192 research outputs found

    Expression of tumor-specific antigen MAGE, GAGE and BAGE in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To observe mRNA expression of tumor-specific antigen MAGE, BAGE and GAGE in epithelial ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines, to explore the relationship between gene expression and diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of ovarian cancer, and to evaluate the feasibility of their gene products as markers, and an immunotherapy target for ovarian cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>mRNA expression of MAGE-1, MAGE-3, GAGE-1/2 and BAGE were determined by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in 14 cases of normal ovarian tissue, 20 cases of ovarian benign tumor specimens, 41 cases of ovarian cancer specimens, and ovarian cancer cell lines SKOV3, A2780, and COC1.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MAGE, GAGE and BAGE genes were not expressed in normal ovarian tissue. In benign tumors, only the MAGE gene was expressed; the expression rate of this gene in benign tumors was 15% (3/20). In ovarian cancer tissues, MAGE-1 and MAGE-3 was highly expressed, with expression rates of 53.7% (22/41) and 36.6% (15/41), while GAGE-1/2 and BAGE had relatively low expression, with rates of 26.8% (11/41) and 14.6% (6/41). In metastatic lesions of ovarian cancer, only MAGE-1 and BAGE were expressed, with expression rates of 28.6% (2/7) and 14.3% (1/7). The positive expression rates of MAGE-1 and MAGE-3 in serous cystadenocarcinoma were significantly higher than that in other types of ovarian cancer (<it>P </it>< 0.05). Gene expression rate was not correlated with menopause or lymph node metastasis. Positive expression of MAGE-1 and MAGE-3 was positively correlated with tumor differentiation and the clinical stage of the ovarian cancer. In addition, the positive expression rate of BAGE was significantly higher in ovarian cancer patients with ascites (<it>P </it>< 0.05). The mRNA expression profiles of MAGE, GAGE and BAGE in ovarian carcinoma cell lines SKOV3, A2780 and COC1 varied, but there was at least one gene expressed in each cell line.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Tumor-specific antigen MAGE, BAGE and GAGE may play a role in the occurrence and development of ovarian cancer. These genes can be used as one of the important indicators for early diagnosis, efficacy evaluation and prognostic determination of ovarian cancer.</p

    Bioinformatics : indispensable, yet hidden in plain sight?

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    BACKGROUND: Bioinformatics has multitudinous identities, organisational alignments and disciplinary links. This variety allows bioinformaticians and bioinformatic work to contribute to much (if not most) of life science research in profound ways. The multitude of bioinformatic work also translates into a multitude of credit-distribution arrangements, apparently dismissing that work. RESULTS: We report on the epistemic and social arrangements that characterise the relationship between bioinformatics and life science. We describe, in sociological terms, the character, power and future of bioinformatic work. The character of bioinformatic work is such that its cultural, institutional and technical structures allow for it to be black-boxed easily. The result is that bioinformatic expertise and contributions travel easily and quickly, yet remain largely uncredited. The power of bioinformatic work is shaped by its dependency on life science work, which combined with the black-boxed character of bioinformatic expertise further contributes to situating bioinformatics on the periphery of the life sciences. Finally, the imagined futures of bioinformatic work suggest that bioinformatics will become ever more indispensable without necessarily becoming more visible, forcing bioinformaticians into difficult professional and career choices. CONCLUSIONS: Bioinformatic expertise and labour is epistemically central but often institutionally peripheral. In part, this is a result of the ways in which the character, power distribution and potential futures of bioinformatics are constituted. However, alternative paths can be imagined

    Using three-dimensional ultrasound in predicting complex gastroschisis:A longitudinal, prospective, multicenter cohort study

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    Objective: To determine whether complex gastroschisis (ie, intestinal atresia, perforation, necrosis, or volvulus) can prenatally be distinguished from simple gastroschisis by fetal stomach volume and stomach-bladder distance, using three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound. Methods: This multicenter prospective cohort study was conducted in the Netherlands between 2010 and 2015. Of seven university medical centers, we included the four centers that performed longitudinal 3D ultrasound measurements at a regular basis. We calculated stomach volumes (n = 223) using Sonography-based Automated Volume Count. The shortest stomach-bladder distance (n = 241) was determined using multiplanar visualization of the volume datasets. We used linear mixed modelling to evaluate the effect of gestational age and type of gastroschisis (simple or complex) on fetal stomach volume and stomach-bladder distance. Results: We included 79 affected fetuses. Sixty-six (84%) had been assessed with 3D ultrasound at least once; 64 of these 66 were liveborn, nine (14%) had complex gastroschisis. With advancing gestational age, stomach volume significantly increased, and stomach-bladder distance decreased (both P <.001). The developmental changes did not differ significantly between fetuses with simple and complex gastroschisis, neither for fetal stomach volume (P =.85), nor for stomach bladder distance (P =.78). Conclusion: Fetal stomach volume and stomach-bladder distance, measured during pregnancy using 3D ultrasonography, do not predict complex gastroschisis

    Science and society in education

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    This booklet is for teachers who want to expand their teaching approaches to include socio-scientific issues which enrich and give meaning to core scientific principles. It is meant to enhance young people’s curiosity about the social and scientific world and raise important questions about issues which affect their lives. We call this approach Socio-Scientific Inquiry-Based Learning, or ‘SSIBL’ for short. Chapters 1 and 2 present an introduction to the theoretical background of SSIBL. In chapter 3, SSIBL will be approached from a classroom perspective, providing a simplified version of the framework and showing teaching examples

    Microarray evidence of glutaminyl cyclase gene expression in melanoma: implications for tumor antigen specific immunotherapy

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    BACKGROUND: In recent years encouraging progress has been made in developing vaccine treatments for cancer, particularly with melanoma. However, the overall rate of clinically significant results has remained low. The present research used microarray datasets from previous investigations to examine gene expression patterns in cancer cell lines with the goal of better understanding the tumor microenvironment. METHODS: Principal Components Analyses with Promax rotational transformations were carried out with 90 cancer cell lines from 3 microarray datasets, which had been made available on the internet as supplementary information from prior publications. RESULTS: In each of the analyses a well defined melanoma component was identified that contained a gene coding for the enzyme, glutaminyl cyclase, which was as highly expressed as genes from a variety of well established biomarkers for melanoma, such as MAGE-3 and MART-1, which have frequently been used in clinical trials of melanoma vaccines. CONCLUSION: Since glutaminyl cyclase converts glutamine and glutamic acid into a pyroglutamic form, it may interfere with the tumor destructive process of vaccines using peptides having glutamine or glutamic acid at their N-terminals. Finding ways of inhibiting the activity of glutaminyl cyclase in the tumor microenvironment may help to increase the effectiveness of some melanoma vaccines

    A genome-wide SNP-association study confirms a sequence variant (g.66493737C>T) in the equine myostatin (MSTN) gene as the most powerful predictor of optimum racing distance for Thoroughbred racehorses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Thoroughbred horses have been selected for traits contributing to speed and stamina for centuries. It is widely recognized that inherited variation in physical and physiological characteristics is responsible for variation in individual aptitude for race distance, and that muscle phenotypes in particular are important.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A genome-wide SNP-association study for optimum racing distance was performed using the EquineSNP50 Bead Chip genotyping array in a cohort of <it>n </it>= 118 elite Thoroughbred racehorses divergent for race distance aptitude. In a cohort-based association test we evaluated genotypic variation at 40,977 SNPs between horses suited to short distance (≤ 8 f) and middle-long distance (> 8 f) races. The most significant SNP was located on chromosome 18: BIEC2-417495 ~690 kb from the gene encoding myostatin (<it>MSTN</it>) [<it>P</it><sub>unadj. </sub>= 6.96 × 10<sup>-6</sup>]. Considering best race distance as a quantitative phenotype, a peak of association on chromosome 18 (chr18:65809482-67545806) comprising eight SNPs encompassing a 1.7 Mb region was observed. Again, similar to the cohort-based analysis, the most significant SNP was BIEC2-417495 (<it>P</it><sub>unadj. </sub>= 1.61 × 10<sup>-9</sup>; <it>P</it><sub>Bonf. </sub>= 6.58 × 10<sup>-5</sup>). In a candidate gene study we have previously reported a SNP (g.66493737C>T) in <it>MSTN </it>associated with best race distance in Thoroughbreds; however, its functional and genome-wide relevance were uncertain. Additional re-sequencing in the flanking regions of the <it>MSTN </it>gene revealed four novel 3' UTR SNPs and a 227 bp SINE insertion polymorphism in the 5' UTR promoter sequence. Linkage disequilibrium was highest between g.66493737C>T and BIEC2-417495 (<it>r</it><sup>2 </sup>= 0.86).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Comparative association tests consistently demonstrated the g.66493737C>T SNP as the superior variant in the prediction of distance aptitude in racehorses (g.66493737C>T, <it>P </it>= 1.02 × 10<sup>-10</sup>; BIEC2-417495, <it>P</it><sub>unadj. </sub>= 1.61 × 10<sup>-9</sup>). Functional investigations will be required to determine whether this polymorphism affects putative transcription-factor binding and gives rise to variation in gene and protein expression. Nonetheless, this study demonstrates that the g.66493737C>T SNP provides the most powerful genetic marker for prediction of race distance aptitude in Thoroughbreds.</p

    Investigation of G72 (DAOA) expression in the human brain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Polymorphisms at the G72/G30 locus on chromosome 13q have been associated with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder in more than ten independent studies. Even though the genetic findings are very robust, the physiological role of the predicted G72 protein has thus far not been resolved. Initial reports suggested G72 as an activator of D-amino acid oxidase (DAO), supporting the glutamate dysfunction hypothesis of schizophrenia. However, these findings have subsequently not been reproduced and reports of endogenous human G72 mRNA and protein expression are extremely limited. In order to better understand the function of this putative schizophrenia susceptibility gene, we attempted to demonstrate G72 mRNA and protein expression in relevant human brain regions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The expression of G72 mRNA was studied by northern blotting and semi-quantitative SYBR-Green and Taqman RT-PCR. Protein expression in human tissue lysates was investigated by western blotting using two custom-made specific anti-G72 peptide antibodies. An in-depth <it>in silico </it>analysis of the G72/G30 locus was performed in order to try and identify motifs or regulatory elements that provide insight to G72 mRNA expression and transcript stability.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Despite using highly sensitive techniques, we failed to identify significant levels of G72 mRNA in a variety of human tissues (e.g. adult brain, amygdala, caudate nucleus, fetal brain, spinal cord and testis) human cell lines or schizophrenia/control post mortem BA10 samples. Furthermore, using western blotting in combination with sensitive detection methods, we were also unable to detect G72 protein in a number of human brain regions (including cerebellum and amygdala), spinal cord or testis. A detailed <it>in silico </it>analysis provides several lines of evidence that support the apparent low or absent expression of G72.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that native G72 protein is not normally present in the tissues that we analysed in this study. We also conclude that the lack of demonstrable G72 expression in relevant brain regions does not support a role for G72 in modulation of DAO activity and the pathology of schizophrenia via a DAO-mediated mechanism. <it>In silico </it>analysis suggests that G72 is not robustly expressed and that the transcript is potentially labile. Further studies are required to understand the significance of the G72/30 locus to schizophrenia.</p

    The completion of the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC)

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    Since its start, the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) has sought to provide at least one full-protein-coding sequence cDNA clone for every human and mouse gene with a RefSeq transcript, and at least 6200 rat genes. The MGC cloning effort initially relied on random expressed sequence tag screening of cDNA libraries. Here, we summarize our recent progress using directed RT-PCR cloning and DNA synthesis. The MGC now contains clones with the entire protein-coding sequence for 92% of human and 89% of mouse genes with curated RefSeq (NM-accession) transcripts, and for 97% of human and 96% of mouse genes with curated RefSeq transcripts that have one or more PubMed publications, in addition to clones for more than 6300 rat genes. These high-quality MGC clones and their sequences are accessible without restriction to researchers worldwide

    The GENCODE human gene set

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    This article is part of the supplement: Beyond the Genome: The true gene count, human evolution and disease genomics, Boston, MA, USA. 11-13 October 2010.The GENCODE consortium is a sub group of the ENCODE consortium. Its aim is to provide complete annotation of genes in the human genome including protein-coding loci, non-coding loci and pseudogenes, based on experimental evidence. The final aim is for the HAVANA team to manually annotate the complete genome. This is a time-consuming process which will be completed over the course of the ENCODE project. Currently, to provide a set of annotation covering the complete genome, rather than just the regions that have been manually annotated, a merge of manual annotation from HAVANA with automatic annotation from the Ensembl automatically annotated gene set is created. This process also adds unique full-length CDS predictions from the Ensembl protein coding set into manually annotated genes, to provide the most complete up to date annotation of the genome possible. Also included in the set are short and long ncRNA genes predicted by the Ensembl prediction pipelines and a consensus set of pseudogene predictions agreed between Havana, Yale and UCSC. The CCDS set is also fully represented within the GENCODE set. The GENCODE set is the default annotation available in Ensembl and is also available in the UCSC genome browser. All the annotation is tagged as to whether it is produced by manual annotation alone, automatic annotation alone, or by both approaches. We are currently working to provide confidence levels for annotation, based on depth and type of evidence supporting it
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