107 research outputs found
Rapid loss of firn pore space accelerates 21st century Greenland mass loss
Mass loss from the two major ice sheets and their contribution to global sea level rise is accelerating. In Antarctica, mass loss is dominated by increased flow velocities of outlet glaciers, following the thinning or disintegration of coastal ice shelves into which they flow. In contrast, ∼55% of post‒1992 Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) mass loss is accounted for by surface processes, notably increased meltwater runoff. A subtle process in the surface mass balance of the GrIS is the retention and refreezing of meltwater, currently preventing ∼40% of the meltwater to reach the ocean. Here we force a high‒resolution atmosphere/snow model with a mid‒range warming scenario (RCP4.5, 1970–2100), to show that rapid loss of firn pore space, by >50% at the end of the 21st century, quickly reduces this refreezing buffer. As a result, GrIS surface mass loss accelerates throughout the 21st century and its contribution to global sea level rise increases to 1.7 ±0.5 mm yr−1, more than four times the current value
Про ефективність діяльності товарних бірж України в роки НЕПу
Об’єктом дослідження статті є економічна та соціальна
ефективність діяльності товарних бірж України в період непу. При цьому
основна увага зосереджується на таких аспектах проблеми:
посередництво в купівлі й продажу товарів; реєстрація позабіржових
угод; надання послуг учасникам біржового торгу; підтримка комерційної
освіти, благодійність тощо.Объектом исследования статьи является экономическая и
социальная эффективность деятельности товарных бирж Украины в
период нэпа. При этом основное внимание сосредоточивается на таких
аспектах проблемы: посредничество в купле и продаже товаров;
регистрация внебиржевых сделок; предоставление услуг участникам
биржевого торга; поддержка коммерческого образования,
благотворительность и т. п
Контроль выбросов вспомогательных корпусов АЭС: состояние и пути совершенствования
Произведен анализ состояния системы контроля выбросов через вентиляционные системы СК АЭС с ВВЭР на примере Запорожской АЭС (ЗАЭС)
Християнство і європейська духовно-культурна ідентичність
Стаття присвячена з’ясуванню ролі і місця християнства у формуванні європейської ідентичності в
умовах ціннісної дезорієнтації, дегуманізації людини і суспільства, морального та релігійного хаосу.Статья посвящена выяснению роли и места христианства в формировании европейской идентичности в
условиях ценностной дезориентации, дегуманизации человека и общества, морального и религиозного хаоса.The article is devoted to finding out the role and place of christianity in forming of the European identity in the
conditions of the valued disorientation, dehumanizing of man and society, moral and religious chaos
Социально-экономические последствия изменения ставок акцизного сбора
Проаналізовано основні тенденції зміни ставок акцизного збору з алкогольних та тютюнових виробів в Україні та запропонована порівняльна характеристика законодавчого забезпечення. Подано оцінку можливих економічних та соціальних наслідків їх підвищення, виявлено як позитивні, так і негативні тенденції, зроблено висновки щодо доцільності змін. Ключові слова: акцизний збір, ставка акцизного збору, підакцизні товари.Проанализированы основные тенденции изменения ставок акцизного сбора с алкогольной продукции и табачных изделий в Украине и предложена сравнительная характеристика законодательного обеспечения. Дана оценка возможных экономических и социальных последствий их повышения, выявлены как положительные, так и отрицательные тенденции, сделаны выводы о целесообразности изменения. Ключевые слова: акцизный сбор, ставка акцизного сбора, подакцизные товары.The basic tendencies in changing of excise duties’ rate, specifically in alcoholic and tobacco products, in Ukraine were analysed, and was shifted the comparison characteristic of the legislative control. The estimation of possible economic and social outcome of the rate increase was made, both negative and positive its tendencies were revealed, and was drawn the conclusion on the expedience of changes. Key words: excise tax, rate of excise duties, items liable to excise duties
Dynamical Interaction between Atmosphere and Sea Ice in Antarctica
Abstract Sea ice that covers large parts of the polar oceans throughout most of the year responds to changes in the atmosphere or the ocean within a short period of time. The rapid decrease of the Arctic sea ice cover in the past decades has led to a fundamental discussion of the role of sea ice in the climate system. Surprisingly, in contrast to the northern hemisphere, the sea ice in the Southern Ocean has been slightly increasing over the last decades. This is owing to essentially different processes that take place around Antarctica. There, the ice is not confined to a basin as in the Arctic Ocean but can move rather freely around the Antarctic continent which results in a strong response to changes in the wind field. In this Master's thesis I examined the impact of the variations in the coastal Antarctic atmospheric boundary layer on the sea ice. By studying wind driven sea ice transport in the Southern Ocean and temporal and spatial variabilities in the period 1989 to 2006, I have revealed important characteristics of the sea ice cover and processes that determine its growth and decay. The near surface wind field over the coastal continent and ocean as well as its forcing mechanisms were described in detail by using output from a regional atmospheric climate model. This showed strong relations to key parameters that I have deduced from a satellite record of sea ice concentration and sea ice motion. The regions of the largest sea ice extent, the Ross and Weddell Seas, are also those areas where most of the sea ice transport takes place and where its variability is the largest. Interannual variations and trends of transport are associated with varying sea ice concentration just north of these areas in the Ross and Weddell Seas. Comparing the wind field and the sea ice motion, I found out that spatial patterns of persistent southerly or south-easterly winds coincide with those of ice drift. The winds in these regions result from combined effects of the large-scale pressure distribution, cold air that accumulates over the ice shelves, and large topographic barriers that alter the flow. Adjacent to the large Ross and Ronne-Filchner Ice Shelves constant outflow of cold air takes place almost year-round. Here, sea ice is constantly exported from the coastal region, and large polynyas and leads form. As the cold winds not only lead to sea ice transport but also support refreezing of the open water, these areas are associated with strong sea ice formation. I have defined an index that captures the outflow of cold continental air from the ice shelves. The long-term variations in outflow correlate well with variations of the sea ice cover and meridional sea ice transport in the Ross and western Weddell Seas. Further, the results suggest that the positive trend of sea ice cover in western Ross Sea and the negative trend in the western Weddell Sea are related to a respective seasonal increase and decrease of cold air outflow. Overall, in my thesis, I showed that the dynamical interaction between the atmospheric boundary layer and the sea ice is a regional key element in the interannual variability and the long-term changes of the sea ice cover in the Southern Ocean
Интернационализация подготовки научных кадров в развитых европейских странах:проблемы и уроки
Показаны формы международного сотрудничества в рамках интернационализации докторского образования, стратегии интернационализации высшего образования в целом и докторского в частности. Описан накопленный опыт, сформулированы основные уроки и полезные идеи, вытекающие из него.Показано форми міжнародного співробітництва у рамках інтернаціоналізації докторської освіти, стратегії інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти загалом та докторської зокрема. Описано накопичений досвід, сформульовано основні уроки та корисні ідеї, що випливають з нього.Forms of international cooperation in internationalization of doctoral education, strategies of internationalization in higher education in general and doctoral education in particular are shown. Experiences accumulated in this field are described; main lessons and useful ideas born from the experiences are outlined
Controls on short-term variations in Greenland glacier dynamics
Short-term ice-dynamical processes at Greenland’s Jakobshavn and Kangerdlugssuaq glaciers were studied using a 3 day time series of synthetic aperture radar data acquired during the 2011 European Remote-sensing Satellite-2 (ERS-2) 3 day repeat campaign together with modelled meteorological parameters. The time series spans the period March–July 2011 and captures the first 30% of the summer melting season. In both study areas, we observe velocity fluctuations at the lower 10 km of the glacier. At Jakobshavn Isbræ, where our dataset covers the first part of the seasonal calving-front retreat, we identify ten calving episodes, with a mean calving-front area loss of 1.29 0.4km2. Significant glacier speed-up was observed in the near-terminus area following all calving episodes. We identify changes in calving-front geometry as the dominant control on velocity fluctuations on both glaciers, apart from
Семантические барьеры в деловой коммуникации
Статья из специализированного выпуска научного журнала "Культура народов Причерноморья", материалы которого объединены общей темой "Язык и Мир" и посвящены общим вопросам Языкознания и приурочены к 80-летию со дня рождения Николая Александровича Рудякова.Стаття із спеціалізованого випуску наукового журналу "Культура народов Причерноморья", матеріали якого поєднані загальною темою "Мова і Світ" і присвячені загальним питанням мовознавства і приурочені до 80-річчя з дня народження Миколи Олександровича Рудякова
Meltwater produced by wind–albedo interaction stored in an East Antarctic ice shelf
Surface melt and subsequent firn air depletion can ultimately
lead to disintegration of Antarctic ice shelves1,2 causing
grounded glaciers to accelerate3 and sea level to rise. In
the Antarctic Peninsula, foehn winds enhance melting near
the grounding line4, which in the recent past has led to the
disintegration of the most northerly ice shelves5,6. Here, we
provide observational and model evidence that this process
also occurs over an East Antarctic ice shelf, where meltwaterinduced
firn air depletion is found in the grounding zone.
Unlike the Antarctic Peninsula, where foehn events originate
from episodic interaction of the circumpolar westerlies with
the topography, in coastal East Antarctica high temperatures
are caused by persistent katabatic winds originating from the
ice sheet’s interior. Katabatic winds warm and mix the air
as it flows downward and cause widespread snow erosion,
explaining >3 K higher near-surface temperatures in summer
and surface melt doubling in the grounding zone compared with
its surroundings. Additionally, these winds expose blue ice and
firn with lower surface albedo, further enhancing melt. The
in situ observation of supraglacial flow and englacial storage
of meltwater suggests that ice-shelf grounding zones in East
Antarctica, like their Antarctic Peninsula counterparts, are
vulnerable to hydrofracturing7
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