors. We show that EC embeds information about individual ion content that can be isolated to retrieve solute concentrations at high resolution. The essence of the approach is the decomposition of the EC signal into its "harmonics", i.e., the specific contributions of the major ions that conduct current in water. The ion contribution is used to explore water quality patterns and to develop algorithms that reconstruct solute concentrations starting from EC during periods where solute measurements are not available. The approach is validated on a hydrochemical data set from Plynlimon, Wales, showing that improved estimates of high-frequency solute dynamics can easily be achieved. Our results support the installation of EC probes to complement water quality campaigns and suggest that the potential of EC measurements in rivers is currently far from being fully exploited

    Transverse Hydrodynamic Dispersion Effects on Isotope Signals in Groundwater Chlorinated Solvents’ Plumes

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    The effects of transverse hydrodynamic dispersion on altering transformation-induced compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) signals within groundwater pollution plumes have been assessed with reactive transport modeling accommodating diffusion-induced isotope fractionation (DIF) and implementing different parameterizations of local transverse dispersion. The model reproduced previously published field data showing a negative carbon isotope pattern (−2 ‰) at the fringes of a nondegrading PCE plume. We extended the study to reactive transport scenarios considering vinyl chloride as a model compound and assessing, through a detailed sensitivity analysis, the coupled effects of transverse hydrodynamic dispersion (with and without DIF) and aerobic fringe degradation on the evolution of carbon and chloride isotope ratios. Transformation-induced positive isotope signals were increasingly attenuated with distance from the source and higher degradation rate. The effect of DIF on the overall isotope signal attenuation was greatest near the source and for low values of groundwater flow velocity, transverse dispersion coefficient, molecular weight, rate constant, and isotope fractionation factor, α, of the degradation reaction. Models disregarding DIF underestimate the actual α. The approximately twice larger DIF effect for chlorine than for carbon together with the low α for oxidation resulted in strong chlorine CSIA depletions for VC at the plume fringe

    Verwijdering van plantpathogenen uit drainagewater door ondergrondse opslag voor veilig irrigatiewater.

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    De aanwezigheid van bacteriële plantpathogen in oppervlaktewater en hun verspreiding via irrigatie vormt een bedreiging voor gewasziekten. Een natuurlijke oplossing voor veilig irrigratiewater is ondergrondse opslag van water, ofwel 'manged aquifer recharge' (MAR), Drainagewater wordt opgevangen en geïnfiltreerd in brakke/zoute watervoerende lagen (aquifer), resulterend in een zoet water 'bubbel' in de ondergrond. Dit geeft agrariërs toegang tot voldoende zoet water voor de irrigratie van gewassen, zelfs in tijden van droogte

    Eukaryotic Diversity in an Anaerobic Aquifer Polluted with Landfill Leachate▿

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    Eukaryotes may influence pollutant degradation processes in groundwater ecosystems by activities such as predation on bacteria and recycling of nutrients. Culture-independent community profiling and phylogenetic analysis of 18S rRNA gene fragments, as well as culturing, were employed to obtain insight into the sediment-associated eukaryotic community composition in an anaerobic sandy aquifer polluted with landfill leachate (Banisveld, The Netherlands). The microeukaryotic community at a depth of 1 to 5 m below the surface along a transect downgradient (21 to 68 m) from the landfill and at a clean reference location was diverse. Fungal sequences dominated most clone libraries. The fungal diversity was high, and most sequences were sequences of yeasts of the Basidiomycota. Sequences of green algae (Chlorophyta) were detected in parts of the aquifer close (<30 m) to the landfill. The bacterium-predating nanoflagellate Heteromita globosa (Cercozoa) was retrieved in enrichments, and its sequences dominated the clone library derived from the polluted aquifer at a depth of 5 m at a location 21 m downgradient from the landfill. The number of culturable eukaryotes ranged from 102 to 103 cells/g sediment. Culture-independent quantification revealed slightly higher numbers. Groundwater mesofauna was not detected. We concluded that the food chain in this polluted aquifer is short and consists of prokaryotes and fungi as decomposers of organic matter and protists as primary consumers of the prokaryotes

    Reactive Transport Modeling of Thermal Column Experiments to Investigate the Impacts of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage on Groundwater Quality

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    Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) systems are increasingly being used to acclimatize buildings and are often constructed in aquifers used for drinking water supply. This raises the question of potential groundwater quality impact. Here, we use laboratory column experiments to develop and calibrate a reactive transport model (PHREEQC) simulating the thermally induced (5–60 °C) water quality changes in anoxic sandy sediments. Temperature-dependent surface complexation, cation-exchange, and kinetic dissolution of K-feldspar were included in the model. Optimization results combined with an extensive literature survey showed surface complexation of (oxy)­anions (As, B, and PO<sub>4</sub>) is consistently exothermic, whereas surface complexation of cations (Ca and Mg) and cationic heavy metals (Cd, Pb, and Zn) is endothermic. The calibrated model was applied to simulate arsenic mobility in an ATES system using a simple yet powerful mirrored axi-symmetrical grid. Results showed that ATES mobilizes arsenic toward the fringe of the warm water bubble and the center of the cold water bubble. This transient redistribution of arsenic causes its aqueous concentrations in the cold and warm groundwater bubbles to become similar through multiple heating cycles, with a final concentration depending on the average injection temperature of the warm and cold ATES wells

    Verwijdering van plantpathogenen uit drainagewater door ondergrondse opslag voor veilig irrigatiewater.

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    De aanwezigheid van bacteriële plantpathogen in oppervlaktewater en hun verspreiding via irrigatie vormt een bedreiging voor gewasziekten. Een natuurlijke oplossing voor veilig irrigratiewater is ondergrondse opslag van water, ofwel 'manged aquifer recharge' (MAR), Drainagewater wordt opgevangen en geïnfiltreerd in brakke/zoute watervoerende lagen (aquifer), resulterend in een zoet water 'bubbel' in de ondergrond. Dit geeft agrariërs toegang tot voldoende zoet water voor de irrigratie van gewassen, zelfs in tijden van droogte