580 research outputs found

    Flexible (Polyactive®) versus rigid (hydroxyapatite) dental implants

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    In a beagle dog study, the peri-implant bone changes around flexible (Polyactive®) and rigid hydroxyapatite (HA) implants were investigated radiographically by quantitative digital subtraction analysis and by assessment of marginal bone height, with the aid of a computerized method. A loss of approximately 1 mm of marginal bone height was observed for both the dense Polyactive and the HA implants, after 6 months of loading. This value appeared to be stable from 12 weeks of loading onward. Along the total length of the implant during the first 6 weeks of loading, both the flexible (dense Polyactive) and the rigid (HA) implants showed a decrease in density. However, after this 6-week period, the bone density around the implants increased, and after 18 weeks the original bone density was reached. The flexible Polyactive implants provoked less decrease in density than the rigid HA implants, although not to a statistically significant level. This finding sustains the hypothesis that flexible implant materials may transfer stresses to the surrounding bone more favorably

    The Effect of PEO Ratio on Degradation, Calcification and Bone Bonding of PEO/PBT Copolymer (Polyactive)

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    In this study, we evaluated the effect of PEO/ PBT proportion on the behavior of a range of PEO/ PBT segmented copolymers (Polyactive) during subcutaneous and intrabony implantation in the rat. It was demonstrated that varying the PEO proportion affected degradation, calcification and bone-bonding. The PEO/PBT 70/30 and 60/40 showed extensive degradation after 1 year, PEO/PBT 55145 an intermediate degradation, and the 40/60 and 30170 copolymers showed little and hardly any degradation respectively. PEO content also affected the degree of calcification . PEO/PBT 70/30 showed extensive and early calcification whereas almost no calcification was seen with PEO/PBT 30170. Since calcified sites at the periphery of the polymeric implants were locations of preference for bone-bonding to occur, PEO/PBT proportion also influenced bone/PEO/PBT interactions. The materials with the highest PEO content most frequently showed morphological indications of bone-bonding , while the material with 30 % PEO showed no bone/biomaterial contact. The differences in bone-bonding activity were also reflected by the occurrence of an electron. dense zone at the bone-biomaterial interface which was morphologically similar to that observed for calcium phosphate ceramics

    Influence of PCL molecular weight on mesenchymal stromal cell differentiation

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    Regenerating or replacing bone, chondral and osteochondral defects, is an active field in tissue engineering. A general strategy is to use a temporary scaffold in which cells are seeded onto the scaffold prior to implantation or attracted into the scaffold from surrounding tissues in the implantation site to form the desired tissue. Several biomaterials have been used for the fabrication of scaffolds, including polycaprolactone (PCL) which is often used for musculoskeletal tissue engineering. The effect of the PCL scaffold architecture on the cell behavior has been investigated. However, the mechanical properties of the bulk material were not taken into account in these studies. PCL is available in a range of molecular weights, resulting in a range of bulk mechanical properties. Since bulk material stiffness is able to direct cell differentiation, it is likely that the molecular weight of PCL may influence cell behavior. Here, we investigated the bulk material properties of both low and high molecular weight PCL scaffolds fabricated through additive manufacturing. The low molecular weight PCL showed a lower bulk material stiffness. During in vitro cell culture, this resulted in a stronger tendency for hypertrophic chondrogenic differentiation compared to the high molecular weight PCL. This study shows that apart from the polymer chemistry and scaffold architecture, the bulk mechanical properties of the polymer used is an important parameter in scaffold fabrication. This is an important finding for the optimization of osteochondral tissue engineering

    In Vitro Bone Formation Associated with Apatite Coated Polylactide

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    Bone formation onto poly(L-lactide), which was plasma-spray coated with various quantities of hydroxyapatite (0%, 15%, 36% and 100% coverage), was investigated in an in vitro assay. Rat bone marrow cells were grown on the different coatings and the cellular response and elaborated extracellular matrix was examined at the light and electron microscopical level after 1, 2 , 4 and 8 weeks of culture. Proliferation of cells into multilayers was seen on the 0% , 36% and 100% , but not on the 15 % coatings. Coinciding with this was the sparse formation of extracellular matrix on the latter, and its abundant appearance on the former three coatings. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed a mineralized extracellular matrix on the 100% and 36% coatings after 2 and 4 weeks , respectively, and on the 15 % coating after 8 weeks. Mineralization was not observed on uncoated poly(L-lactide). At the interface between hydroxyapatite and the mineralized extracellular matrix, one or more electron dense layers were frequently observed , which showed morphological similarities with structures between these two entities in vivo. The results of this in vitro study show that, in the model used, hydroxyapatite is required to obtain the elaboration of mineralized extracellular matrix on poly(L-lactide)

    Influence of Crystal Structure on the Establishment of the Bone-Calcium Phosphate Interface In Vitro

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    An in vitro rat bone marrow cell system was used to examine the interfacial ultrastructure established between various calcium phosphates and mineralized tissue. The investigated calcium phosphates comprised hydroxyapatite (HA), fluorapatite (FA), tricalcium phosphate (TCP), tetracalcium phosphate (TECP) and magnesium whitlockite (MWL). Both scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used to examine the elaborated interface. The time in which a mineralized extracellular matrix was formed on the various materials differed from 2 weeks on HA, TCP and TECP, to 8 weeks on FA. It was only occasionally observed in some areas on MWL, which might have been due to aluminum impurities in the coating. With transmission electron microscopy, three distinct interfacial structures were observed. They differed in the presence or absence of a collagen free, 0. 7 to 0. 8 J.Lm wide, amorphous zone and a 20 to 60 nm thick electron dense layer , interposed between the material surface and the mineralized extracellular matrix. The electron dense layer was considered to be at least partially caused by protein adsorption , which would precede or concur with biological mineralization events , while the amorphous zone was regarded to represent partial degradation of the calcium phosphate surfaces. The results of this study show that plasma sprayed calcium phosphates will display different bone-bonding and biodegradation properties , depending on their chemical composition and crystal structures

    Hydrogels that listen to cells:a review of cell-responsive strategies in biomaterial design for tissue regeneration

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    The past decade has seen a decided move from static and passive biomaterials to biodegradable, dynamic, and stimuli responsive materials in the laboratory and the clinic. Recent advances towards the rational design of synthetic cell-responsive hydrogels-biomaterials that respond locally to cells or tissues without the input of an artificial stimulus-have provided new strategies and insights on the use of artificial environments for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. These materials can often approximate responsive functions of a cell's complex natural extracellular environment, and must respond to the small and specific stimuli provided within the vicinity of a cell or tissue. In the current literature, there are three main cell-based stimuli that can be harnessed to create responsive hydrogels: (1) enzymes (2) mechanical force and (3) metabolites/small molecules. Degradable bonds, dynamic covalent bonds, and non-covalent or supramolecular interactions are used to provide responsive architectures that enable features ranging from cell selective infiltration to control of stem-cell differentiation. The growing ability to spatiotemporally control the behavior of cells and tissue with rationally designed responsive materials has the ability to allow control and autonomy to future generations of materials for tissue regeneration, in addition to providing understanding and mimicry of the dynamic and complex cellular niche

    Stimulatory effects of inorganic ions on osteogenesis in vitro

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    Introduction: Several studies demonstrated the effect of silicate ions (Si) on differentiation of bone precursor cells1,2, although its exact role in processes related to bone formation and remodeling is still incompletely understood. The focus of this work is to explore the effect of calcium and silicate ions on growth and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). This strategy may reduce the need for growth factors required to stimulate bone formation in regenerative approaches, decreasing the associated costs and overcoming stability issues. Materials and Methods In order to define the range of Si concentrations that are not toxic to cells, we performed a preliminary study varying Si concentrations from 0.00357mM to 4mM. The concentration of the Ca ions was selected based on the earlier study by Barradas et. al3. Cell culture media were supplemented by using sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and/or calcium chloride dehydrate (CaCl2*2H2O) as Si and Ca precursors, respectively. hMSCs derived from bone marrow were seeded at a seeding density of 2.000 cells/cm2 and allowed to adhere overnight. Then, the medium was replaced by the appropriate supplemented medium and cells were cultured for 3, 7, 14 and 18 days. Basic and osteogenic media were used as negative and positive controls. Cell proliferation was evaluated by DNA quantification. hMSCs osteogenic gene expression was evaluated by Q-PCR. Results DNA quantification indicated an increase in cell number during the culture time for all the conditions. Results obtained by Q-PCR revealed a significantly higher expression of osteocalcin (OC) and bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP2) in cells cultured in media supplemented by both ions, as compared to media containing either Ca or Si alone. Discussion and Conclusions DNA quantification studies indicated that none of the selected concentrations had a negative influence on cell proliferation. The increase in osteogenic gene expression for cells cultured with both Ca and Si suggested a synergistic effect of the two ions on osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs. We further showed that cells cultured in the medium with the highest concentration of Ca (7.8mM) revealed a higher expression of the selected genes, which is in accordance with the earlier results by Barradas et al3. The obtained results suggest the importance of combining both ions, Ca and Si, for promoting the osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs. References 1. Hoppe A, Biomaterials 32: 2757-2774, 2011. 2. Beck Jr GR, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine,1-11, 2011 3. Barradas AMC et al., Biomaterials 3205-3215, 2012. Acknowledgments The author thanks the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for the grant (SFRH/BD/69962/2010). Disclosures The authors have nothing to disclose

    Towards an in vitro model mimicking the foreign body response: tailoring the surface properties of biomaterials to modulate extracellular matrix

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    Despite various studies to minimize host reaction following a biomaterial implantation, an appealing strategy in regenerative medicine is to actively use such an immune response to trigger and control tissue regeneration. We have developed an in vitro model to modulate the host response by tuning biomaterials' surface properties through surface modifications techniques as a new strategy for tissue regeneration applications. Results showed tunable surface topography, roughness, wettability, and chemistry by varying treatment type and exposure, allowing for the first time to correlate the effect of these surface properties on cell attachment, morphology, strength and proliferation, as well as proinflammatory (IL-1β, IL-6) and antiflammatory cytokines (TGF-β1, IL-10) secreted in medium, and protein expression of collagen and elastin. Surface microstructuring, derived from chloroform partial etching, increased surface roughness and oxygen content. This resulted in enhanced cell adhesion, strength and proliferation as well as a balance of soluble factors for optimum collagen and elastin synthesis for tissue regeneration. By linking surface parameters to cell activity, we could determine the fate of the regenerated tissue to create successful soft tissue-engineered replacement