2,136 research outputs found

    Phase relations in the Ag-Fe-Ti system at 1123 K

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    Abstract Phase equilibria in the Ag-Fe-Ti system at 1123 K were determined by using polyphase diffusion couples and equilibrated alloys. The experimental observations are in agreement with a thermodynamic evaluation performed on this system. No ternary phases are present on the Ag-Fe-Ti isotherm at 1123 K. The solubility of iron in the binary intermetallic compounds Ti2Ag and TiAg as well as the solubility of silver in FezTi are negligible. The maximum silver content in FeTi was estimated as =0.5 at.%, while nearly 6 at.% of silver can be dissolved in the /3-Ti(Fe) based solid solution at this temperature

    Моделювання процесу обробки на фрезерному верстаті 6Р13Ф3 та прогнозування показників процесу стружкоутворення

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    Розроблено методологію побудови раціональної з точки зору витрат ресурсів обчислювальної системи скінчено-елементної сітки складної технологічної системи, що включає елементи різної маси, жорсткості та розмірів, а також рухомі та нерухомі з’єднання зі скінченою величиною контактної жорсткості. Проведені пошукові розрахунки процесу стружкоутворення у абсолютно жорсткій та податливій технологічній системах, результати яких показали, що переміщення у технологічній системі в момент врізання призводять до запізнення початку сталого стружкоутворення, додаткового тертя зубів о заготовку без різання та активації вібрацій. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2685

    Assessing flood risk at the global scale: model setup, results, and sensitivity

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    Globally, economic losses from flooding exceeded 19billionin2012,andarerisingrapidly.Hence,thereisanincreasingneedforglobalscalefloodriskassessments,alsowithinthecontextofintegratedglobalassessments.Wehavedevelopedandvalidatedamodelcascadeforproducingglobalfloodriskmaps,basedonnumerousfloodreturnperiods.Validationresultsindicatethatthemodelsimulatesinterannualfluctuationsinfloodimpactswell.Thecascadeinvolves:hydrologicalandhydraulicmodelling;extremevaluestatistics;inundationmodelling;floodimpactmodelling;andestimatingannualexpectedimpacts.Theinitialresultsestimateglobalimpactsforseveralindicators,forexampleannualexpectedexposedpopulation(169million);andannualexpectedexposedGDP(19 billion in 2012, and are rising rapidly. Hence, there is an increasing need for global-scale flood risk assessments, also within the context of integrated global assessments. We have developed and validated a model cascade for producing global flood risk maps, based on numerous flood return-periods. Validation results indicate that the model simulates interannual fluctuations in flood impacts well. The cascade involves: hydrological and hydraulic modelling; extreme value statistics; inundation modelling; flood impact modelling; and estimating annual expected impacts. The initial results estimate global impacts for several indicators, for example annual expected exposed population (169 million); and annual expected exposed GDP (1383 billion). These results are relatively insensitive to the extreme value distribution employed to estimate low frequency flood volumes. However, they are extremely sensitive to the assumed flood protection standard; developing a database of such standards should be a research priority. Also, results are sensitive to the use of two different climate forcing datasets. The impact model can easily accommodate new, user-defined, impact indicators. We envisage several applications, for example: identifying risk hotspots; calculating macro-scale risk for the insurance industry and large companies; and assessing potential benefits (and costs) of adaptation measures

    MetaboLab - advanced NMR data processing and analysis for metabolomics

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    Background\ud Despite wide-spread use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) in metabolomics for the analysis of biological samples there is a lack of graphically driven, publicly available software to process large one and two-dimensional NMR data sets for statistical analysis.\ud \ud Results\ud Here we present MetaboLab, a MATLAB based software package that facilitates NMR data processing by providing automated algorithms for processing series of spectra in a reproducible fashion. A graphical user interface provides easy access to all steps of data processing via a script builder to generate MATLAB scripts, providing an option to alter code manually. The analysis of two-dimensional spectra (1H,13C-HSQC spectra) is facilitated by the use of a spectral library derived from publicly available databases which can be extended readily. The software allows to display specific metabolites in small regions of interest where signals can be picked. To facilitate the analysis of series of two-dimensional spectra, different spectra can be overlaid and assignments can be transferred between spectra. The software includes mechanisms to account for overlapping signals by highlighting neighboring and ambiguous assignments.\ud \ud Conclusions\ud The MetaboLab software is an integrated software package for NMR data processing and analysis, closely linked to the previously developed NMRLab software. It includes tools for batch processing and gives access to a wealth of algorithms available in the MATLAB framework. Algorithms within MetaboLab help to optimize the flow of metabolomics data preparation for statistical analysis. The combination of an intuitive graphical user interface along with advanced data processing algorithms facilitates the use of MetaboLab in a broader metabolomics context.\ud \u

    Intracoronary infusion of mononuclear cells after PCI-treated myocardial infarction and arrhythmogenesis: is it safe?

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    To reduce long-term morbidity after revascularised acute myocardial infarction, different therapeutic strategies have been investigated. Cell therapy with mononuclear cells from bone marrow (BMMC) or peripheral blood (PBMC) has been proposed to attenuate the adverse processes of remodelling and subsequent heart failure. Previous trials have suggested that cell therapy may facilitate arrhythmogenesis. In the present substudy of the HEBE cell therapy trial, we investigated whether intracoronary cell therapy alters the prevalence of ventricular arrhythmias after 1 month or the rate of severe arrhythmogenic events (SAE) in the first year. In 164 patients of the trial we measured function and infarct size with cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging. Holter registration was performed after 1 month from which the number of triplets (3 successive PVCs) and ventricular tachycardias (VT, ≥4 successive PVCs) was assessed. Thirty-three patients (20%) showed triplets and/or VTs, with similar distribution amongst the groups (triplets: control n = 8 vs. BMMC n = 9, p = 1.00; vs. PBMC n = 10, p = 0.67. VT: control n = 9 vs. BMMC n = 9, p = 0.80; vs. PBMC n = 11, p = 0.69). SAE occurred in 2 patients in the PBMC group and 1 patient in the control group. In conclusion, intracoronary cell therapy is not associated with an increase in ventricular arrhythmias or SAE

    Supporting participation in paid work of cancer survivors and their partners in the Netherlands:protocol of the SusTained Employability in cancer Patients and their partnerS (STEPS) multi-centre randomized controlled trial and cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Many cancer survivors experience physical and/or psychosocial problems affecting return to work (RTW) and work retention. Current interventions on RTW lack evidence regarding effectiveness, while interventions for work retention are missing. Partners of cancer survivors may also experience work- and health-related outcomes; yet, these consequences are not well understood. Here, the protocol of the STEPS study is described. The study aims are to: 1) evaluate the (cost-)effectiveness of a rehabilitation program for RTW and work retention in cancer survivors, and 2) assess health- and work-related outcomes among cancer survivors' partners. METHODS: In a multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), 236 working-age cancer survivors with an employment contract will be randomly allocated to a usual care group or an intervention group receiving a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program, combining occupational therapy facilitating work retention (e.g., energy management and self-efficacy training) and reintegration consultation addressing work-related issues (e.g., RTW planning and discussing workplace or task modifications with the supervisor). Alongside the RCT, a prospective cohort study will be conducted among cancer survivors' partners (n = 267). Participants in the RCT and cohort study will be asked to complete questionnaires at baseline, and after six and 12 months, assessing work- and health-related outcomes. Generalized estimating equations will be used to assess intervention's effectiveness, compared to usual care, regarding primary (i.e., working hours per week) and secondary outcomes. Also economic and process evaluations will be performed. For the cohort study, logistic or linear regression modelling will be applied assessing work- and health-related outcomes (primary outcome: working hours) of cancer survivors' partners, and what factors predict these outcomes. RESULTS: The study is planned to start in September 2021; results are expected in 2023. CONCLUSION: Compared to usual care, the STEPS intervention is hypothesized to be (cost-)effective and the intervention could be a valuable addition to standard care helping cancer survivors to sustain employment. Further, it is expected that living with a cancer survivor has a substantial impact on work and health of partners, while specific groups of partners that are at particular risk for this impact are likely to be identified. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Dutch Trial Register ( NTR;NL9094 ; 15-12-2020)